
    Crystal growth 1,3
    Dynamics of vesicle 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 21
    Granular Matter 23, 24

    3D Foam aging and plasticity  11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 25, 31

    Meniscus friction 17, 26, 27, 32, 33
    Foam in Hele shaw cell 10, 12, 15, 18, 36, 37
    Foam in porous media 38, 39, 49, 51

    Dynamics of suspended films 8, 34, 35, 40, 45, 46, 58, 61, 63-66, 70
    Internal dissipation in foams - Toy-models 30, 56
    Vertical film drainage 52, 57
    Marginal regeneration 60, 62, 68

    Shock wave absorption by liquid foams   43, 50, 59
    Bubbles and drops in microchannels  22, 28, 29, 42, 44, 48, 54, 55, 69
    Surfactant spreading and Marangoni flows   41, 47, 53
    Particles in films   67, 71

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  2. Adhesion-induced vesicle propulsion.
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  3. Directional solidification under stress.
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  4. Dynamics and similarity laws for adhering vesicles.
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  5. Lift force and dynamical unbinding of adhering vesicles under shear flow.
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  6. Vesicle propulsion in haptotaxis : a local model.
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  7. Fluctuations of a membrane interacting with a diffusion field.
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  8. Stability of soap films: hysteresis and nucleation of black films.
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  9. Vesicles in haptotaxis with hydrodynamical dissipation.
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  10. Dynamical transition induced by large bubbles in 2D foam flows.
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  11. Dynamics and Topological Aspects of ReconstructedTwo-Dimensional Foam Time Series.
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  12. Dissipation in foam flowing through narrow channels.
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  13. Extraction of relevant physical parameters from 3D images of foams obtained by X-ray tomography.
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  14. In-situ investigations on organic foam films using neutron and synchrotron radiations.
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  15. Dissipative flows of 2D foams.
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  16. Mechanical probing of liquid foam aging.
    I. Cantat, O. Pitois.
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  17. Viscous force exerted on a foam at a solid boundary : influence of the liquid fraction and of the bubble size.
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  18. Experimental evidence of flow destabilisation in 2D bidisperse foam.
    I. Cantat, C. Poloni, R. Delannay.
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  19. Stokes experiment in a liquid foam.
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  20. Experimental growth law for bubbles in a moderately "wet" 3D foam.
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  21. Lateral migration of a two-dimensional vesicle in unbounded Poiseuille flow.
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  22. 2D foam coarsening in a microfluidic system.
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  23. Saltating Particles in a Turbulent Boundary Layer: Experiment and Theory
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  24. A continuum model for steady, fully developed saltation above an horizontal particle bed.
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  25. Coarsening foams robustly reach a self-similar growth regime.
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  26. Deformation of soap films pushed through tubes at high velocity
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  27. The role of surface rheology in liquid film formation
    B. Scheid, J. Delacotte, B. Dollet, E. Rio, F. Restagno, E.A. van Nierop, I. Cantat, D. Langevin and H.A. Stone.
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  28. Thermocapillary actuation by optimized resistor pattern: bubbles and droplets displacing, switching and trapping.
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  29. Temperature-induced migration of a bubble in a soft microcavity.
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  30. Gibbs elasticity effect in foam shear flows: a non quasi-static 2D numerical simulation.
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  31. Experimental link of coarsening rate and volume distribution in dry foam.
    J. Lambert, R. Delannay, F. Graner, I. Cantat.
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  32. Liquid films with high surface modulus moving in tubes: dynamic wetting film and jumpy motion
    I. Cantat, B. Dollet.
    Soft Matter. vol. 8, p. 7790 (2012) pdf

  33. Liquid meniscus friction on a wet plate: Bubbles, lamellae and foams
    I. Cantat.
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  34. Light induced flows opposing drainage in foams and thin-films using photosurfactants
    C. Chevallier, A. Saint-Jalmes, I. Cantat, F. Lequeux, C. Monteux
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  35. Extension of a suspended soap film: a two step process
    J. Seiwert, M. Monloubou, B. Dollet, I. Cantat.
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  36. Response of a two-dimensional liquid foam to air injection: swelling rate, fingering and fracture.
    I. Ben Salem, I. Cantat, B. Dollet.
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  37. Response of a two-dimensional liquid foam to air injection: infuence of surfactants, critical velocities and branched fracture
    I. Ben Salem, I. Cantat, B. Dollet,
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  38. Structure dependent mobility of a dry aqueous foam flowing along two parallel channels.
    S.A. Jones, B. Dollet, Y. M Méheust , S. J. Cox, I. Cantat
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  39. Influence of the elastic deformation of a foam on its mobility in channels of linearly varying width.
    B. Dollet, S.A. Jones, Y. Méheust and I. Cantat
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  40. Pulling soap film out of a reservoir: interfacial condition for a steady state.
    J. Seiwert, B. Dollet, I. Cantat.
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  41. Marangoni flow of water-soluble surfactants.
    M. Roché, Z. Li, I. M. Griffith, S. Le Roux, I. Cantat, A. Saint-Jalmes, H. A. Stone
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  42. Foam drainage control using thermocapillary stress in a two-dimensional microchamber.
    V. Mirailles, B. Selva, I. Cantat, and M.-C. Jullien.
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  43. Influence of bubble size and thermal dissipation on compressive wave attenuation in liquid foams.
    M. Monloubou, A. Saint-Jalmes, B. Dollet, and I. Cantat
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  44. Droplets in Microchannels: Dynamical Properties of the Lubrication Film.
    A. Huerre, O. Theodoly, A. Leshansky, M.-P. Valignat, I. Cantat and M.-C. Jullien.
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  45. On the generation of a foam film during a topological rearrangement.
    P. Petit, J. Seiwert, I. Cantat, A.-L. Biance
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  46. Generation of soap films with instantaneously adsorbed surfactants: concentration-dependent film thinning.
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  47. Soluble surfactant spreading: How the amphiphilicity sets the Marangoni hydrodynamics.
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  48. Investigating the role of a poorly soluble surfactant in a thermally driven 2D microfoam.
    V. Miralles, E. Rio, I. Cantat, and M.-C. Jullien.
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  49. The flow of a foam in a two-dimensional porous medium.
    B. Géraud, S. A. Jones, I. Cantat, B. Dollet and Y. Méheust
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  50. Blast wave attenuation in liquid foams: role of gas and evidence of an optimal bubble size.
    M. Monloubou, M. A. Bruning, A. Saint-Jalmes, B. Dollet, and I. Cantat
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  51. Lamella division in a foam flowing through a two-dimensional porous medium: A model fragmentation process
    B. Géraud, Y. Méheust, I. Cantat and B. Dollet
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  52. Velocity field in a vertical foam film.
    J. Seiwert, R. Kervil, S. Nou, I. Cantat
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  53. Enhanced interfacial deformation in a Marangoni flow: a measure of the dynamical surface tension.
    R. Leite Pinto, S. Le Roux, I. Cantat, and A. Saint-Jalmes
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  54. Topography of the lubrication film under a pancake droplet traveling in a Hele-Shaw cell.
    B. Reichert, A. Huerre, O. Theodoly, M.-P. Valignat, I. Cantat, and M.-C. Jullien.
    J. Fluid Mech. 850 p.708 (2018) pdf

  55. Predicting droplet velocity in a Hele-Shaw cell.
    B. Reichert, I. Cantat and M.-C. Jullien.
    Phys. Rev. F 4 p.113602 (2019) pdf

  56. Marangoni stress induced by rotation frustration in a liquid foam.
    A. Bérut and I. Cantat.
    Soft Matter 15 p.1562 (2019) pdf

  57. Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a foam film.
    E. Shabalina, M. Cavelier, A. Bérut, A. Saint-Jalmes and I. Cantat.
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  58. Dynamical coupling between connected foam films: interface transfer across the menisci.
    A. Bussonnière, E. Shabalina, X. Ah-Thon, M. Le Fur and I. Cantat.
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  59. Impact of a shock wave on a heterogeneous foam film.
    Q. Raimbaud, M. Monloubou, S. Kerampran and I. Cantat.
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  60. Marginal regeneration in a horizontal film. Instability growth law in the non linear regime.
    A. Gros, A. Bussonnière, S. Nath and I. Cantat.
    Phys. Rev. F 6 p.024004 (2021) pdf

  61. Local origin of the visco-elasticity of a millimetric elementary foam.
    A. Bussonnière and I. Cantat.
    J. Fluid Mech. 922 p.A25 (2021) pdf

  62. Instability of the 1D thickness profile at the edge of a horizontal foam film and its Plateau border.
    C. Trégouët and I. Cantat.
    Phys. Rev. F 6 p.114005 (2021) pdf

  63. Non linear elasticity of foam films made of SDS/dodecanol mixture.
    R. Poryles, T. Lenavetier, E. Schaub, A. Bussonnière, A. Saint-Jalmes and I. Cantat.
    Soft Matter 18 p.2046 (2022) pdf

  64. Liquid foam under simple shear : local flows in the films.
    R. Poryles, A. Bussonnière, E. Schaub and I. Cantat.
    Europhys. Lett 41 p.23001 (2023) pdf

  65. Generation of Giant Soap Films.
    M. Pasquet, F. Restagno, I. Cantat, and E. Rio.
    Phys. Rev. F 8 p.034001 (2023) pdf

  66. Line tension in a thick foam film.
    T. Lenavetier, G. Audéoud, M. Berry, A. Gauthier, R. Poryles, C. Trégouët and I. Cantat.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 p.054001 (2024) pdf

  67. Hydrodynamic thinning of a coating film induced by a small solid defect: evidence of a time-minimum thickness.
    A. Etienne-Simonetti, F. Restagno, I. Cantat and E. Rio.
    Soft Matter 20 p.7715 (2024) pdf

  68. Stability of an elongated thickness fluctuation in a horizontal soap film.
    I. Cantat and C. Trégouët.
    J. Fluid Mech. 1003 p.A22 (2025) pdf

  69. Droplet velocity in the limit of low soluble surfactant in a Hele-Shaw cell: experimental and analytical results.
    J. T. Baué, A. Gans, L. Jannin, B. Reichert, I. Cantat and M.-C. Jullien.
    To appear in J. Fluid. Mech. (2025) pdf

  70. Surfactant exchanges between deformed soap films.
    T. Lenavetier, E. Schaub and I. Cantat.
    To appear in Phys. Rev. lett. (2025) pdf

  71. Sliding dynamics of a particle in a soap film.
    Y. Louyer, B. Dollet, I. Cantat and A. Gauthier.
    To appear in J. Fluid. Mech. (2025) pdf

Livre et chapitre de livre
Les mousses. Structure et dynamique.
I. Cantat, S. Cohen-Addad, F. Elias, F. Graner, R. Höhler, O. Pitois, F. Rouyer, A. Saint-Jalmes
Collection Echelle, Belin (2010)
Version anglaise:
Foams. Structure and dynamics. Translated by Ruth Flatman and Edited by Simon Cox.
Oxford University Press (2013)

Les mousses liquides: Evolution par diffusion gazeuse.
I. Cantat, R. Delannay et J. Lambert,
in "Matière en désordre", EDP sciences, Savoirs Actuels, édité par D. Bideau, E. Guyon, J.-P. Hulin (2014).

Vesicle dynamics in chemotaxis, haptotaxis, and under shear flow.
I. Cantat and C. Misbah
Transport and structures, their competitive roles in biophysics and chemistry
Springer (Berlin 1999), No 532, p. 93, eds S. Mueller, J. Parisi, W. Zimmermann.