Fig4TeX Reference Guide

(Version 1.9.2, February 15, 2022)
| Introduction | Reference Guide | Tutorial | Examples | Pdf Documentation |
Alphabetical Lists of Macros
Geometrical macros - Mute macros
('\fig' Macros)
Writing macros - Non-mute macros
('\figwrite' Macros)
Macros for graphical generation
('\figdraw' Macros)
Geometrical macros - Mute macros
Control macros
Basic macros
Macros for elementary geometry
Transformation macros (one result)
Transformation macros (multiple result)
Geometrical construction macros
Macros related to the triangle
Macros related to arcs and curves
Writing macros - Non-mute macros
Control macros
Writing macros
Macros for graphical generation
Control macros
Basic drawing macros
Other drawing macros
Flow chart
Sign or symbol
Triangle related macros

Geometrical macros - Mute macros

Control macros

Top of page \figinit{ScaleFactorUnit} or \figinit{ScaleFactorUnit, 2D}
Top of page \figinit{ScaleFactorUnit, X} with X in {3D, cavalier, orthogonal, realistic}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Initialization before the creation of a new figure. It is necessary to call this
 macro in case of successive figures. No check is performed on the arguments.
 First argument : Choice of the unit and the scale factor.
  The unit can be one those defined in the TeX Book, namely: pt (TeX point),
  pc (pica, 1pc = 12pt), in (inch, 1in = 72.27pt), bp (big point, 72bp = 1in),
  cm (centimeter, 2.54cm = 1in), mm (millimeter, 10mm = 1cm), dd (point didot,
  1157dd = 1238pt), cc (cicero, 1cc = 12dd), sp (scaled point, 65536sp = 1pt)
  By default, pt is assumed and the scale factor is 1. For example, \figinit{in}
  is equivalent to \figinit{2.54cm}.
 Second argument (optional) : Choice of the space dimension and, in 3D, the
  projection type.
  If this argument is equal to 2D or absent, then geometry in the plane is assumed,
  otherwise geometry in three dimensions is performed.
  Moreover, if this argument is equal to:
   . orthogonal, then the orthogonal projection is used,
   . realistic, then the realistic projection is used,
   . 3D or cavalier (or anything else), then the cavalier projection is used.
Top of page \figinsert{} or \figinsert{FileName} or \figinsert{FileName, ScaleFactor}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Insertion of the file FileName in the page, scaled by ScaleFactor which by default
 equals to 1. This macro must be used to include a graphical file created by Fig4TeX.
 If the argument is empty or blank, the internal default file name is used, i.e. the
 included file is the last file created by the command \figdrawbegin{}. Otherwise,
 the first argument is assumed to be the valid file name of an existing file.
 If given, the file name must not begin with a digit.
 See also \figinsertE.
Top of page \figinsertE{FileName} or \figinsertE{FileName, ScaleFactor}
Examples:  1  2  3
 Insertion of the external file FileName in the page, scaled by ScaleFactor
 which by default equals to 1. In PDF mode, this macro allows to include
 so-called "external" files such as JBIG2, JPEG, PDF or PNG files.
 In DVI mode, this macro allows to include PostScript files only.
Top of page \figscan FileName(HX,HY)
Examples:  1  2
 Draws a rectangular grid with horizontal and vertical steps HX and HY, with
 numerical values corresponding to the bounding box read in the file FileName.
Top of page \figset projection (attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Setting the parameters governing the 3D -> 2D projection.
 The general calling sequence is
         \figset keyword (attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
 Here, the required keyword is "projection". See the macro \figset in the section
 "Macros for graphical generation" for the other keywords. The attributes are
 given below, along with the possible values and their definition.
 The current values can be obtained with the help of \figshowsettings.
 - keyword = projection
  . depth (or lambda) = real in [0,1] (default = 0.5): depth reduction coefficient
    (for the cavalier projection).
  . distance = real in user unit (default = 5 x the largest dimension of
    the 3D bounding box): observation distance (for the realistic projection).
  . latitude (or theta) = angle in degrees (default = 25): latitude of the
    observation direction.
  . longitude (or psi) = angle in degrees (default = 40): longitude of the
    observation direction.
  . targetpt = point number (default = center of the 3D bounding box): target
    point (for the realistic projection).
  Nota: These attributes must be set before step 2 (\figdrawbegin) and 3 (\figvisu).
        The cavalier projection is only defined by depth and psi. In this case,
        values of psi lying in [0,180] correspond to a view from above and to
        a view from beneath for values lying in [-180,0].
        The orthogonal projection is only defined by theta and psi.
        The realistic projection is defined by theta, psi, distance and targetpt.
        For those two projections, the observation direction is defined by the
        longitude psi and the latitude theta, with (psi, theta) = (0, 0)
        corresponding to the Ox line.
 - other keywords : see "Control macros" in section "Macros for graphical generation".
Top of page \figshowsettings
Examples:  1  2
 Prints to the terminal the current settings.
Top of page \figvisu{Vbox}{Caption}{Commands}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Creation of a Vbox containing the figure and the legends defined by the Commands,
 with a Caption centered below. Commands and Caption can be void.
 Three boxes are preallocated and are available to the user: \figBoxA, \figBoxB
 and \figBoxC (a single one is generally sufficient for a whole document since
 it can be reused several times).
 The numbers of the current figure and of the next one are also available via
 the expandable macros \figforTeXFigno and \figforTeXnextFigno.
Basic macros

Top of page \figpt NewPt :Text(X,Y)
Top of page \figpt NewPt :Text(X,Y,Z)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Definition of the point NewPt whose coordinates are (X,Y) or (X,Y,Z), with a joined Text.
 If Z is missing, then Z=0 is assumed. The default Text is $A_i$ where i is the number of
 the point (see \figset write(ptname={...})).
Top of page \figptbary NewPt :Text[Pt1,... ,PtN ; Coef1,... ,CoefN]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Barycenter or centroid (with a joined Text) of N points bearing integer coefficients
Top of page \figptbaryR NewPt :Text[Pt1,... ,PtN ; Coef1,... ,CoefN]
Examples:  1  2
 Barycenter or centroid (with a joined Text) of N points bearing real coefficients
Top of page \figptcopy NewPt :Text/Pt/
Examples:  1  2
 Definition of NewPt, with an associated Text, with the same coordinates as Pt.
Top of page \figget keyword = \Result [Arg1,...ArgN]
Top of page \figget keyword OP value = \Result [Arg1,...ArgN]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Computation of geometrical parameters specified by a keyword.
 The simplified calling sequence is
         \figget keyword = \Result [Arg1,...ArgN]
 where \Result is a macro that holds the expected result and Argi are the arguments
 needed to compute this value. \Result is a macro whose name is chosen by the user
 and can then be used as a symbolic numerical constant.
 The computed value can be modified by an arithmetic operation by using the general
 calling sequence
         \figget keyword OP value = \Result [Arg1,...ArgN]
 where OP is one of *, / or +, and value is a numerical constant or a symbolic numerical
 constant (i.e. stored in a macro). Thus, if e denotes the neutral element of OP, the
 simplified calling sequence above is equivalent to
         \figget keyword OP e = \Result [Arg1,...ArgN]
 For each keyword, the definition of the associated parameter is given below along with
 the simplified calling sequence:

 - keyword = angle
Examples:  1
Calling sequence in 2D: \figget angle = \Result [Center,Pt1,Pt2] Calling sequence in 3D: \figget angle = \Result [Center,Pt1,Pt2,Pt3] Computation of the value \Result (in degrees) of the oriented angle (CP1, CP2), where C=Center, P1=Pt1, P2=Pt2. In 3D, the plane is oriented so that the angle is measured counterclockwise around the vector CP1 x CP3, where P3=Pt3. Notice that C, P1, P2 and P3 must be coplanar, but P3 must not lie on the line (C,P1).
 - keyword = distance
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
Calling sequence: \figget distance = \Result [Pt1,Pt2] Computation of the euclidian distance \Result between the points Pt1 and Pt2. The distance is expressed in user units.
Top of page \figvectC NewVect (X,Y)
Top of page \figvectC NewVect (X,Y,Z)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Definition of the vector NewVect with components (X,Y) or (X,Y,Z).
 If Z is missing, then Z=0 is assumed.
Top of page \figvectN NewVect [Pt1,Pt2]
Top of page \figvectN NewVect [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Definition of the vector NewVect which is:
 . in 2D, the vector with origin point Pt1 and end point Pt2 rotated by pi/2
   (so normal to [Pt1,Pt2]),
 . in 3D, the vector product P1P2 / ||P1P2|| x P1P3 / ||P1P3||, ie a vector normal to
   the plane defined by the 3 points and so that (P1P2, P1P3, NewVect) is a positively
   oriented basis.
Top of page \figvectNV NewVect [Vector]
Top of page \figvectNV NewVect [Vector1, Vector2]
Examples:  1  2
 Definition of the vector NewVect which is:
 . in 2D, the vector Vector rotated by pi/2
 . in 3D, the vector product Vector1 / ||Vector1|| x Vector2 / ||Vector2|| so that
 (Vector1, Vector2, NewVect) is a positively oriented basis.
Top of page \figvectP NewVect [Pt1,Pt2]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Definition of the vector NewVect with origin point Pt1 and end point Pt2.
Top of page \figvectU NewVect [Vector]
Examples:  1  2  3  4
 Definition of the unitary vector NewVect which is Vector normalized according to
 the unit and the scale factor chosen by the user (see \figinit).
Macros for elementary geometry

Transformation macros (one result)

Top of page \figptmap NewPt :Text= Pt /InvPt/A11,A12 ; A21,A22/
Top of page \figptmap NewPt :Text= Pt /InvPt/A11,A12,A13 ; A21,A22,A23 ; A31,A32,A33/
Examples:  1

 Image NewPt (with a joined Text) of point Pt by the mapping defined by:
  . an invariant point InvPt
  . the matrix A whose coefficients are Aij, i,j in [1,d], d=2 in 2D or d=3 in 3D.
 If I=InvPt, P=Pt, P'=NewPt, P' is computed as IP' = A (IP).
Top of page \figpthom NewPt :Text= Pt /Center, Ratio/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Image NewPt of point Pt by the homothety of center Center and of ratio Ratio
 with a joined Text
Top of page \figptinv NewPt :Text= Pt /Center, Ratio/
Examples:  1
 Image NewPt of point Pt by the inversion of center Center and of ratio Ratio
 with a joined Text
Top of page \figptrot NewPt :Text= Pt /Center, Angle/
Top of page \figptrot NewPt :Text= Pt /Center, Angle, Vector/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Image NewPt (with a joined Text) of point Pt by the rotation defined:
 . in 2D, by the center Center and the angle Angle (in degrees),
 . in 3D, by the axis (Center, Vector) and the angle Angle (in degrees).
   Pt is rotated by Angle around the axis. The sense of rotation is such that
   (CP, CP', Vector) is a positively oriented basis, where C=Center, P=Pt, P'=NewPt.
Top of page \figptsym NewPt :Text= Pt /LinePt1, LinePt2/
Top of page \figptsym NewPt :Text= Pt /PlanePt, NormalVector/
Examples:  1
 Image NewPt (with a joined Text) of point Pt by the orthogonal symmetry
 with respect to:
 . in 2D, the line defined by the points LinePt1 and LinePt2,
 . in 3D, the plane defined by the point PlanePt and the vector NormalVector normal
 to the plane.
Top of page \figpttra NewPt :Text= Pt /Lambda, Vector/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Image NewPt of point Pt by the translation of vector Lambda * Vector
 with a joined Text.
Top of page \figpttraC NewPt :Text= Pt /X,Y/
Top of page \figpttraC NewPt :Text= Pt /X,Y,Z/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Image NewPt of point Pt by the translation of vector (X,Y) in 2D, (X,Y,Z) in 3D
 with a joined Text.
Top of page \figptorthoprojline NewPt :Text= Pt /LinePt1, LinePt2/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Image NewPt of point Pt by the orthogonal projection onto the line (LinePt1,LinePt2),
 with a joined Text.
Top of page \figptorthoprojplane NewPt :Text= Pt /PlanePt, NormalVector/
Examples:  1  2
 Image NewPt of point Pt by the orthogonal projection onto the plane defined by
 the point PlanePt and the normal vector NormalVector, with a joined Text.
Transformation macros (multiple result)

Top of page \figptsmap NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /InvPt/A11,A12 ; A21,A22/
Top of page \figptsmap NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /InvPt/A11,A12,A13; A21,A22,A23; A31,A32,A33/
Examples:  1  2

 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the mapping defined by:
  . an invariant point InvPt
  . the matrix A whose coefficients are Aij, i,j in [1,d], d=2 in 2D or d=3 in 3D.
 If I=InvPt, P=Pti, P'=NewPti, P' is computed as IP' = A (IP).
 See following information at \figptstra.
Top of page \figptshom NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /Center, Ratio/
Examples:  1  2  3
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the homothety of center Center and of ratio Ratio.
 See following information at \figptstra.
Top of page \figptsinv NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /Center, Ratio/
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the inversion of center Center and of ratio Ratio.
 See following information at \figptstra.
Top of page \figptsrot NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /Center, Angle/
Top of page \figptsrot NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /Center, Angle, Vector/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the rotation defined:
 . in 2D, by the center Center and the angle Angle (in degrees),
 . in 3D, by the axis (Center, Vector) and the angle Angle (in degrees). Each point
   Pti is rotated by Angle around the axis. The sense of rotation is such that
   (CP, CP', Vector) is a positively oriented basis, where C=Center, P=Pti, P'=NewPti.
 See following information at \figptstra.
Top of page \figptssym NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /LinePt1, LinePt2/
Top of page \figptssym NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /PlanePt, NormalVector/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the orthogonal symmetry with respect to:
 . in 2D, the line defined by the points LinePt1 and LinePt2,
 . in 3D, the plane defined by the point PlanePt and the vector NormalVector normal
 to the plane. See following information at \figptstra.
Top of page \figptstra NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /Lambda, Vector/
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the translation of vector Lambda * Vector
 - Common information to all multiple results macros -
 Text eventually previously associated with the result points is lost.
 The result points NewPti have successive numbers.
 The data points Pti can be given in any order.
 WARNING : Let Ir (resp. Id) the set of the result points numbers (resp. the set
 of the given points numbers). Let J the intersection of Ir and Id.
 1) Ir = Id, or J is empty, or NewPt1 does not belong to J: no problem.
 2) Otherwise, the result given by the macro MAY BE WRONG, at least partially:
    this is because, in this case, NewPt1 belongs to J, and the given points are
    taken into account sequentially, beginning from the first element in the list.
    -> Take note that one can take advantage of this feature to create a sequence
    of points such that P_{n+1} is the image of P_{n}. For example, given point 1,
    the statement   \figptsXXX 2=1,2/.../    will create point 2 image of point 1,
    and point 3 image of point 2.
Top of page \figptstraC NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /X,Y/
Top of page \figptstraC NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /X,Y,Z/
Examples:  1  2  3
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the translation of vector (X,Y) in 2D, (X,Y,Z) in 3D
 See following information at \figptstra.
Top of page \figptsorthoprojline NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /LinePt1, LinePt2/
Examples:  1
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the orthogonal projection onto the line (LinePt1, LinePt2).
Top of page \figptsorthoprojplane NewPt1 = Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN /PlanePt, NormalVector/
Examples:  1
 Images NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+(N-1) of points Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN
 by the orthogonal projection onto the plane defined by the point PlanePt and the
 normal vector NormalVector.
Geometrical construction macros

Top of page \figptinterlines NewPt :Text[LinePt1,Vector1; LinePt2,Vector2]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Intersection of the line defined by the point LinePt1 and the vector Vector1
             and the line defined by the point LinePt2 and the vector Vector2
 with a joined Text
Top of page \figptinterlineplane NewPt :Text[LinePt,Vector; PlanePt,NormalVector]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Intersection of the line defined by the point LinePt and the vector Vector
             and the plane defined by the point PlanePt and the normal vector NormalVector
 with a joined Text.
Top of page \figptsaxes NewPt1 : Origin(X1,X2, Y1,Y2)
Top of page \figptsaxes NewPt1 : Origin(X1,X2, Y1,Y2, Z1,Z2)
Top of page \figptsaxes NewPt1 : Origin(L)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 End points NewPt1, NewPt1+1 (and NewPt1+2 in 3D) of the arrows corresponding to
 the axes, drawn by the macro \figdrawaxes. The text $x$, $y$ (and $z$ in 3D) is
 automatically joined to the points, so that writing the legend with the
 \figwriteX macros is more straightforward. For example, in 2D, one can write
 something like:  \figwrites NewPt1:(3pt) \figwritew NewPt1+1:(3pt)
 Remember that these macros can override the default text setting.
 The short form \figptsaxes NewPt1 : Origin(L) is equivalent to
 \figptsaxes NewPt1 : Origin(0,L, 0,L) in 2D and
 \figptsaxes NewPt1 : Origin(0,L, 0,L, 0,L) in 3D.
 NOTA: For simplicity of use, the arguments of this macro are deduced from
       those of \figdrawaxes.
Top of page \figptendnormal NewPt :Text: Length,Lambda [Pt1,Pt2]
Examples:  1
 End point (with a joined Text) of the "exterior normal" to the segment [Pt1, Pt2].
 The length of the normal vector is Length. Lambda is the abscissa in [0,1] of the
 origin of the normal with respect to the segment [Pt1, Pt2], 0 corresponding to Pt1
 and 1 to Pt2. This sets the position of the normal vector along [Pt1, Pt2].
 In 3D-mode, it works only in the plane Z=0.
Top of page \figptsintercirc NewPt1 [Center1,Radius1 ; Center2,Radius2]
Top of page \figptsintercirc NewPt1 [Center1,Radius1 ; Center2,Radius2 ; PlanePt]
Examples:  1  2  3  4
 Intersections NewPt1 and NewPt2 (=NewPt1+1) of the two circles defined by their
 center and radius, (Center1,Radius1) and (Center2,Radius2).
 NewPt1 and NewPt2 must be different from Center1 and Center2.
 NewPt1 and NewPt2 are ordered so that the angle (NewPt1, Center1, NewPt2) is positive.
 If the two circles do not intersect, then NewPt1=Center1 and NewPt2=Center2.
 In 3D, the plane containing the two circles is defined by the three points Center1,
 Center2 and PlanePt (which must not lie on the same line). The three points
 (NewPt1, Center1, NewPt2) defined the same orientation as (Center2, Center1, PlanePt).
Top of page \figptsinterlinell NewPt1 [Center,XRad,YRad,Inclination ; LinePt1,LinePt2]
Examples:  1  2  3
 Intersections NewPt1 and NewPt2 (=NewPt1+1) of the line (LinePt1, LinePt2) and
 the ellipse defined by Center, XRad, YRad and Inclination (see \figptell).
 NewPt1 and NewPt2 must be different from LinePt1.
 NewPt1 and NewPt2 are ordered so that the vectors NewPt1NewPt2 and LinePt1LinePt2
 have the same direction.
 If the line does not intersect the ellipse, then NewPt1=LinePt1 and NewPt2=LinePt2.
 In 3D-mode, it works only in the plane Z=0.
Top of page \figptsinterlinellP NewPt1 [Center,PtAxis1,PtAxis2 ; LinePt1,LinePt2]
Examples:  1
 Intersections NewPt1 and NewPt2 (=NewPt1+1) of the line (LinePt1, LinePt2) and
 the ellipse defined by its Center, and the end points of its axes, A1=PtAxis1 and
 A2=PtAxis2. The local axes are then defined by the basis (CA1, CA2).
 NewPt1 and NewPt2 must be different from LinePt1.
 NewPt1 and NewPt2 are ordered so that the vectors NewPt1NewPt2 and LinePt1LinePt2
 have the same direction.
 If the line does not intersect the ellipse, then NewPt1=LinePt1 and NewPt2=LinePt2.
 In 3D, the 5 data points must lie in the same plane ; this is not checked.
Top of page \figptvisilimSL NewPt:Text[SegPt1,SegPt2 ; LinePt1,LinePt2]
Examples:  1
 Apparent intersection NewPt (with a joined Text) of the segment [SegPt1,SegPt2]
 and the line (LinePt1,LinePt2). NewPt is the visible limit of the segment hidden
 by an object an edge of which is lying on the line.
 If the projection of the line intersects the segment, the solution NewPt lies
 between SegPt1 and SegPt2, otherwise NewPt = SegPt1.
Macros related to the triangle

Top of page \figptcircumcenter NewPt :Text[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2  3

 Center NewPt of the circumscribed circle to the triangle (Pt1,Pt2,Pt3) with a joined Text.
Top of page \figptexcenter NewPt :Text[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1
 Center NewPt (with a joined Text) of the escribed circle to the triangle (Pt1,Pt2,Pt3)
 opposite to Pt1.
Top of page \figptincenter NewPt :Text[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2
 Center NewPt (with a joined Text) of the inscribed circle to the triangle (Pt1,Pt2,Pt3).
Top of page \figptorthocenter NewPt :Text[Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2
 Orthocenter NewPt of the triangle (Pt1,Pt2,Pt3) with a joined Text.
Macros related to arcs and curves

Top of page \figptcirc NewPt :Text: Center;Radius (Angle)
Top of page \figptcirc NewPt :Text: Center,Pt1,Pt2;Radius (Angle)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Creation of the point NewPt, with an associated Text, on the circle defined by its Center,
 and its Radius. The position of the point is set by the Angle given in degrees.
 In 3D, the circle is lying in the plane (Center,Pt1,Pt2) = (C,P1,P2) and
 the Angle is measured counterclockwise around the vector CP1 x CP2, starting from
 the half-line (C,P1).
Top of page \figptell NewPt :Text: Center;XRad,YRad (Angle,Inclination)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Creation of the point NewPt, with an associated Text, on the ellipse defined by Center,
 XRad, YRad and Inclination. Inclination is the rotation angle of the local axes with
 respect to the paper sheet. The position of the point is set by the parametrization
 Angle given in local axes. The two angles are given in degrees.
 In 3D-mode, it works only in the plane Z=0.
Top of page \figptellP NewPt :Text: Center,PtAxis1,PtAxis2 (Angle)
Examples:  1
 Creation of the point NewPt, with an associated Text, on the ellipse defined by its Center,
 and the end points of its axes, A1=PtAxis1 and A2=PtAxis2. The local axes are then
 defined by the basis (CA1, CA2). The position of the point is set by the parametrization
 Angle given in degrees, starting from the half-line (C,A1) and measured counterclockwise
 around the vector CA1 x CA2.
Top of page \figptBezier NewPt :Text: t [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Computes the point NewPt (with a joined Text) lying on the cubic Bezier curve defined
 by the four control points Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 and Pt4, for the parameter value t.
 We recall that if t=0, NewPt=Pt1 and if t=1, NewPt=Pt4.
Top of page \figptscontrol NewPt1 [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4]
Examples:  1  2  3  4
 Computes the two control points NewPt1 and NewPt2 (=NewPt1+1) so that the cubic Bezier
 curve defined by the control points Pt1, NewPt1, NewPt2 and Pt4 interpolates the
 four points Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 and Pt4 with respective parameter values of 0, 1/3, 2/3 and 1.
 The result points numbers can be anyone including Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 and Pt4.
Top of page \figptscontrolcurve NewPt1, \NbArcs [Pt0,Pt1,... ,PtN,PtN+1]
Examples:  1
 Computes the control points NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+M used by the macro
 \figdrawcurve when it is invoqued by  \figdrawcurve [Pt0,Pt1,... ,PtN,PtN+1]
 which draws a curve that consists in N-1 cubic Bezier arcs.
 \NbArcs is a TeX macro whose name is chosen by the user. It can be considered
 as a variable and on output, its value is N-1 so that the calling sequence
  \figdrawBezier \NbArcs [NewPt1, NewPt1+1,..., NewPt1+M] draws exactly the same curve.
 As a consequence, the data points Pti are duplicated on output : indeed, we have
 NewPt1+J = Pti with J=3*(i-1), i=1,...N.
 The result points numbers must be different from any of Pt0,Pt1,... ,PtN,PtN+1.
 On output, a total of M+1 points are created, with M = 3 * \NbArcs. 
 NOTA : this macro uses the current value of curve roundness.
Top of page \figptcurvcenter NewPt :Text: t [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4]
Examples:  1  2
 Curvature center NewPt (with a joined Text) at the point lying on the cubic Bezier curve
 defined by the four control points Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 and Pt4, for the parameter value t.
Top of page \figvectDBezier NewVect : n, t [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4]
Examples:  1  2  3  4
 Computes the vector NewVect corresponding to the derivative of order n of the cubic Bezier
 curve defined by the four control points Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 and Pt4, for the parameter value t.
 The order n must be equal to 1 or 2.
Writing macros - Non-mute macros

Control macros

Top of page \figcoord{NDec}
Examples:  1  2  3

 To write the coordinates of a point. To be used in the joined text argument
 of the macros that create points or the non-mute macros \figwrit* .
 Only NDec decimals are printed, after rounding. If NDec is absent, then the number
 of decimals to print is obtained from last call to \figset write (rounding=...)).
 The default value is 2.
Top of page \figround{RealNumber}
Examples:  1
 Rounds a numerical value. To be used in the joined text argument of the macros
 that create points and the non-mute macros \figwrit* . The number of decimals
 displayed is set by \figset write (rounding=...). The value to be rounded is
 generally a computed value, e.g. by \figget.
Top of page \figset write(attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Setting the attributes the \figwriteXX macros depend on.
 The general calling sequence is
         \figset keyword (attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
 Here, the required keyword is "write". See the macro \figset in the section
 "Macros for graphical generation" for the other keywords. The attributes are
 given below, along with the possible values and their definition.
 The current values can be obtained with the help of \figshowsettings.
 - keyword = write
  . mark = symbol : controls how the point position is shown ; the point marker
                    to be written can be a point (.) or $\bullet$ for example.
                    By default, nothing is written.
  . ptname = text : controls the definition of the point name ; the default name
                    for the point i is $A_i$: \figset write(ptname={$X^{(#1)}$})
                    changes it to $X^{(i)}$ for example.
  . rounding = Nd : sets Nd as the number of decimals printed with \figcoord or
                    \figround, after rounding.
 - other keywords : see "Control macros" in section "Macros for graphical generation".
Top of page \figshowpts[Nmin, Nmax]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Shows on the figure the location of every point defined since the beginning
 of the session, whose number lies in the interval [Nmin, Nmax].
 Writes a bullet at each location point along with the number of the point or
 the joined text if any.
 If Nmax-Nmin is too large, an error message "! TeX capacity exceeded" may occur.
Writing macros

Top of page \figwrite[Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN]{Text}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Writing a Text after Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN according to TeX's alignment.
Top of page \figwritec[Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN]{Text}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Writing a Text vertically and horizontally centered at Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN.
Top of page \figwritep[Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Writing the point marker at the locations defined by Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN.
Top of page \figwritew Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritee Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwriten Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwrites Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Writing the point marker at the locations defined by Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN, with a Text
 placed, with respect to each point, at a given Distance from each point towards
 the west, the east, the north or the south. Distance measures the shortest path
 between each Pti and the bounding box of the Text.
Top of page \figwritenw Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritesw Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritene Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritese Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Writing the point marker at the locations defined by Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN, with a Text
 placed, with respect to each point, at a given Distance from each point towards
 the north-west, the south-west, the north-east or the south-east. Distance measures
 the shortest path between each Pti and the bounding box of the Text.
Top of page \figwritebw Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritebe Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritebn Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritebs Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Examples:  1
 Writing a point marker at the locations defined by Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN, with a Text
 placed, with respect to each point, at a given Distance from each point towards
 the west, the east, the north or the south (BASELINE version).
 If X=w or e, Distance measures the length between Pti and the end (resp. the beginning)
 of the Text, while the baseline of the Text is set to Pti's ordinate.
 If X=n or s, the Text is horizontally centered and Distance measures the length between
 Pti and the baseline of the Text.
Top of page \figwritegcw Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(DistanceX,DistanceY)
Top of page \figwritegce Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(DistanceX,DistanceY)
Examples:  1
 Writing the point marker at the locations defined by Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN, with a Text
 placed, with respect to each point, at a horizontal distance DistanceX (west or east)
 and a vertical distance DistanceY between the point and the mid-height of the text.
Top of page \figwritegw Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(DistanceX,DistanceY)
Top of page \figwritege Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(DistanceX,DistanceY)
Examples:  1  2
 Writing the point marker at the locations defined by Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN, with a Text
 placed, with respect to each point, at a horizontal distance DistanceX (west or east)
 and a vertical distance DistanceY from the bottom of the bounding box of the Text if
 DistanceY > 0, from its top if DistanceY < 0. If DistanceY = 0, the Text is vertically
Top of page \figwritelw Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritele Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwriteln Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwritels Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance)
Top of page \figwriteln Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance,lambda)
Top of page \figwritels Pt1, Pt2, ..., PtN :Text(Distance,lambda)
Examples:  1
 Writing the Text placed at a given Distance from the reference point associated
 to each segment, towards the west, the east, the north or the south.
 A segment [Pti, Pt{i+1}] is defined by two consecutive points in the list.
 The reference point used to write the text is defined as follows:
  - when writing towards the west (resp. the east), the reference point is Pti
    (resp. Pt{i+1}),
  - when writing towards the north or the south, the reference point is Qi, the
    barycenter of (Pti, 1-lambda) and (Pt{i+1}, lambda). Thus, lambda = 0 
    corresponds to Pti and lambda = 1 to Pt{i+1}. By default, lambda = 1/2.
 The writing direction is parallel to each segment.
 The argument Distance measures the shortest path between each reference point
 (Qi, Pti or Pt{i+1}) and the bounding box of the Text.
 By default, the text written is:
  - the text associated to point Pti (resp. Pt{i+1}), if X=w (resp. X=e),
  - the length (in user unit) of the segment, if X=n or X=s.
Top of page \figwritedim Pt1, Pt2 :Text(Distance)
Examples:  1  2
 Write a Text (assumed to denote a dimension) at the distance Distance of the
 midpoint of the segment [Pt1, Pt2], oriented from west to east. If Distance<0,
 the text is written at the south of the segment, at the north otherwise.
 If Text is empty, the value of the distance between Pt1 and Pt2 is written.
 In this case, the written value can be rounded with the help of the macro
 \figset write(rounding=...).
 This macro is the companion macro of \figdrawdim so that the arguments Pt1, Pt2
 and Distance are generally the same.
Macros for graphical generation

Control macros

Top of page \figdrawbegin{} or \figdrawbegin{FileName}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Starting the creation of a graphical file whose name is FileName.
 If the argument FileName is empty or blank, an internal default file name is used,
 which is always updated, regardless the update mode.
 See \figinsert for details.
Top of page \figdrawend
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 End of the current graphical file.
Top of page \figreset{keyword1, keyword2,...}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 To reset one or several groups of graphical attributes to their default values.
 The groups of attributes are denoted with keywords which are:
  - NO keyword or keyword = general to reset the general (or top-level) attributes,
  - altitude to reset the altitude attributes,
  - arrowhead to reset the arrowhead attributes,
  - curve to reset the (\figdraw)curve attributes,
  - general to reset the general (or top-level) attributes,
  - flowchart to reset the flow chart attributes,
  - mesh to reset the (\figdraw)mesh attributes,
  - sign to reset the (\figdraw)sign attributes,
  - trimesh to reset the (\figdraw)trimesh attributes.
Top of page \figset keyword (attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Setting graphical attributes or parameters acting on the appearance of the figure,
 which are to be given as pairs of the form  attribute = value.
 The general calling sequence is
         \figset keyword (attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
 For each keyword, the attributes are given below, along with the possible values
 and their definition.
 The current values can be obtained with the help of \figshowsettings.
 - NO keyword or keyword = general
  . alpha = transparency level : makes lines and filled areas more or less transparent
    (real number between 0 (transparent, invisible) and 1 (opaque).
  . cap = butt, round or square : line cap parameter that establishes the shape to be
    put at the ends of a straight line. It may be usefull when wide lines are used.
  . color = color definition : line or area color in cmyk or rgb color code,
    or in gray tone (real number between 0 (black) and 1 (white).
  . dash = index or dash pattern : line style given by Index (Index = 1 to 10,
    1 meaning "solid line") or by Pattern.
  . fillmode = yes/no : setting the filling mode to "no" tells the drawing macros
    to draw lines ; setting the filling mode to "yes" tells the macros to fill
    the appropriate area using the current color or gray shade.
  . join = miter (V), round (U) or bevel (\_/) : line join parameter that establishes
    the shape to be put at the corners of a polygonal line. Best rendering is
    obtained with join=round when more than 2 segments meet at a corner.
  . update = yes/no : setting the update mode to "yes" (resp. to "no") before
    \figdrawbegin enforces (resp. avoids) the graphical file to be recreated at
    each compilation.
  . width = dimension in PostScript unit : line width.
    Note : has no effect on a straight line after \figset (fillmode=yes).

 - keyword = altitude
Examples:  1  2
All attributes are DDV (they have a dynamic default value). The following attributes affect the aspect of the extension of the base line drawn when the foot of the altitude lies outside the triangle: . blcolor = color definition : controls the color of the base line, . bldash = index or dash pattern : controls the style of the base line, . blwidth = dimension in PostScript unit : controls the width of the base line. The following attributes affect the aspect of the square of the altitude: . sqcolor = color definition : controls the color of the square, . sqdash = index or dash pattern : controls the style of the square, . sqwidth = dimension in PostScript unit : controls the width of the square.
 - keyword = arrowhead
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
. angle = real in degrees : arrowhead opening half-angle. . fillmode = yes/no : arrowhead filling switch, which tells whether the interior of the arrowhead must be filled or not. . length = real in user unit : length of each edge of the arrowhead. . out = yes/no : arrowhead "outside" switch, which tells whether the arrowhead must be drawn outside the body of the arrow (as if it was rotated by 180 degrees around the end point) or not. . ratio = real in [0,1] : arrowhead ratio defining the arrowhead length so that it is equal to ratio * (body length). Nota : The two attributes length and ratio are mutually exclusive ; the default is to use the length.
 - keyword = curve
Examples:  1  2
. roundness = real usually in [0,0.5] : roundness of a C1 curve.
 - keyword = flowchart
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
. arrowposition = real in [0,1] : arrowhead position along the path, 0 corresponding to the beginning and 1 to the end of the path. . arrowrefpt = start/end : reference point of the arrowhead to its start point or to its end point ; the arrowhead position is computed with respect to this point. . bgcolor = color definition : controls the color of the frame background. . line = polygon/curve : tells \figdrawfcconnect to draw the path between two nodes using polygonal lines or smooth curved lines. . padding = real in user unit (see xpadding and ypadding): space surrounding the text inside a frame. Both horizontal and vertical padding are set to the same value. This attribute allows to reduce or enlarge the frames drawn at the nodes of the flow chart, starting from the internal default dimensions. . radius = positive real in user unit : radius of the circular arcs to be drawn at the corners of the path when the line is polygonal. . shape = circle, ellipse, lozenge or rectangle : shape of the frames. . thickcolor = color definition : controls the color of the thickness of the frames. . thickness = real in user unit : thickness of the frames. . xpadding = real in user unit : horizontal space around the text inside a frame. . ypadding = real in user unit : vertical space around the text inside a frame. Notice that the frame border color is the general color.
 - keyword = mesh
Examples:  1
. diag = integer in {-1,0,1} : controls the drawing of a grid mesh. If diag=0, each cell is empty ; if diag=1 (resp. diag=-1), the SW-NE diagonal (resp. the NW-SE diagonal) is drawn inside each cell. The following DDV attributes affect the aspect of the lines used to draw the mesh inside the quadrangle: . color = color definition : controls the color of the lines, . dash = index or dash pattern : controls the style of the lines, . width = dimension in PostScript unit : controls the width of the lines. - keyword = projection : see "Control macros" in section "Geometrical macros - Mute macros".
 - keyword = sign
Examples:  1  2  3  4
. dimension = positive real in user unit : characteristic dimension of the sign, . shape = circle, diamond, square, star, triangle : shape of the sign. The following attributes affect the aspect of the lines used to draw the sign: . color = color definition (DDV attribute) : controls the color of the contour lines or their interior, . dash = index or dash pattern : controls the style of the contour lines, . fillmode = yes/no : sign filling switch, which tells whether the interior of the sign must be filled or not. . join = miter (V), round (U) or bevel (\_/) : line join parameter of the contour lines . width = dimension in PostScript unit (DDV attribute) : width of the contour lines.
 - keyword = trimesh
Examples:  1
The following DDV attributes affect the aspect of the lines used to draw the mesh inside the triangle: . color = color definition : controls the color of the lines, . dash = index or dash pattern : controls the style of the lines, . width = dimension in PostScript unit : controls the width of the lines. - keyword = write : see "Control macros" in section "Writing macros - Non-mute macros".
Top of page \figsetdefault keyword (attribute1=value1, attribute2=value2,...)
Examples:  1  2
 Global setting of the default values of graphical attributes, which are to be given
 as pairs of the form attribute=NewDefaultValue. This is not applicable to DDV attributes.
 The attributes are set up to the end of the document or up to next call to this macro.
 For each keyword, the attributes are listed below ; see \figset for their definition.
 For dimension attributes, a unit should be specified, e.g. 
  \figsetdefault arrowhead(length=10pt).
 - NO keyword or
   keyword = general: transparency, cap, color, dash, fillmode, join, update, width,
 - keyword = arrowhead: angle, fillmode, length, out, ratio,
 - keyword = curve: roundness,
 - keyword = flowchart: arrowposition, arrowrefpt, bgcolor, line, padding, radius,
             shape, thickness, xpadding, ypadding,
 - keyword = mesh: diag,
 - keyword = sign: dimension, shape.
Basic drawing macros

Top of page \figdrawcirc Center (Radius)
Top of page \figdrawcirc Center,Pt1,Pt2 (Radius)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Circle of center Center and of radius Radius.
 In 3D, the circle is in the plane defined the 3 points Center, Pt1 and Pt2 ;
 Pt1 and Pt2 do not need to lie on the circle.
Top of page \figdrawline[Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Line defined by N points, closed if the last point number equals the first one.
Top of page \figdrawlineC(X1 Y1, X2 Y2,..., XN YN)
Top of page \figdrawlineC(X1 Y1 Z1, X2 Y2 Z2,..., XN YN ZN)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Line defined by N points, closed if the last point number equals the first one.
 The points are given by their coordinates, each of them separated by a white space.
Top of page \figdrawlineF{FileName}
Examples:  1  2
 Line defined by points read from the text file FileName, which contains the
 coordinates of the points, one point per line, given as  X Y  in 2D and as
 X Y Z  in 3D (the values must be separated by a white space and nothing else).
 The line is closed if the last point equals the first one.
Other drawing macros


Top of page \figdrawarccirc Center ; Radius (Ang1,Ang2)
Top of page \figdrawarccirc Center,Pt1,Pt2 ; Radius (Ang1,Ang2)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Circular arc of center Center and radius Radius limited by the angles
 Ang1 and Ang2 given in degrees.
 In 2D, the angles are measured counterclockwise.
 In 3D, the arc lies in the plane defined by the 3 points Center, Pt1 and Pt2.
 The angles are measured counterclockwise around the vector CP1 x CP2, starting
 from the half-line (C, P1), where C=Center, P1=Pt1, P2=Pt2.
Top of page \figdrawarccircP Center ; Radius [Pt1,Pt2]
Top of page \figdrawarccircP Center ; Radius [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Point version of \figdrawarccirc
 Circular arc of center Center and of radius Radius limited by the two half-lines
 (Center, Pt1) and (Center, Pt2).
 Let N be the normal vector that orients the plane in which lies the arc.
 In 2D, N is defined as usual by N = Z = X x Y.
 In 3D, N = CP1 x CP3, where C=Center, P1=Pt1, P3=Pt3.
 The arc is drawn from Pt1 towards Pt2 turning counterclockwise around the axis (C; N).
 Notice that C, P1, P2 and P3 must be coplanar, but P3 must not lie on the line (C,P1).
Top of page \figdrawarcell Center ; XRad,YRad (Ang1,Ang2, Inclination)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Arc of ellipse of center Center, of axes XRad and YRad, limited by the parametrization
 angles Ang1 and Ang2. The major axis is turned by an angle Inclination from the
 horizontal line. The angles are given in degrees and measured counterclockwise.
 In 3D-mode, it works only in the plane Z=0.
Top of page \figdrawarcellPA Center,PtAxis1,PtAxis2 (Ang1, Ang2)
Examples:  1
 Arc of ellipse of center Center limited by the parametrization angles Ang1 and Ang2.
 The end point of the major axis is PtAxis1 and the end point of the minor axis is PtAxis2.
 The angles are given in degrees and measured counterclockwise around the vector CA1 x CA2.
Top of page \figdrawarcellPP Center,PtAxis1,PtAxis2 [Pt1,Pt2]
Examples:  1
 Arc of ellipse of center Center limited by the two half-lines (Center,Pt1)
 and (Center,Pt2). The end point of the major axis is PtAxis1 and the end point
 of the minor axis is PtAxis2. The arc is drawn counterclockwise around the vector
 CA1 x CA2, where C=Center, A1=PtAxis1, A2=PtAxis2.
Top of page \figdrawarcparab [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1
 Arc of parabola between Pt1 and Pt3.
 The point Pt2 defines the tangents (Pt2,Pt1) at Pt1 and (Pt2,Pt3) at Pt3.

Top of page \figdrawarrow [Pt1,Pt2]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Arrow from Pt1 to Pt2.
 The arrowhead is drawn according to the \figdrawarrowhead macro settings.
Top of page \figdrawarrowBezier [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4]
Examples:  1  2
 Arrow that consists of the cubic Bezier curve defined by the four control points
 Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 and Pt4, and the arrowhead at point Pt4.
Top of page \figdrawarrowcirc Center ; Radius (Ang1,Ang2)
Top of page \figdrawarrowcirc Center,Pt1,Pt2 ; Radius (Ang1,Ang2)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Circular arrow such that the circular arc is centered at Center, has the radius Radius
 and is limited by the angles Ang1 and Ang2 given in degrees.
 If Ang2 > Ang1, the arrow is drawn counterclockwise, else it is drawn clockwise.
 The arrowhead is drawn according to the \figdrawarrowhead macro settings.
 In 3D, the arc lies in the plane defined the 3 points Center, Pt1 and Pt2.
 The angles are measured counterclockwise around the vector CP1 x CP2, starting
 from the half-line (C, P1), where C=Center, P1=Pt1, P2=Pt2.
Top of page \figdrawarrowcircP Center ; Radius [Pt1,Pt2]
Top of page \figdrawarrowcircP Center ; Radius [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Point version of \figdrawarrowcirc
 Circular arrow such that the circular arc is centered at Center, has the radius
 |Radius| and is limited by the two half-lines (Center, Pt1) and (Center, Pt2).
 Let N be the normal vector that orients the plane in which lies the arc.
 In 2D, N is defined as usual by N = Z = X x Y.
 In 3D, N = CP1 x CP3, where C=Center, P1=Pt1, P3=Pt3.
 The arrow is drawn from Pt1 towards Pt2 turning around the axis (Center; N):
  . counterclockwise if Radius > 0,
  . clockwise if Radius < 0.
 Notice that C, P1, P2 and P3 must be coplanar, but P3 must not lie on the line (C,P1).
Top of page \figdrawarrowhead [Pt1,Pt2]
Examples:  1  2  3
 Arrowhead of the arrow from Pt1 to Pt2. The segment [Pt1, Pt2] (body) is not drawn.
 The appearance of the arrowhead can be modified with the help of attributes set by
 the macro \figset arrowhead(...).
Top of page \figdrawaxes Origin(X1,X2, Y1,Y2)
Top of page \figdrawaxes Origin(X1,X2, Y1,Y2, Z1,Z2)
Top of page \figdrawaxes Origin(L)
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Axes defined by their Origin and coordinate ranges. Each axis is parallel to the
 corresponding absolute axis and is drawn as an oriented arrow from start value
 to stop value.
 The short form \figdrawaxes Origin(L) is equivalent to \figdrawaxes Origin(0,L, 0,L)
 in 2D and \figdrawaxes Origin(0,L, 0,L, 0,L) in 3D.
 The end points of the axes are given by \figptsaxes.
Top of page \figdrawdim Pt1, Pt2 (Distance)
Examples:  1  2
 Double arrow intended to show the dimension between the points Pt1 and Pt2.
 Assuming the segment [Pt1, Pt2] is oriented from west to east, the arrow is
 drawn at the distance Distance at the south of the segment if Distance<0,
 at the north otherwise.
 The endpoints of the arrows are connected to Pt1 and Pt2 with a dashed line.
 The appearance of the two arrow-heads can be modified with the help of
 attributes set by the macro \figset arrowhead(...).
 The distance between the points Pt1 and Pt2 can be printed by the companion
 macro \figwritedim.

Top of page \figdrawBezier N [Pt_1, ..., Pt_{3N+1}]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Bezier curve defined by N cubic arcs. The arc number i is defined by the four
 control points P_{j}, P_{j+1}, P_{j+2}, P_{j+3} with j=3i-2.
 The curve interpolates each 3 points beginning with the first, i.e. at P_{3i-2},
 i=1,...N+1. At these points, the curve is only C0. To obtain G1 continuity at P_j,
 the points P_{j-1}, P_j and P_{j+1} must be aligned.
 The total number of points must be 3N+1 and is not checked.
Top of page \figdrawcurve [Pt0,Pt1,... ,PtN,PtN+1]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 C1 curve that interpolates the points P1, P2,... ,Pn. The curve consists of
 n-1 Bezier cubic arcs. The direction of the tangent at Pi is given by Pi-1Pi+1,
 i=1,... ,n. To get a C1 closed curve, the last three points must be the same
 as the first three ones.
 The shape of the curve can be modified by a roundness coefficient to be
 set by the macro \figset curve(...). The best values for this coefficient are
 in the interval [0.15, 0.3] (0 gives a polygonal line).
Flow chart

Top of page \figdrawfcconnect[Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN]
Examples:  1  2  3  4

 Connections between nodes in a flow chart. Each connection path can be a polygonal
 line or a curved line. An arrowhead is drawn by default at the middle point of the
 path joining the points Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN.
 The attributes of the path are set by the macro \figset flowchart(...).
 The frames at the nodes are drawn with the help of the macro \figdrawfcnode.
Top of page \figdrawfcnode[Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN]{Text}
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5
 Frames containing Text at each node centered on points Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN in a flow chart.
 If the Text argument is empty, the text joined to the points when they are defined
 is used ; otherwise, this Text is used for every point Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN. The frame
 surrounding the text is reduced or enlarged according to the padding dimensions.
 This attribute along with the other ones is set by the macro \figset flowchart(...).
 The connections between the nodes are usually drawn by the macro \figdrawfcconnect.
 If no arrows are wanted, the best is to say \figset arrowhead(length=0) ; the macro
 \figdrawline or \figdrawcurve can also be used.

Top of page \figdrawmesh N1,N2 [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3,Pt4]
Examples:  1

 Mesh of N1 x N2 intervals on the quadrangle (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4), N1 along
 [Pt1, Pt2] and [Pt3, Pt4], N2 along the 2 other segments. A flag set by
 \figset mesh(diag=...) allows to draw a diagonal line inside each cell. Other
 graphical settings govern the appearance of the internal mesh (see \figset mesh).
 The border line attributes are the general ones.
Top of page \figdrawtrimesh Type [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1
 Mesh of the type Type triangle in the triangle (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3). The internal
 mesh is drawn according to specific graphical settings (see \figset trimesh).
 The border line attributes are the general ones.
Sign or symbol

Top of page \figdrawsign[Pt1,Pt2,... ,PtN]
Examples:  1  2  3  4

 Draw the N points given by their numbers.
 The position of a point is displayed by the mean of a marker ; a characteristic
 dimension is associated to this marker. By default, the marker is a circle and
 its characteristic dimension is its radius. Other possible markers are diamond,
 square, star and triangle. The marker and its dimension can be set or changed
 by the macro \figset sign(...). Other attributes (color, fillmode...) can be
 modified by the macro \figset (...).
Top of page \figdrawsignC(X1 Y1, X2 Y2,..., XN YN)
Top of page \figdrawsignC(X1 Y1 Z1, X2 Y2 Z2,..., XN YN ZN)
Examples:  1
 Draw the N points given by their coordinates, each of them separated by a white
 space, each group of coordinates separated by a comma. They are assumed
 to be given as decimal integers or fixed floating point numbers ; scientific
 notation (e.g. 1.23e+2) is not allowed.
 See \figdrawsign for more information about signs.
Top of page \figdrawsignF{FileName}
 Draw the points read from the text file FileName, which contains the coordinates
 of the points, one point per line, given as  X Y  in 2D and as   X Y Z  in 3D.
 The values must be separated by a white space and nothing else. They are assumed
 to be given as decimal integers or fixed floating point numbers ; scientific
 notation (e.g. 1.23e+2) is not allowed.
 See \figdrawsign for more information about signs.
Triangle related macros

Top of page \figdrawaltitude Dim [Pt1,Pt2,Pt3]
Examples:  1  2  3  4  5

 Altitude from Pt1 in the triangle (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3).
 Dim is the dimension of the square at the foot H of the altitude which is drawn on
 either side of the altitude according to the order of the 2 points Pt2 and Pt3.
 If H is outside the segment [Pt2, Pt3], a line is drawn to support the square.
 The graphical attributes of this line and the square are set by \figset altitude(...).
Top of page \figdrawnormal Length,Lambda [Pt1,Pt2]
Examples:  1
 Exterior normal of length Length to the segment [Pt1, Pt2]. Lambda is the abscissa
 in [0,1] of the origin of the normal with respect to the segment [Pt1, Pt2],
 0 corresponding to Pt1 and 1 to Pt2. This sets the position of the normal vector
 along [Pt1, Pt2]. In 3D-mode, it works only in the plane Z=0.