
here are studies on the dynamical properties of liquid interfaces, single drops and single films.

Self-propulsion of a volatile drop on the surface of an immiscible liquid bath

collaboration with Benjamin Reichert, Jean-Benoit Le Cam and Giuseppe Pucci at IPR.

In this work we demonstrate that the evaporation of a volatile drop floating on a liquid bath is converted into drop propulsion.

Soluble surfactant spreading at a liquid-gas interface

collaboration with Isabelle Cantat (IPR), Matthieu Roché (MSC Paris) and Howard A. Stone (Princeton University).

how far soluble surfactants spread on water ? and how the surfactant amphiphilicity sets the Marangoni hydrodynamics ?

Phys.Rev. Lett., 112, 208302 (2014).

Phys.Rev.E, 93, 013107 (2016).

And go to this page to find articles in the press about this work, and a nice movie on the INP website.

soluble surfactant spreading at a water-oil interface

collaboration with : Isabelle Cantat (IPR), Matthieu Roché (MSC Paris).

And what happens when water-soluble surfactants are deposited at an oil-water interface ?

Here is the reference of our paper on this topic : R. Leite Pinto, S. Le Roux, I. Cantat and A. Saint-Jalmes, Physical Review Fluids, 3, 024003 (2018).

generation and meandering of 2D jets

In collaboration with Corentin Tregouet, postdoc at IPR

We address the question of the stability of 2D flows, by focusing on the case of a cm-width 2D jet. We first demonstrate that an inertial 2D jet can be generated on a water bath, as a result of the confinement of a solutal Marangoni flow. Then, the jet morphology is studied by tracking tracers inside and outside the jet, and by stroboscopic imaging. Our results show that a 2D jet first starts to destabilize via anti-symmetric modes, resulting in meandering. This mode of destabilization can be explained by two coupled Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, as previously described by Rayleigh.

Rayleigh-Taylor-like instability in a foam film

In collaboration with Isabelle Cantat and Antoine Berut ; PhD of Evgenia Shabalina

Preparing a foam film in a controlled way, so that the top part of the film is much thicker than the bottom part at initial time, we show that this situation is indeed unstable under gravity. The observed instability is identified as a Rayleigh-Taylor-like instability and studied in the linear regime.

Here is the reference of our paper on this topic : Evgenia Shabalina, Antoine Berut, Mathilde Cavelier, arnaud saint-jalmes, isabelle Cantat; Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4, 124001 (2019)


From thermoresponsive supramolecular assemblies to rheology

In collaboration with A.L. Fameau, INRA Nantes

Investigating the links between microscopic structures and macroscopic dynamics: tubular or micellar mesoscopic organisation of fatty acids in bulk control both the macroscopic bulk and interfacial rheology. Moreover, the non-trivial thermoresponsivity of the molecular system provide original and widely temperature-tunable bulk and interfacial viscoelasticity.

Soft Matter, 2014, 10 (20), 3622 - 3632.

Instabilities in a thermoresponsive polymer solution

Using solution of poly-nipam in 2D cells, we investigate thermoconvective instabilities, but with a polymeric solution which properties change drastically at a well-defined temperature.

droplet motion by chromocapillary effects

Experiments with Damien Baigl and Antoine Diguet at ENS-Paris

How an oil droplet, sitting on top of a liquid pool, can be moved only by light ? And how the direction of the displacement can depend on the wavelength of the light ??

“droplet manipulation by chromocapillary effects”
A. Diguet, R.M. Guillermic, N. Magome, A. Saint-Jalmes, Y. Chen, K. Yoshikawa, D. Baigl
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. , 48 (49), 9281 (2009).

And go to this page to find articles in the press about this work.

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