2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020
2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010
2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004- 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000
1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995 - 1994 - 1993 - 1992 - 1991
HDR - Thèse
Articles - Conférences
2025 |
Luong T C., Dillenseger J.-L., “Segmentation of Alexis retractors in the context of augmented reality in Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery”, SPIE Medical Imaging 2025: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 2025. |
2024 |
Coércio R M. A., Farias A.R., Dillenseger J.-L., “Camera calibration algorithm for lung nodule detection in videolaparoscopy”, 24th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Athen, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/isbi56570.2024.10635152 | |
Coércio R M. A., Veiga, T. de P, Farias A.R., Dillenseger J.-L., “Camera calibration algorithm for lung nodule detection in Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery”, RITS 2024, Aubière, 2024. | |
Lecomte F., Alvarez P. Cotin S., Dillenseger J.-L. “Beyond respiratory models: a physics-enhanced synthetic data generation method for 2D-3D deformable registration”,IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Seattle, 2024, pp. 2413-2421, doi: 10.1109/cbms61543.2024.00080. | |
Tam W., Dillenseger J.-L., Babyn P., Alirezaie
J., “Rib
Segmentation in Surgical Images for Video-Assisted
Thoracoscopic Surgery“, IEEE CBMS 2024, Guadalajara, 2024, pp.
450-455, doi: 10.1109/cbms61543.2024.00080 |
Boussot V., Hémon C., Dillenseger J.-L., Nunes
J.-C., “Adapting 3D pre-trained Totalsegmentator model for Bayesian
segmentation uncertainty estimation”, Curvas2024 Challenge, MICCAI
2024, Marrakesh, 2024, 3eme place du Challenge. |
2023 |
Zhang C., Yang G., Li F., Wen Y., Yao Y., Shu H., Simon A., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., “CTANet: confidence-based threshold adaption network for semi-supervised segmentation of uterine regions from MR images for HIFU treatment”, IRBM, 44, 3, 100747, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2022.100747. | |
Alvarez P., Chabanas M., Sikora S., Rouzé S., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “Measurement and analysis of lobar lung deformation after a change of patient position during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70, 3, 2023, pp. 931-940, doi: 10.1109/tbme.2022.3205458. | |
Tang H., Li, Hao K., Yang C.F., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux G., Feng J., Zhou S.J., Chen Y., “A multiple catheter tips tracking method in X-ray fluoroscopy images by a new lightweight segmentation network and Bayesian filtering”, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 19, 6, 2023, pp. 983-991, 2023, doi: 10.1002/rcs.2569. | |
Boussot V., Dillenseger J.-L., “Statistical
model for the prediction of lung deformation during video-assisted
thoracoscopic surgery”, SPIE Medical Imaging, Image-Guided
Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, SPIE vol. 12466, San Diego, 2023,
doi: 10.1117/12.2646983.
Quevit V., Laferté J.-M. Fougères A.-J., Djelal
Dillenseger J.-L. Jalenques E., “Improving
Petri dish labels with AI
algorithms”, ASPAI' 2023, pp. 146-150. |
Lecomte F., Scarponi V., Alvarez P., Verde J.,
Dillenseger J.-L., Vibert E., Cotin S., “Enhancing
interventions: a neural network to predict vessel deformation without
contrast agents”, 15th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics,
2023, doi: 10.31256/hsmr2023.38. |
Quevit V., Laferté J.-M. Fougères A.-J., Djelal
Dillenseger J.-L. Jalenques E., “Amélioration
de l’étiquetage
automatique des boîtes de Pétri avec des algorithmes d'IA”, GRETSI
2023, Grenoble, 2023, pp. 1065-1068. |
Hémon C., Boussot V., Texier B., Dillenseger
J.-L., Nunes J.-C.,
unsupervised CBCT-to-CT synthesis using content and style
representation by an enhanced perceptual synthesis (CREPs) loss”,
SynthRAD2023 Challenge, MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, 2023. |
Hémon C., Boussot V., Texier B., Dillenseger
J.-L., Nunes J.-C., “Guiding unsupervised MRI-to-CT synthesis using
content and style representation by an enhanced perceptual synthesis
(CREPs) loss”, SynthRAD2023 Challenge, MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, 2023. |
2022 |
Cao E., Greillier P., Loyet R., Chavrier F., Robert J. Bessière F., Dillenseger J.-L,, Lafon C. “Development of a numerical model of high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment in mobile and elastic organs: application to a beating heart”, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 48, 7, 2022, pp. 1215-1228, doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2022.02.017. | |
Msaad S., Zoetgnandé Y., Dillenseger J.-L.,
Carrault G., “Detecting change in the routine of the elderly”,
Measurement: Sensors, 24, 2022, pp. 100418, doi: 10.1016/j.measen.2022.100418. |
Zhang C., Lafond C., Barateau A., Leseur J., Rigaud B., Chan Sock Line D. B., Yang G., Shu H., Dillenseger J.-L., de Crevoisier R., Simon A., “Automatic segmentation for plan-of-the-day selection in CBCT-guided adaptive radiation therapy of cervical cancer”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67, 24, 2022, pp. 245020, doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aca5e5. | |
Dahman B., Bessière F., Dillenseger J.-L., “Ultrasound to CT rigid image registration using CNN for the HIFU treatment of heart arrhythmias”, SPIE Medical Imaging, Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, SPIE vol 12034, San Diego, 2022, pp. 246-252, doi: 10.1117/12.2612348. | |
Zoetgnandé Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “Domain generalization for activity recognition: Learn from visible, infer with thermal”, 11 th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 2022, pp.722-729, doi: 10.5220/0010906300003122 | |
Boussot V., Dillenseger, J.-L., “Modèle statistique pour la prédiction de la déformation du poumon pendant la chirurgie thoracique vidéo-assistée“, RITS 2022, Brest, 2022 | |
Rouzé S., Alvarez P., de Latour B., Tomasi J., Duggan S., Mauduit M., Verhoye J.-P. Dillenseger J.-L., “Nodule localization with intraoperative augmented reality : an innovative non-invasive approach”, 36th EACTS Annual Meeting, Milan, 2022. |
2021 |
Alvarez P., Rouzé S., Miga M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., Chabanas M., “A hybrid, image-based and biomechanics-based registration approach to markerless intraoperative nodule localization during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery”, Medical Image Analysis, 69, 2021, pp. 101983, doi: 10.1016/ | |
He Y., Yang G., Yang J., Ge R., Kong Y., Zhu X., Zhang S., Shao P., Shu H., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., Li S., "Meta grayscale adaptive network for 3D integrated renal structures segmentation”, Medical Image Analysis, 71, 2021, 102055, doi: 10.1016/ | |
Dillenseger J-L., Carrault G., Laferté J-M., Lan Hing Ting K., Gauthier V., “Older adults empowerment and well-being: Fall detection and activity monitoring”, Lifelong Health and Wellbeing, Workshop EDUC, Pécs, 2021. | |
Lan Hing Ting K., Voilmy D., Dessinger G., Gauthier V., Dillenseger J-L., Carrault G., Laferté J-M., Fougères A-J., “Causes et conséquences de la chute : les comprendre pour informer la conception d’un dispositif de prévention”, Colloque francophone sur la chute de la personne âgée, Valenciennes, 2021. | |
Wang S., He Y., Kong Y., Zhu X., Zhang S., Shao P., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., Li S., Yang G., “CPNet: cycle prototype network for weakly-supervised 3D renal chamber segmentation”, MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, 2021, pp. 592-602, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-87196-3_55. | |
Chen Q., Tang H., Dillenseger J.-L., “LLASN: Lung lobes segmentation using adversarial network”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), Nanjing, 2021, pp. 240-244, doi: 10.1109/ICSIP52628.2021.9688972. | |
Msaad S., Dillenseger J.-L., Cormier G., Carrault G., “Detection of changes in the behaviour of the elderly person”, IEEE-EMBS, Guadalajara, 2021, pp. 6995-6998, doi: 10.1109/embc46164.2021.9630971. | |
Msaad S., Dillenseger J.-L., Carrault G., “Interest of the minimum edit distance to detect behaviour change of the elderly person”, IEEE-EMBS, Guadalajara, 2021, pp. 7377-7380, doi: 10.1109/embc46164.2021.9629665. | |
Zoetgnandé Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “A generic interpretable fall detection framework based on low-resolution thermal images”, Journées de la Recherche en Informatique au Burkina Faso (JRI-2021), Bobo Dioulasso, 2021, 13 pages, doi: 10.4108/eai.11-11-2021.2317972. |
2020 |
Bi H., Yang G.Y., Tang H., Jiang Y.B., Shu H.Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Fast and accurate segmentation method of Active Shape Model with Rayleigh Mixture Model clustering for prostate ultrasound images”, Computers Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 184, 2020, pp. 105097, doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105097 | |
Shen J., Zemiti N., Taoum C., Aiche G., Dillenseger J.-L., Rouanet P., Poignet P., "Transrectal ultrasound image-based real-time augmented reality guidance in robot-assisted laparoscopic rectal surgery: a proof-of-concept study", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15, 3, 2020, pp. 531–543, doi: 10.1007/s11548-019-02100-2 | |
Zoetgnandé Y., Fougères A.-J., Cormier G., Dillenseger J.-L., “Sub-pixel matching method for low resolution thermal stereo images”, Infrared Physics and Technology, 105, 2020, pp. 103161, doi: 10.1016/j.infrared.2019.103161. | |
Halima I., Laferté J.-M., Cormier G., Fougères A.-J., Dillenseger J.-L., “ Depth and thermal information fusion for head tracking using particle filter in a fall detection context”, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 27, 2, 2020, pp. 195-208, doi: 10.3233/ICA-190615. | |
Yang, G., Wang, C., Yang, J., Chen, Y., Tang, L., Shao, P., Dillenseger, J.-L., Shu, H., Luo, L., “Weakly-supervised convolutional neural networks of renal tumor segmentation in abdominal CTA images”, BMC Medical Imaging, 2020, 20, 37, doi: 10.1186/s12880-020-00435-w. | |
Zhang C., Yang G.Y., Shu H.Z., Liu Y., Wen Y., Zhang Q., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., “HIFUNet: Multi-class Segmentation of Uterine Regions from MR Images Using Global Convolutional Networks for HIFU Surgery Planning”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39, 11, 2020, pp. 3309-3320, doi: 10.1109/tmi.2020.2991266. | |
He Y., Yang G., Yang J., Chen Y., Kong Y., Wu J., Tang L., Zhu X., Dillenseger J.-L., Shao P., Zhang S., Shu H., Coatrieux J.-L., Li S., “Dense biased networks with deep priori anatomy and hard region adaptation: semi-supervised learning for fine renal artery segmentation”, Medical Image Analysis, 2020, 101722, doi: 10.1016/ | |
He Y., Li T., Yang G., Kong Y., Chen Y., Shu H., Coatrieux J.-L., Dillenseger J.-L., Li S., “Deep complementary joint model for complex scene registration and few-shot segmentation on medical images", ECCV, Glasgow, 2020, pp. 770-786, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-58523-5_45. | |
Dahman B., Dillenseger J.-L., “Deformable US/CT Image Registration with a Convolutional Neural Network for Cardiac Arrhythmia Therapy”, IEEE-EMBS, Montreal, 2020, pp. 2011-2014, doi: 10.1109/embc44109.2020.9175386. | |
Alvarez P., Rouzé S., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., "Localisation de nodules pulmonaires en vidéo-thoracoscopie. Intégration d’un modèle biomécanique du poumon dans la chaîne de traitements d’images", session spéciale "Imagerie et Biomécanique", 45ème congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Metz, 2020, Conférence invitée. | |
Lan Hing Ting K., Voilmy D., Dessinger G., Gauthier V., Dillenseger J-L., Carrault G., Laferté J-M., Fougères A-J., “Co-designing a falls detection device: combining concerns for human motion and elders needs”, Workshop Visual user interfaces for human motion, ACM AVI 2020, 2020. | |
Cao E., Greillier P., Robert J., Bessière F., Loyet R., Chavrier F., Dillenseger J.-L., Lafon C., “Simulation of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) thermal ablation in Mobile and Elastic Organs”, Forum Acustinum 2020, Lyon, 2020. |
2019 |
Halima I., Laferté J.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., Cormier G., Fougères A.-J., "Sensors fusion for head tracking using Particle filter in a context of falls detection”, 1st International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2019), Barcelona, 2019, pp. 134-139. | |
Alvarez P., Narasimhan S. Rouzé S., Dillenseger J.-L., Payan Y., Miga M., Chabanas M., “Biphasic model of lung deformations for Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)”, IEEE ISBI 2019, Venise, 2019, pp 1367-1371, doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2019.8759219. | |
Zoetgnandé Y., Alirezaie J., Dillenseger J.-L., “Super-résolution d’images infra-rouge basse résolution pour la détection de chutes“, RITS 2019, Tours, 2019. | |
Cao E., Greillier P., Robert J., Loyet R., Chavrier F., Dillenseger J.-L., Lafon C., “Simulation des lésions thermiques induites par HIFU dans les organes mobiles et élastiques“, RITS 2019, Tours, 2019. | |
Dahman B., Dillenseger, J.-L., “Ultrasound guidance of a transesophageal HIFU therapy“, RITS 2019, Tours, 2019. | |
Cao E., Greillier P., Robert J., Bessière F., Loyet R., Chavrier F., Dillenseger J.-L., Lafon C., “Simulation of temperature rise in mobile and elastic volume“, 19th Int Symp for Therapeutic Ultrasound, ISTU’19, Barcelone, 2019. | |
Shen J., Zemiti N., Dillenseger J.-L., Poignet P., “Intraoperative Ultrasound-based Augmented Reality Guidance", Surgetica 2019, Rennes, 2019. | |
Alvarez P., Rouzé S., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “Nonrigid registration for lung nodule localization during VATS", Surgetica 2019, Rennes, 2019. | |
Dahman B., Dillenseger J.-L.,“Transesophogeal HIFU cardiac fibrilation therapy guidance by 2 two perpendicular US images", Surgetica 2019, Rennes, 2019. | |
Zhang C., Yang G.Y., Shu H.Z., Liu Y., Wen Y., Zhang Q., Dillenseger J.-L., “Segmentation of uterus and uterine fibroids in MR images using convolutional neural networks for HIFU surgery planning”, Cars 2019, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, Issue 1 Supplement, Rennes, 2019 S123. | |
Zoetgnandé Y., Dillenseger J.-L., Alirezaie J., “Edge focused super-resolution of thermal images”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, 2019, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN.2019.8852320. | |
Dahman B., Dillenseger, J.-L.,“High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy Guidance System by Image-based Registration for Patients with Cardiac Fibrillation”, Computing in Cardiology, Singapore, 2019, doi: 10.22489/CinC.2019.315. | |
Pan T., Yang G.Y., Wang C.X, Zhou Z.W., Kong Y.Y., Tang L.J., Zhu X.M., Dillenseger J.-L., Shu H.Z., Coatrieux J.-L., “A multi-task convolutional neural network for renal tumor segmentation and classification using multi-phasic CT images”, IEEE ICIP 2019, Taipei, 2019, pp. 809-813, doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8802924 | |
Lu Z.W., Yang G.Y., Hu L.Y., Hua T.C., Kong Y.Y., Tang L.J., Zhu X.M.,Zhu X.M., Dillenseger J.-L., Shu H.Z., Coatrieux J.-L., “Unsupervised three-dimensional image registration using a cycle convolutional neural network”, IEEE ICIP 2019, Taipei, 2019, pp. 2174-2178, doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8803163. | |
He Y.T., Yang G.Y., Chen A., Kong Y.Y., Wu J.S., Tang L.J., Zhu X.M., Dillenseger J.-L., Shu H.Z., Coatrieux J.-L., Shao P.F., Zhang S.B., Li S., “DPA-DenseBiasNet: Semi-supervised 3D Fine Renal Artery Segmentation with Dense Biased Network and Deep Priori Anatomy”, MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, 2019, pp. 139-147, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-32226-7_16. | |
Wang, C., He, Y., Qi, X., Zhao, Z.,Yang, G., Zhu, X., Zhang, S., Dillenseger, J.-L. , Coatrieux, J.-L. “BiSC-UNet: A fine segmentation framework for kidney and renal tumor”, 2019 Kidney Tumor Segmentation Challenge: KiTS19, MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, 2019, doi: 10.24926/548719.013 |
2018 |
Bi H., Tang H., Yang, G.Y., Shu, H.Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “ Accurate Image Segmentation Using Gaussian Mixture Model with Saliency Map”, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 27, 3, pp. 869-878, 2018, doi 10.1007/s10044-017-0672-1. | |
Sandoval Z., Castro M., Alirezaie J., Lafon C., Bessière F., Dillenseger J.-L., “Transesophageal 2D ultrasound to 3D computed tomography registration for the guidance of a cardiac arrhythmia therapy”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63, 15, 2018, pp. 155007, doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aad29a. | |
Rouzé S., Alvarez P., Delatour B., Flécher E., Dillenseger J.-L., Verhoye J.-P., “Localisation de nodules pulmonaires en réalité augmentée grâce au Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) en vidéo-thoracoscopie”, Bulletin de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine, 202, 8-9, 2018, pp. 1897-1908, doi: 10.1016/S0001-4079(19)30183-9. | |
Alvarez P., Chabanas M., Rouzé S., Castro M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “Lung deformation between preoperative CT and intraoperative CBCT for Thoracoscopic Surgery: a case study”, SPIE Medical Imaging: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Houston, 2018, pp. S45-S46, doi: 10.1117/12.2293938. | |
Shen J., Zemiti N., Viquesne, A., Caravaca-Mora, O., Courtin A., Garrel R., Dillenseger J.-L., Poignet P., “Intraoperative Ultrasonography-based Augmented Reality For Application In Image Guided Robotic Surgery”, Cars 18, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 13, Issue 1 Supplement, 2018, S45-S46 | |
Greillier P., Loyet R., Chavrier F., Dillenseger J.-L., Lafon C., “HIFU thermal ablation in elastic and mobile organs: a new simulation method”, 18th Int Symp for Therapeutic Ultrasound, ISTU’18, Nashville, 2018, p. 80. | |
Bessière F., Greillier P., Constantiel-Collas E., Catheline S., Quesson B. Dillenseger J.-L., Lafon C., “Transoesophageal HIFU for cardiac ablation”, 18th Int Symp for Therapeutic Ultrasound, ISTU’18, Nashville, 2018, p. 212. Conférence invitée. | |
Shen J., Zemiti N., Dillenseger J.-L., Poignet P., “Fast and simple automatic 3D ultrasound probe calibration based on 3D printed phantom and an untracked marker”, IEEE-EMBC, Honolulu, 2018, pp 878-882, doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512406. | |
Yang G.Y., Li G.Q., Pan T., Kong Y.Y., Wu J.S., Shu H.Z., Luo L.M.,, Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., Tang L.J., Zhu X.M., “Automatic segmentation of kidney and renal tumor in CT images based on 3D fully Convolutional Neural Network with pyramid pooling module” 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018), Beijing, 2018, pp. 3790-3795, doi: 10.1109/icpr.2018.8545143. | |
Zoetgnandé Y., Fougères A.-J., Cormier G., Dillenseger J.-L., “Robust low resolution thermal stereo camera calibration”, 11th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2018), proc. SPIE 11041, Munich, 2018, pp. 11041-1D, doi: 10.1117/12.2523440. |
2017 |
Bi H., Tang H., Yang, G.Y., Li, B.S., Shu, H.Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Fast Segmentation of Ultrasound Images by Incorporating Spatial Information into Rayleigh Mixture Model”, IET Image Processing, 11, 12, 2017, pp. 1188-1196, doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2017.0166. | |
Shen J., Zemiti N., Caravaca, O., Simon A., Dillenseger J.-L., Poignet P., “ Intraoperative 3D ultrasound probe calibration", RITS 2017, Lyon. | |
Alvarez P., Rouzé S., Chabanas M., Castro M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “Modeling lung deflation during video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery for the localization of small nodules", EUROMECH Colloquium 595: Biomechanics and computer assisted surgery meets medical reality, Villeneuve d’Asq, 2017. | |
Shen J., Zemiti N., Caravaca, O., Simon A., Dillenseger J.-L., Poignet P., “Augmented reality visualization based on 3D ultrasonography”, Surgetica, Strasbourg, 2017 | |
Alvarez P., Rouzé S., Chabanas M., Castro M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “A biomechanical model of lung deflation during VATS for the localization of small nodules”, Surgetica, Strasbourg, 2017 | |
Rouzé S., Alvarez P., Chabanas M., Castro M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.-L., “Développement d'un recalage CT/CBCT avec modélisation biomécanique du poumon pour la localisation de nodules en VATS", Journée d’Automne de la Société Française de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire, Paris, 2017 | |
Yang G., Sun, C., Chen Y., Tang L., Shu H., Dillenseger J.-l. “Automatic Whole Heart Segmentation in CT Images Based on Multi-atlas Image Registration”, Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. ACDC and MMWHS Challenges - MICCAI 2017, LNCS, 10663, 2018, pp. 250-257, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-75541-0_27. |
2016 |
Bi H., Tang H., Shu H.Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Bounded Rayleigh mixture model for ultrasound image segmentation”, 8th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, Tokyo, 2016, pp. 47.1-47.5. Winner of best presentation session 4, doi: 10.1117/12.2230991. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Hamon P., Caverot G., Toumoulin C., “Do students dream of moving robots ou L'enseignement de la robotique mobile en Licence professionnelle en Mécatronique”, J3ea, 15, 0001, 2016, doi: 10.1051/j3ea/2016001. |
2015 |
Tobon-Gomez C., Geers A. J., Peters J., Weese J., Pinto K., Karim R., Ammar M., Daoudi A., Margeta J., Sandoval Z., Stender B., Zheng Y., Zuluaga M., Betancur J., Ayache N., Chikh M. A., Dillenseger J.-L., Kelm, M., Mahmoudi S., Ourselin S., Schaeffer T., Schlaefer A., Ravazi R., Rhode K. S., “Benchmark for algorithms segmenting the left atrium from 3D CT and MRI datasets”, IEEE transactions on Medical Imaging, 34, 7, 2015, pp. 1460-1473, doi: 10.1109/tmi.2015.2398818. | |
Tang H., Tong D., Bao X .D., Dillenseger J.-L., “A new stationary gridline artifacts suppression method based on 2D discrete wavelet transform”, Medical Physics, 42, 4, 2015, pp. 1721-1729, doi: 10.1118/1.4914861. | |
Cormier G., Laferté J.-M., Carrault G., Dillenseger J.-L., and Gauthier V., “Suivi d’individus dans des cartes de profondeurs par champ de Markov, dans un contexte de détection de chute", GRETSI’15, Lyon, 2015. | |
Sandoval Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Thorax tissues segmentation: a first step for a dynamic beating heart digital phantom”, RITS 2015, Dourdan, pp. 158-159. |
2014 |
Wu K., Shu H.Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Region and boundary feature estimation on ultrasound images using moment invariants”, Computers Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 113, 2, 2014, pp. 446-455, doi: 10.1016/10.1016/j.cmpb.2013.10.016. | |
Wu K., Garnier C., Alirezaie J., Dillenseger J.-L., ”Adaptation and evaluation of the multiple organs OSD for T2 MRI prostate segmentation”, EMBS 2014, Chicago, pp. 4687-4690, doi: 10.1109/embc.2014.6944670. | |
Ghadrdan S., Alirezaie J., Dillenseger J.-L., Babyn P., “Low-dose Computed Tomography Image Denoising based on Joint Wavelet and Sparse representation”, EMBS 2014, Chicago, pp. 3325-3328, doi: 10.1109/embc.2014.6944334. | |
Schleich J.-M., Abdulla T., Houyel L., Paul J.-F., Summers R., Dillenseger J.-L., “A method for accurate, non-destructive diagnosis of congenital heart defects from heart specimens”, 24èmes Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, Paris, 2014 | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Toumoulin C., Hamon P., “E pur si muove ou L'enseignement de la robotique mobile en Licence professionnelle en Mécatronique”, CETSIS, Besançon, 2014, pp. 7-11. | |
Commandeur F., Acosta O., Simon A.,. Ospina Arango J. D, Dillenseger J.-L., Mathieu R., Haigron P., de Crevoisier R., "Segmentation of prostate from CT scans using a combined voxel random forests classification with spherical harmonics regularization," 10th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, Cartagena de Indias, proc. SPIE, pp.92870F-92870F-6, 2014, doi: 10.1117/12.2073489. | |
Wu K., Garnier C., Shu H.Z., Dillenseger J.-L., ”TRUS/T2 MRI 3D prostate elastic registration for HIFU thermal therapy”, Surgetica’14, 2014, Chambery, paper 59, 3 pages. |
2013 |
Sandoval Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Intensity-based Similarity Measures Evaluation for CT to Ultrasound 2D Registration”, IRBM, 34, 4-5, 2013, pp. 278-282, doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2013.08.001. | |
Abdulla T., Dillenseger J.-L., Summers R., Paul J.-F., Houyel L., Schleich J.-M., " I point my heart with the tip of my fingers - Biometry for the diagnosis congenital heart defects", IRBM, 34, 4-5, 2013, pp. 311-314, doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2013.06.003. | |
Wu K, Garnier C., Dillenseger J.-L., “Prostate segmentation on T2 MRI using Optimal Surface Detection", IRBM, 34, 4-5, 2013, pp. 287-290, doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2013.07.005. | |
Mari J.-M., Bouchoux G., Dillenseger J-L., Gimonet S., Birer A, Garnier C., Brasset L., Wu K., Guey J.-L., Fleury G., Chapelon J.-Y., Blanc E., “Study of a dual-mode array integrated in a multi-element transducer for imaging and therapy of prostate cancer”, IRBM, 34, 2, 2013, pp. 147-158 , doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2013.01.007. | |
Z., Dillenseger J.-L., “Evaluation of Computed
Tomography to Ultrasound
2D Image Registration for Atrial Fibrillation Treatment”, Computing
Cardiology, Zaragoza, 2013. |
Sandoval Z., Betancur, J., Dillenseger J.-L., “Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation of the Left Atrium and Pulmonary Veins”, Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - MICCAI 2013, Nagoya, 2013, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-54268-8_3. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Toumoulin C., "Un tempo de Reel sur un rythme de Java”, J3eA, 12, 2013, article 13, pp. 6 pages, doi: 10.1051/j3ea/2013013. |
2012 |
Roux C., Burdin V., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L. "The tenth IEEE EMBS international Summer School on Biomedical Imaging [A Look At]”, IEEE Pulse, 3, 6, 2012, p. 74-76, doi: 10.1109/mpul.22012.2216725. | |
Chen B. J, Shu H. Z., Zhang H., Chen G., Toumoulin C., Dillenseger, J.-L., Luo, L. M., "Quaternion Zernike moments and their invariants for color image analysis and object recognition", Signal Processing, 92, 2, 2012, p. 308-318, doi: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2011.07.018. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Burdin V., Roux C., Coatrieux J.-L. "Life is learning: International EMBS Summer School on Biomedical Imaging [A Look At]", IEEE Pulse, 3, 1, 2012, p. 73, doi: 10.1109/mpul.2011.2177201. | |
Yang Z.H., Dillenseger J.-L., "Phase estimation for a phased array therapeutic interstitial ultrasound probe", IEEE-EMBC 2012, San Diego, 2012, pp. 472-475, doi: 10.1109/embc.2012.6345970. |
2011 |
Abdulla T., Imms R., Dillenseger J.-L., Schleich J.-M., Summers R., "Computational modelling of epithelial to mesenchymal transition", IRBM, 32, 5, 2011, pp. 306–310, doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2011.09.001. | |
Tang H., Dillenseger J.-L., Bao, X. D., Luo, L. M. , "A multi-volume visualization method for spatial aligned volumes after 3D/3D image registration", IRBM, 32, 3, 2011, pp. 195-203, doi: 10.1016/j.irbm.2011.01.040. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Burdin, V., Cazuguel, G., Roux, C., Coatrieux, J.-L., "9th IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging 2010: From cells to clinics [A Look At]", IEEE Pulse, 2, 1, 2011, pp. 48-54, doi: 10.1109/mpul.2010.939611. | |
Garnier C., Wu K., Dillenseger J.-L., "Bladder segmentation in MRI images using active region growing model", IEEE-EMBC 2011, Boston, 2011, pp. 5702-5705, doi: 10.1109/10.1109/iembs.2011.6091380. | |
Yang Z.H., Dillenseger J.-L., "Loi de phase pour une sonde multiéléments de thérapie ultrasonore interstitielle", RITS 2011, Rennes, papier 121 3 pages. | |
Abdulla, T., Imms, R., Dillenseger, J.-L., Schleich J.-M., Summers R., "Computational Modelling of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition", RITS 2011, Rennes, papier 582, 3 pages. | |
Gu T., Tang, H., Bao, X., Dillenseger J.-L., "GPU accelerated high intensity ultrasound acoustical power computation", IEEE ISBI’11, Chicago, 2011, pp. 17-20, doi: 10.1109/isbi.2011.5872344. |
2010 |
Coatrieux J.-L., Velut J., Dillenseger J.-L., Toumoulin C., "Représentation en sciences du vivant (3) : De l’imagerie médicale à la thérapie guidée par l’image", Médecine/Sciences, 26, 12, 2010, pp. 1103-1109, doi: 10.1051/medsci/201026121103. | |
Haigron P., Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M., Coatrieux J.-L., "Image-guided therapy: evolution and breakthrough", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 29, 1, 2010, pp. 100-104, doi: 10.1109/memb.2009.935459. | |
Esneault S., Lafon C., Dillenseger J.-L., " Liver vessels segmentation using a hybrid geometrical moments/graph cuts method", IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57, 2, 2010, pp. 276-283, doi: 10.1109/tbme.2009.2032161. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Esneault S., " Fast FFT-based bioheat transfer equation computation ", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 40, 2, 2010, pp. 119-123, doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2008.12.009. | |
Esneault S., Lafon C., Dillenseger J.-L., "Modélisation spécifique patient des effets d’une thérapie interstitielle par une sonde multi-éléments : résultats préliminaires", 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 2010, papier 286, 6 pages | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Kulik C., Le Rolle V., Dieulangard Y., "Reconnaissance et localisation spatiale d’objets. Travaux Pratiques de Vision par Ordinateur en Licence Professionnelle en Mécatronique", CETSIS, Grenoble, 2010, papier 83, 5 pages. |
2009 |
Tang H., Dillenseger J.-L., Bao X. D., Luo L. M., "A vectorial image soft segmentation method based on neighborhood weighted Gaussian mixture model", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 33, 8, 2009, pp. 644-650, doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2009.07.001. | |
Schleich J.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., Houyel L., Almange C., Anderson R. H., "A new dynamic 3-D virtual image method for teaching normal human atrial septation", Anatomical Sciences Education, 2, 2, 2009, pp. 69-77, doi: 110.1002/ase.74. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Laguitton S., Delabrousse E, "Fast Simulation of Ultrasound Images from a CT volume", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 39, 2, 2009, pp. 180-186, doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2009.11.008. | |
Tang H., Dillenseger J.-L., Bao X. D., Luo L. M., "A multi-volume visualization framework for spatial aligned volumes after 3D/3D image registration", Int. Conf on Information Science and Engineering ICISE, Nanjing, 2009, pp. 3571-3574, doi: 10.1109/icise.2009.77. | |
Esneault S., Lafon C., Dillenseger J.-L., "Segmentation de la vascularisation hépatique par une approche mixte moments/graph-cut", RITS 2009, Lille, pp. 156-158. |
2008 |
Garnier G., Lafon C., Dillenseger J.-L., "3D modeling of the thermal coagulation necrosis induced by an interstitial ultrasonic transducer", IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55, 2, 2008, pp. 833-837, doi: 10.1109/tbme.2007.914543. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Esneault S., Garnier G., "FFT-based computation of the bioheat transfer equation for the HCC", IEEE-EMBC 2008, Vancouver, 2008, pp. 2538-2541, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2008.4649717. | |
Tang H., Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M., "A vectorial image classification method based on neighborhood weighted Gaussian Mixture model", IEEE-EMBC 2008, Vancouver, 2008, pp. 1922-1925, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2008.4649563. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Garnier G., "Acoustical power computation acceleration techniques for the planning of ultrasound therapy", ISBI'08, Paris, 2008, pp. 1203-1206, doi: 10.1109/isbi.2008.4541218. |
2007 |
Tang H., Shu H. Z., Dillenseger J.-L., Bao X. D., Luo L. M., "Moment-based metrics for mesh simplification", Computers & Graphics, 31, 5, 2007, pp. 710-718, doi: 10.1016/j.cag.2007.05.001 . | |
Tang H., Luo L. M.,
"Registration of kidney in pre-operative planning", Journal of Applied
Sciences [chinese], 25, 4, 2007, pp 370-376. |
Esneault S., Hraiech N., Delabrousse E., Dillenseger J.-L., "Graph cut liver segmentation for interstitial ultrasound therapy", IEEE-EMBC 2007, Lyon, 2007, pp. 5247-5250, , doi: 10.1109/iembs.2007.4353525. | |
Tang H., Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M., "Intra subject 3D/3D kidney registration using local Mutual Information maximization", IEEE-EMBC 2007, Lyon, 2007, pp. 6379-6382, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2007.4353815. | |
Torres K., Pham
T.-L., Esneault
Nunes J.-C.,
Delabrousse E., Dillenseger J.-L., Segmentation d'images scanner X du
foie par Max-Flow/Min-Cut, GRETSI’07, Troyes, 2007, pp.
137-140. |
2006 |
Dillenseger J.-L., Guillaume H.,
Patard J.-J., " Spherical
harmonics based intra subject 3D
kidney modeling/registration technique applied on partial information",
IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53, 11, 2006, pp.
2185-2193, doi: 10.1109/tbme.2006.883653. |
2005 |
Schleich J.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., Loeuillet L., Moulinoux J.-P., Almange C., "Three-dimensional reconstruction and morphological measurements of human embryonic hearts. A new diagnostic and quantitative method applicable to fetuses younger than 13 weeks of gestation", Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 8(4), 2005, pp. 463-473, doi: 10.1007/s10024-005-0017-8. | |
Zhang H, Shu H. Z., Luo L. M., Dillenseger J.-L.,. "A Legendre orthogonal moment based 3D edge operator", Science in China (Series G)[Chinese], 2005, 48(1), pp. 1-13, doi: 10.1360/02ww0190 . | |
Laguitton S., Patard J.-J.,
Dillenseger J.-L., "Fast
simulation of ultrasound images from a
CT volume”, EMBEC’05, Prague, Nov. 2005,
papier 1433, 4 pages. |
Laguitton S.,
Patard J.-J.,
Dillenseger J.-L.,
"Simulation d’images échographiques à
partir de données scanner X",
Actes du 20ème colloque GRETSI’05, Louvain la
Neuve, Sept. 2005, vol 1,
pp. 355-358. |
Sousa Santos B., Dillenseger J.-L., "Quality evaluation in medical visualization: some issues and a taxonomy of methods", Medical Imaging 2005: Image-Guided Procedures and Display, San Diego, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5744, Feb. 2005, pp. 612-620, doi: 10.1117/12.594549. |
2004 |
Guillaume H., Dillenseger J.-L., Patard J.-J., "Intra subject 3D/3D Kidney Registration/Modeling using Spherical Harmonics applied on Partial Information", IEEE-EMBC 2004, San Francisco, 2004, pp. 1699-1702, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2004.1403511. | |
Schleich, J.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., "A 3-D virtual image based learning tool for studying normal heart development", TeL'04 - Technology Enhanced Learning, workshop of IFIP World Computer Congress, Toulouse, 2004. | |
Schleich J.–M., Dillenseger J.-L., Loeuillet L., Almange C., "A New 3-D Method for Reconstruction and Morphological Quantization of Human Embryonic Heart applied to Pathological study", XIVèmes Journées Européenne de la Société Française de Cardiologie, Paris, 2004, C129. | |
Loeuillet L.,
Schleich J.–M.,
"First-trimester fetal examination: a 3-D method for reconstruction and
morphological evaluation of human heart", 8th International Workshop on
Fetal Genetic Pathology, Paris, 2004. |
2003 |
Schleich J.-M., Andru S., Dillenseger J.-L., Almange C., "Imagerie du développement cardiaque normal", Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture, 16, 6, 2003, pp. 316-320, doi: 10.1016/S0987-7983(03)00031-8. | |
Zhang H., Shu H.
Z., Dillenseger
J.-L., Luo L. M., "A
Legendre Orthogonal Moment based 3D Edge Operator", Science in China
(Series G)[Chinese], 33, 2, 2003, pp. 148-158. |
Dillenseger J.-L., Rolland P., Patard J.-J., "A Visual Computer Tool for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Preoperative Planning", IEEE-EMBC 2003, Cancun, 2003, pp. 1141-1144, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2003.1279450. | |
Xu D. H., Shu H. Z., Bao X. D., Zhang H., Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M., "A Parabola Fitting Edge Operator by the Moments", IEEE-EMBC 2003, Cancun, 2003, pp.653-656, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2003.1279843. |
2002 |
Sousa Santos B., Dillenseger J.-L., Ferreira C., "Experimental Methodology for the Evaluation of the 3D Visualization of Quantitative Stereoelectroencephalographic Information", Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 10, 2, 2002, pp. 93-103, doi: 10.2498/cit.2002.02.04. | |
Schleich J.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., Andru S., Coatrieux J.-L., Almange C., "Understanding Normal Cardiac Development using Animated Models", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 22, 1, 2002, pp. 14-19, doi: 110.1109/38.974513. | |
Yu W. X. , Zhang H, Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M., "A Legendre Orthogonal Moment based 3D Edge Operator", Signal Processing (chinese), 18 (4):303-307, 2002. |
2001 |
Schleich J.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., " Virtual Imaging for Teaching Cardiac Embryology", Circulation, 104, 24, 2001, e134, doi: 10.1161/circ.104.24.e134. | |
Toumoulin C., Boldak C., Dillenseger J.-L, Coatrieux J.-L., Rolland Y., "Fast Detection and Characterization of Vessels in Very Large 3-D Data Sets Using Geometrical Moments", IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 48, 5, May 2001, pp. 604-606, doi: 10.1109/10.918601. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Schleich, J.-M., "3D Reconstruction and Morphological Quantization of a Human Embryo Heart for the Validation of a Virtual Model", IEEE-EMBC 2001, track 5.4.1-17, paper 784 on the cdrom, 2 pages, Istanbul, Oct. 2001, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2001.1017308. | |
Janácek J., Haigron
P., Tintìra
J., Filipová H., Dillenseger
J.-L., “Noninvasive Examination of Biliary Tract by
Visualization of 3D
Magnetic Resonance Images”, Int. Conf. On Biomedical
Education, Prag, Sept. 2001. |
Dillenseger J.-L., Sousa Santos B., Ferreira C., "Evaluation of the 3D Visualization of Quantitative Stereoelectroencephalographic Information. New results", Medical Imaging 2001 : Image Perception and Performances, San Diego, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4324, Février 2001, pp. 234-241, doi: 10.1117/12.431194. | |
Janácek J., Haigron
P., Tintera
Dillenseger J.-L.,
"Visualisation of 3D Magnetic Resonance Images of Billiary Tract", 9-th
int. Conf. in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and
Computer Vision'2001, WSCG 2001, Plzen, Fevrier 2001. |
Schleich J.–M., Dillenseger J.-L., Almange C., "Validation de modèles virtuels 3D par reconstruction tridimensionnelle et quantification spatiale de cœurs d’embryon humain", XIèmes Journées Européenne de la Société Française de Cardiologie, 2001. | |
Guillaume H ., Dillenseger J.-L., Wendling F., "Visualisation 3D de processus épileptiques", 11ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Compiègne, 2001, prix spécial dans la catégorie poster, pp. 36-37. | |
Schleich J.–M., Dillenseger J.-L., Almange
C., "Morphological
Quantization and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Human Embryo
Hearts for Virtual Model Validation", 3rd World Congress of Pediatric
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Toronto, 2001, P610. |
Schleich J.–M., Dillenseger J.-L., Almange C., "Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Morphological Quantization of Human Embryo Hearts for Virtual Model Validation", 23rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, European Heart Journal, 22, Abstr. Supl, Stockholm, 2001, p. 425. |
2000 |
Dillenseger J.-L., Sousa Santos B., Texeira P., Nunes J., Ferreira C., "Evaluating Visualizations of Stereotactic EEG in Anatomical Context: an Experiment", Revista do DETUA, 3, 2, 2000, pp. 159-166. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Sousa Santos B., Texeira P., Nunes J., Ferreira C., "Evaluation of the 3D Visualization of Quantitative Stereoelectroencephalographic Information", proc. of IEEE-EMBS, Chicago, ref. TH-FXH-05 on the cdrom, 4 pages, Août 2000, doi: 10.1109/iembs.2000.901430. | |
Ferreira C., Sousa Santos B., Dillenseger J.-L., "Evaluação de visualisaçã dados de electroencefalografia estereotàctica : protocole e anàlise de dados", VI Jornadas de Clasificação e Anàlise de Dados, JOCLAD 2000, Lisbonne, Mars 2000, pp. 74-75. | |
George A., Dillenseger J.-L., M. Weber, A. Pechereau, "Optical Coherence Tomography Image Processing", Congrès de l'Arvo, Chicago, Invest. Ophtalmol. Vis. Sci., 41(4), Mars 2000, p. S173. | |
George A., Dillenseger J.-L., M. Weber, A. Pechereau, "Traitements d'images acquises en Tomographie en Cohérence Optique", 106ème Congrès la Société Française d'Ophtalmologie, Paris, Mai 2000. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Sousa Santos B., Texeira P., Nunes J., Ferreira C., "Évaluation de la qualité d'une technique de visualisation de signaux SEEG dans leur contexte anatomique", 10ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Tours, Juin 2000, pp. 104-105. |
1999 |
Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M., "Comparison between
Edge Operators applied in a 3D Navigation Approach", CBME'99, Nanjing,
1999, pp. 176-177. |
Dillenseger J.-L.,
Luo L. M.,
"Visualization of EEG and SEEG Signals on
3D Anatomical Images for Clinical Epilepsy Studies", CBME'99, Nanjing,
1999, pp. 178-179. |
Hulaud J.-P., Haigron P., Dillenseger J.-L., Luo L. M.,
"Ximages biomedical", CBME'99, Nanjing, 1999, pp. 259-260. |
Dillenseger J.-L., Sousa Santos B., Texeira P., Nunes J., Ferreira C., "Evaluating Visualizations of Stereotactic EEG in Anatomical Context: an Experiment", APRP Workshop on Medical Imaging, Aveiro, Oct. 1999, pp. 41-45. |
1998 |
Sousa Santos B., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "Some Recurrent Concepts of Quality Evaluation in Medical Visualization", Revista do DETUA, 2, 2, 1998, pp.244-247. | |
Wendling F., Dillenseger J.-L., "Visualisation de processus paroxistiques enregistrés lors de crises d'épilepsie", Innov. et Tech. en Biol. et Med., 19, 6, 1998, pp. 463-47. | |
Janacek J., Jirkowska M., Haigron P., Dillenseger J.-L., "3D Navigation through villous vessels in Human Placenta", Innov. et Tech. en Biol. et Med., 19, 6, 1998, pp. 483-489 | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Sousa Santos B., "Comparison between two Three-Dimensional Edge Operators applied in a 3D Navigation Approach", Eurographics'98, Lisbonne, Sept. 1998,.pp. 3.7.1-3.7.2, doi: 10.2312/egs.19981002. | |
Dillenseger J.-L.,
Wendling F.,
"Visualization of
processes", Eurographics'98, Lisbonne, Sept. 1998, pp. 3.4.1-3.4.2,
doi: 10.2312/egs.19981003. |
Janacek J.,
Jirkowska M.,
Haigron P., Dillenseger
J.-L., "3D
Navigation through villous vessels in Human Placenta", 9ème
Forum des
Jeunes Chercheurs, Brest, 1998, pp. 80-81. |
Wendling F., Dillenseger J.-L., "Visualisation de processus paroxistiques enregistrés lors de crises d'épilepsie", 9ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Brest, 1998, pp. 24-25. |
1996 |
Rocha C., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "Multi-Array EEG Signals Mapped with Three Dimensional Images for Clinical Epilepsy Studies", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1131, Visualization in Biomedical Computing, Höhne and Kikinis Eds., Springer Verlag, 1996, pp. 467-476, doi: 10.1007/bfb0046987. | |
Dillenseger J.-L.,
Rocha C.,
Coatrieux J.-L., Carrault
"Fusion of Signal and Anatomical Data in 3D Medical Imaging",
Biosignal'96, 13th Int Conf., Brno, invited paper, June 1996, pp.
72-76. |
Rocha C., Shamsollahi M. B., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "3D Visualization of a Time-Frequency Representation of SEEG Signals", proc. of IEEE-EMBS, Amsterdam, Nov. 1996, pp. 917-918, doi: 10.1109/iembs.1996.651911. |
1995 |
Dillenseger J.-L., Le Merrer M.-A., Haigron P., Garreau M., Coatrieux J.-L, "Modèle de connaissance et lancer de rayons pour le traitement d'images volumiques multimodales", Innov. et Tech. en Biol. et Med., 16, 1, 1995, pp. 1-11. | |
Senhadji L., Dillenseger J.-L., Wendling F., Rocha C., Kinie A., "Wavelet Analysis for Mapping of Epileptic Events", Annals of Biomed. Eng, 23, invited paper, 1995, pp. 543-552, doi: 10.1007/bf02584454. | |
Rocha C., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., Zhou M.
"Visualisation tridimensionnelle de signaux EEG de profondeur et de
surface en imagerie morphologique et fonctionnelle pour
clinique des épilepsies", Innov. et Tech. en Biol. et Med.,
16, 5,
1995, pp. 517-529. |
Rocha C., Zhou M. Q., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "Toward the Visualization of Time-Varying Multi-Sensors Data Sets", 3rd European Conference on Engineering and Medicine, Florence, Apr.-May 1995, p. 278. |
1994 |
Dillenseger J.-L., Rocha C., Coatrieux J.-L., "'X-Image 3D' : An Evolutionary Software System for Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Multidimensional Biomedical Data", 12th International Congress on Medical Informatics (MIE-94), Lisbon, May 1994, pp. 590-596. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Rocha C., Coatrieux J.-L., “Extension of the X-Image 3D Software to Epilepsy Applications”, proc. of IEEE-EMBS, Baltimore, Nov. 1994, pp. 624-625, doi: 10.1109/iembs.1994.411833 . | |
Haigron P., Le Merrer M.-A., Dillenseger J.-L., "3D Facial Features Extraction and Prepositioning", proc. of IEEE-EMBS, Baltimore, Nov. 1994, pp. 688-689, doi: 10.1109/iembs.1994.411863 . | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Le Merrer M.-A., Haigron P., Garreau M., Coatrieux J.-L, "Modèle de connaissance et lancer de rayons pour le traitement d'images volumiques multimodales", 7ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Lyon, 26-27 Mai 1994, pp. 168-169. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Le Merrer M.-A., Garreau M., Haigron P., Coatrieux J.-L., "Multi-Agent Knowledge-Based Ray Tracing for Multimodal Volume Processing", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomed. Eng., Rio, Aug. 1994, p. 621. |
1993 |
Reuzé P., Coatrieux J.-L., Luo L.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., "3D Moment Based Approach for Blood Vessel Detection and Quantitation in MRI", Technological and Health Care, 1, 2, Nov. 1993, pp. 181-188, doi: 10.3233/thc-1993-1209 . | |
Luo L. M., Hamitouche C., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "A Moment Based Three Dimensional Edge Operator", IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 40, 7, July 1993, pp. 693-703, doi: 10.1109/10.237699. | |
Reuzé P., Coatrieux J.-L., Luo L.-M., Dillenseger J.-L., "3D Vessel Tracking and Quantitation in Angio MRI", 19th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Newark, March 1993, pp. 43-44, doi: 10.1109/nebc.1993.404423 . | |
Reuzé P.,
Dillenseger J.-L.,
J.-L., Luo L.-M., "3D
Moment Based Approach for Blood Vessel Detection and Quantitation in
MRI", 2nd European Conference on Engineering and Medicine, Stuttgart,
April 1993, pp. 208-209. |
Bruno A., De Certaines J. D., Reuzé P., Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "Technological Requirements and Future Prospects in 3D Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Glasgow, 1993. |
1992 |
Flifla J., Dillenseger J.-L., Haigron P.,Coatrieux J.-L.,"Quaternion based Registration Method in Medical Imaging", proc. of International Biomedical Engineering Days, Istambul, Aug. 1992, pp. 161-165, doi: 10.1109/ibed.1992.247105 . | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Coatrieux J.-L., "Functional and Morphological Data Fusion in Electro-encephalography", proc. IEEE-EMBS, Paris, Nov. 1992, pp. 2022-2023, doi: 10.1109/iembs.1992.5762149 . |
1991 |
Dillenseger J.-L., Hamitouche C., Coatrieux J.-L., "Visualisation d'images tridimensionnelles par lancer de rayons avec interpolation locale", Innov. et Tech. en Biol. et Med., 12, 3, 1991, pp. 244-255. | |
Dillenseger J.-L., Hamitouche C., Coatrieux J.-L., "An Integrated Multi-purpose Ray Tracing Framework for the Visualization of Medical Images", proc. IEEE-EMBS, Orlando, Nov. 1991, pp. 1125-1126, doi: 10.1109/iembs.1991.684374. | |
Parmett S., Laxminarayan S., Majidi M., Reantragoon S., Blumenfrucht S., Coatrieux J.-L., Dillenseger J.-L., Jessup M., "3D Visualization Program for Medical Imaging Applications in Clinical Medicine and Education", proc. of IEEE-EMBS, Orlando, Nov. 1991, pp. 1135-1136, doi: 10.1109/iembs.1991.684379 . | |
Hamitouche C., Dillenseger J.L., Bruno A., Coatrieux J.L., "Combining 3-D Processing and Ray Tracing", CAR'91, Berlin, Juil. 1991, p. 870. |
Thèse - HDR
2003 | |
HDR | Dillenseger J.-L., "Visualisation Scientifique en médecine. Application à la visualisation de l'anatomie et à la visualisation en épileptologie clinique", Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Juin 2003. |
1992 | |
Thèse | Dillenseger J.-L., "Imagerie Tridimensionnelle Morphologique et Fonctionnelle en Multimodalité", Thèse de l'Université François Rabelais, Tours, Décembre 1992, Directeur de Thèse : Jean-Louis Coatrieux. |