Vincent Duchêne

Vincent Duchêne

Chargé de Recherche CNRS

Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes


I am a mathematician. My research is mostly devoted to the modelling and asymptotic analysis of various physical problems. A significant part of my work is concerned with oceanographic phenomena.

My main expertise area is showcased in the memoir Many Models for Water Waves. Here is a resume.

  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Asymptotic and Multiscale Analysis
  • Numerical Illustrations
  • Outreach activities
  • Habilitation degree, 2021

    Université de Rennes 1

  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2011

    École Normale Supérieure de Paris


and preprints

(2024). On the hydrostatic limit of stably stratified fluids with isopycnal diffusivity. ArXiv preprint.

PDF Cite

(2024). On the hydrostatic limit of stably stratified fluids with isopycnal diffusivity. To appear in Comm. Partial Differential Equations.

PDF Cite

(2024). Rectification of a deep water model for surface gravity waves. Pure Appl. Anal..


(2024). A mathematical analysis of the Kakinuma model for interfacial gravity waves. Part II. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A.


(2023). A mathematical analysis of the Kakinuma model for interfacial gravity waves. Part I.. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire.


Selected Talks

with available slides

Stabilité des écoulements cisaillés pour les équations d’Euler hydrostatiques avec densité stratifiée
Mar. 2024 — Groupe de travail “MathsInFluids”, Lyon.

On the inviscid and non-diffusive primitive equations with Gent and McWilliams parametrization
Jan. 2024 — Seminar of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5528.

Rectifying a deep water model for water waves
Apr. 2022 — Seminar in Mathematical Analysis, EPFL, Lausanne.

The hydrostatic approximation for stratified fluids
Jan. 2022 — Programme CEA-SMAI/GAMNI, Paris.

The art of modeling water waves
July 2021 — Habilitation defense, Rennes.



  • My Habilitation, defended in 2021, led to a memoir entitled Many Models for Water Waves.

  • Lecture notes on a master class taught in 2019 and 2020 on shallow-water asymptotic models for water waves.

  • Une vidéo d’introduction aux ondes solitaires hydrodynamiques, dans le cadre des 5 minutes Lebesgue.
    On retrouve des solitons dans de simples systèmes dynamiques discrets, comme discuté dans cette nouvelle vidéo.

  • Une brève introduction au phénomène d’eaux mortes.
    A rough account on the dead-water phenomenon and my work on the subject.

  • Dissertation of my Ph.D. Thesis, defended in 2011, and entitled Internal waves in oceanography and photonic crystals: a mathematical approach.
