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Coupling of FEM and integral representationi in magnetostatics (avec S. Balac), soumis pour publication, 2007
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The reduced scalar potential in regions with permeable materials : reasons of loss of accuracy and cancellation (avec S. Balac), International Journal of Numerical Modelling 20, 2007, 163-180
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Accurate calculation of mutual inductance and magnetic fields in a birdcage coil (avec P. Boissoles), Preprint IRMAR, 2, 2006
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Asymptotic expansion of the solution of an interface problem in a polygonal domain with thin layer (avec M. Costabel, M. Dauge et G. Vial), Asymptotic Analysis 50 (1/2), 2006, 121-173
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Cancellation errors in an integral for calculating magnetic field from reduced scalar potential (avec S. Balac), IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 39, 2003, 1997-2002
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Induced magnetic field computations using a boundary integral formulation (avec S. Balac), Applied Numerical Mathematics, 41, 2002, 345-367
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An integral method for numerical simulation of MRI artifacts induced by metallic implants (avec S. Balac) , Magnetic Resonance in Medecine, 45, 2001, 724-727
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Study at high frequencies of a stratified waveguide (avec A.S. Bonnet-BenDhia, M. Dauge, F. Mahé), IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 66, 2001, 231-257
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Numerical analysis for nonlinear and bifurcation problems (avec J. Rappaz), Handbook of Numerical Analysis, vol V, Part 2, 1997
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Stability of the approximation of a regular solution branch, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol 16, 1996
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Dernière modification, le 10 février 2008 par Gabriel Caloz