\input fig4tex.tex
% 1. Definition of characteristic points
% Vertices of the triangle
\figpt 1:(80.5, 120)
\figpt 2:(-10, -10)
\figpt 3:(130, 20)
% 2. Creation of the graphical file
% A closed line to draw the triangle
% 3. Writing text on the figure
\figvisu{\figBoxA}{Demo {\tt \char`\\ figinsert}}
% Insertion (twice) of the file just created by Fig4TeX
% Vertices of the triangle first inserted (at scale 1)
\figwritee 1:(3)
\figwritenw 2:(3)
\figwritene 3:(2)
% Mark position of the origin
\figpt 0:(0,0)
\figset write(mark=+)
\figwritegce 0:$O$(3.5,2.2)