Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya
Barcelona Spain, February 4th - 8th, 2008

An international conference devoted to differential and
difference Galois theories, and their applications.

Main topics include:
  • Linear differential Galois theory
  • Non-linear differential Galois theory
  • Difference Galois theories
  • Applications to integrability of dynamical systems
  • Singularities of dynamical systems
Scientific Committee
  • José Manuel Aroca (U. Valladolid)
  • Zbigniew Hajto (U. Pol. Krakovska)
  • Juan J. Morales-Ruiz (U. Pol. Catalunya)
  • Emmanuel Paul (U. Toulouse)
  • Alexei Tsygvintsev (Ec. Nor. Sup. Lyon)
  • Juan J. Morales-Ruiz (U. Pol. Catalunya)
  • Alexei Tsygvintsev (Ec. Nor. Sup. Lyon)
| Informations |


Hanoi University
Hanoi (Viet-Nam), April 09th - 13th, 2007

This is an international conference organized by the French ANR (Agence Nationale de Recherche) research project "Intégrabilté réelle et complexe en mécanique hamiltonienne" in cooperation with Hanoi University of Education.
  In the week 02-06 April 2007 preceding the conference, there will be a school intended mainly for graduate students and young researchers (to prepare them for the conference). The school will consist of 3 to 4 minicourses at basic level. Lecturers for the school include: Alain Albouy, Tudor Ratiu, Alexei Tsygvintsev, Nguyen Tien Zung (to be confirmed).

Main topics include:
  • Various notions of integrability
  • Local and global properties of integrable
    (non)Hamiltonian systems in finite and infinite dimension
  • Obstructions to integrability
  • Quantum integrable systems
  • Perturbations of integrable systems
International organizers:
  • Jean-Pierre Ramis (Toulouse)
  • Tudor Ratiu (Lausanne)
  • Alexei Tsygvintsev (Lyon)
  • Nguyen Tien Zung (Toulouse).
Local organizers:
  • Do Ngoc Diep (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics)
  • Nguyen Quang Dieu (Hanoi University of Education)
  • Do Duc Thai (Hanoi University of Education)
| Informations and Pictures | Talks |


Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM)
Luminy (France), November 27th-December 1st, 2006

This meeting is the first public event organized under the auspices of the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) contract entitled "Intégrabilité réelle et complexe en Mécanique Hamiltonienne ". This contract partially funds the research programs of ten young researchers in mathematics in the field of real and complex integrability in Hamiltonian mechanics. The main goal of this meeting is assembling the top researchers in the following fields at an international level in order to promote scientific exchanges.
  1. Differential Galois Theory
  2. Geometry of integrable systems
  3. Symetry and reduction methods in integrability problems
  4. Infinite dimensional integrability
  5. Analytic methods in integrability problems
  6. Numerical aspects and applications
| Programme et Informations | Notes d'exposés et photos |