François Maucourant
Maître de Conférence / Associate Professor
Equipe de Théorie Ergodique  / Ergodic Theory Team

Adresse :             IRMAR, Université Rennes I
                           Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex (FRANCE)  

Où :                     Bureau 316, bâtiment 22 / Office 316, building 22
Tel :                     02 23 23 52 91photo jpg
Courriel / Email:   francois.maucourant arobas

Thèmes de recherche (dans le désordre): Actions de groupes de Lie, Théorie Ergodique, Approximation diophantienne , marches aléatoires sur les groupes
Research keywords : Lie group actions, ergodic theory, diophantine approximation, random walks on groups

Le cours de CMA est principalement basé sur le poly de Christophe Mourougane [poly] , (a partir du chapitre 2). Les deux premiers controles continus auront lieu les mercredi 11/10/23 et 22/11/23 à 16h15 en amphi B, batiment 2A. Le dernier aura lieu le 21/12/23.
CMA Feuille de TD 1, Feuille de TD 2, Feuille de TD 3, Feuille de TD 4, Feuille de TD 5, CC1 et son corrigé, CC2 et son corrigé.


* Size of discriminants of periodic geodesics on the modular surface, arxiv


* Unique ergodicity of asynchronous rotations, arxiv, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier.
* With S. Cantat and Y. Moreno Alonso, The Farfalle mystery, to appear in l'Enseignement mathématique.
* With B. Schapira, On topological and measurable dynamics of unipotent frame flows for hyperbolic manifolds ,Duke Math. J. 168(4): 697-747 arxiv
* With S.Gouëzel and F. Matheus,  Entropy and drift in word hyperbolic groups, Invent. Math. 211 (2018), no. 3 arXiv
* With B. Schapira, Distribution of orbits in $\R^2$ of a finitely generated group of $\SL(2,\R)$. American Journal of Maths 136 (2014), no. 6. arXiv:1204.5158
* With S.Gouëzel and F. Matheus,  Sharp lower bounds for the asymptotic entropy of symmetric random walks. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics. arXiv:1209.3378
* With B. Weiss, Lattice action on the plane revisited, Geometriae Dedicata: Volume 157, Number 1 (2012) Pages 1-21. arXiv:1001.4924.
* With Y.Coudene, Horocycles récurrents sur des surfaces de volume infini, Geometriae Dedicata: Volume 149, Issue 1 (2010) , Page 231. pdf.
* Arithmetical and geometrical aspects of homogeneous diophantine approximation by algebraic numbers
in a given number field, Proceedings "Dynamical systems and Diophantine Approximations", Séminaires et congrès vol 22, S.M.F. pdf.
* Appendix of  arXiv:1004.2554
* A non-homogeneous orbit closure of a diagonal subgroup, Annals of Mathematics, vol 171, no 1 (2010), 557--570.  arXiv:0707.2920
* With  A.Gorodnik et H.Oh, Manin's and Peyre's conjectures on rational points and adelic mixing, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4)  41 (2008),  no.3, 383--435. arXiv:math/0601127
* Homogeneous asymptotic limits of Haar measures of semisimple Lie groups and their lattices, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol 136 (2), 2007, p 357-399.  arXiv:math/0512240 .
* Dynamical Borel-Cantelli Lemma for hyperbolic spaces, Israel Journal of mathematics, 152 (2006), p 143-155, Version ps
* With A.Gorodnik, Proximality and Equidistribution on the Furstenberg boundary,  Geometriae Dedicata, 113 (2005) : 197-213, arXiv:math/0406219
* Sur les spectres de Lagrange et Markoff des corps imaginaires quadratiques, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2003),23, 193-205. Version pdf
* Thèse de Mathématiques/PhD Thesis.
* HDR lien HAL

Last update  16/04/2024