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Born on July 09, 1976 at PAU (FRANCE, 64) in Béarn
Maître de Conférences HDR - Applied Mathematics -- University of Rennes 1
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Nov. 2014: HDR - Darrigrand_HDR_manuscrit.pdf, talk: hdr_EricD.pdf
Library Mélina++: (further information)
Library XLiFE++: (further information)
Contributions to the development of the finite-element library Mélina++: surface and volume integral operators.
Contributions to the development of the extended finite-element library XLiFE++: integral operators and fast methods. Library FastMMLib: (further information)
With Yvon Lafranche, development of a generic library on fast methods for the resolution of integral equations.
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Publications ( further information )
2022 : O. Duport, V. Le Rolle, E. Galli, D. Danan, E. Darrigrand, E. Donal, A.I. Hernández. Model-based analysis of myocardial contraction patterns in ischemic heart disease, Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering (2022)
2020 : M. Davoudkhani, F. Mahé, J.Y. Dourmad, A. Gohin, E. Darrigrand, F. Garcia-Launay. Economic optimization of feeding and shipping strategies in pig-fattening using an individual-based model, Agricultural Systems (2020)
2020 : R. Cornaggia, E. Darrigrand, L. Le Marrec, F. Mahé. Enriched finite elements and local rescaling for vibrations of axially inhomogeneous Timoshenko beams, Journal of Sound and Vibration (2020)
2018: R. Cornaggia, E. Darrigrand, L. Le Marrec, F. Mahé. Enriched finite elements for time-harmonic Webster's equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2018)
2017: E. Darrigrand, N. Gmati, R. Rais. Convergence of Krylov subspace solvers with Schwarz' preconditioner for exterior Maxwell problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2017)
2017: P. Hascoet, F. Chesnel, F. Jouan, C. Le Goff, A. Couturier, E. Darrigrand, F. Mahé, N. Rioux-Leclercq, X. Le Goff, Y. Arlot-Bonnemains. The pVHL172 isoform is not a tumor suppressor and up-regulates a subset of pro-tumorigenic genes including TGFB1 and MMP13, Oncotarget (2017)
2015: M. Costabel, E. Darrigrand, H. Sakly. Volume integral equations for electromagnetic scattering in two dimensions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2015)
2014: E. Darrigrand, N. Gmati, R. Rais. Schwarz method justification of a coupling between finite elements and integral representation for Maxwell exterior problem, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (2014)
2013: M. Darbas, E. Darrigrand, Y. Lafranche. Combining OSRC preconditioning and Fast Multipole Method for the Helmholtz equation, Journal of Computational Physics (2013)
2012: M. Costabel, E. Darrigrand, H. Sakly. The essential spectrum of the volume integral operator in electromagnetic scattering by a homogeneous body, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (Feb. 2012)
2011: E. Darrigrand, P. Monk. Combining the Ultra-Weak Variational Formulation and the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method, Applied Numerical Mathematics. (2011)
2010: P. Chartier, E. Darrigrand, E. Faou. A Regular Fast Multipole Method for Geometric Numerical Integrations of Hamiltonian Systems, BIT Numerical Mathematics. (2010)
2010: M. Costabel, E. Darrigrand, E.H. Koné. Volume and surface integral equations for electromagnetic scattering by a dielectric body, J. Comput. and Applied Math. (2010)
Oct. 2007: E. Darrigrand. Ultra-Weak Variational Formulation and Efficient Integral Representation in Electromagnetism: A Thorough Study of the Algorithm Complexity, ESAIM-Proc. (Oct 2007)
July 2007: E. Darrigrand, P. Monk. Coupling of the Ultra-Weak Variational Formulation and an Integral Representation using a Fast Multipole Method in Electromagnetism, J. Comput. and Applied Math. (July. 2007)
Feb. 2005: Fioralba Cakoni, Eric Darrigrand. The Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering Problem for a Mixed Boundary Value Problem for Screens, J. Comput. and Applied Math. (Feb. 2005)
June 2003: Fioralba Cakoni, David Colton, Eric Darrigrand. The Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering Problem for Screens, Inverse Problems (June 2003)
March 2003: Alain Bachelot, Eric Darrigrand, Katherine Mer-Nkonga. Coupling of a Multilevel Fast Multipole Method and a Microlocal Discretization for the 3-D Integral Equations of Electromagnetism, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences (March 2003)
Sept. 2002: Eric Darrigrand. Coupling of Fast Multipole Method and Microlocal Discretization for the 3-D Helmholtz Equation, Journal of Computational Physics (Sept. 2002)
Sept. 2002: Eric Darrigrand. Couplage Méthodes Multipôles Rapides et Discrétisation Microlocale pour les Equations Intégrales de l'Electromagnétisme, PhD-Thesis
Aug. 2001: Eric Darrigrand. Coupling of Fast Multipole Method and Microlocal Discretization for the 3-D Helmholtz Equation, preprint LRC-M03 CEA-MAB, n° 01.19 (August 2001)
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Conferences of the last five years (and of the previous years)
August 2019: Conference "Waves 2019", Vienna (Austria), oral communication
January 2019: Rennes-Nantes Meeting, Nantes (France), oral communication
June 2018: IABEM 2018, Paris (France), member of the scientific committee, oral communication.
June 2018: Mathematical models in health sciences, Nantes (France).
April 2018: Fundamentals and practice of finite elements, Roscoff (France), member of the organization board, oral communication.
April 2018: Mathematics and Enterprises Days, Vannes (France).
August 2017 : Waves diffracted by Patrick Joly -- in honour of his 60th birthday, Paris.
May-june 2017: Conference "Equations hyperboliques et physique mathématique -- Colloque en l'honneur d'Alain Bachelot", Bordeaux, oral communication, invited participant
May 2017: Conference "A conference in honor of Yvon Maday for his 60th birthday", Roscoff
Feb. 2017: Conference "Numerics and Mathematical Analysis for Singularities and Eigenvalue Problems -- en l'honneur des 60 ans de Monique Dauge", Rennes, co-organizer
Aug. 2016: International Conference on Comp. Math. and Inverse Problems, Houghton (Michigan), oral communication, invited participant
Aug. 2016: Conference "IABEM 2016", Golden (Colorado), canceled
June 2016: XLiFE++ Days 2016, ENSTA-Paristech, Palaiseau (France)
Jan. 2016: BIRS Workshop on Computational and Numerical Analysis of Transient Problems in Acoustics, Elasticity, and Electromagnetism, Banff (Canada), oral communication, invited participant
Aug. 25-27, 2015: Conference Multiscale numerical methods for differential equations, Rennes (France)
July 2015: Conference "WAVES 2015", Karlsruhe (Allemagne), oral communication
May. 26-29, 2015: Conference Mathematical problems in kinetic theory, Rennes (France)
May. 19-22, 2015: Conference Magnetic fields and semi-classical analysis, Rennes (France)
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Seminars of the last five years (and of the previous years)
25 june 2018: Seminar - Laboratoire Amiénois de Mathématique Fondamentale et Appliquée
22 Sept. 2016: Seminar - Ecole supérieure d'ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci
7 Dec. 2015: Seminar - Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Caen
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Since 2003: Maître de Conférences at the University of Rennes 1.
Nov. 2014: HDR - Rennes 1 University, IRMAR (Darrigrand_HDR_manuscrit.pdf, talk: hdr_EricD.pdf)
Oct 2002 - Aug 2003 (1 year): Postdoctoral position at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Delaware (Newark, DE, USA)
Sept 1999 - Sept 2002: PhD - Bordeaux-1 University (MAB), and CEA/CESTA (France) conducted by Alain Bachelot, professor of Bordeaux-1 University, and with the contribution of K. Mer-Nkonga of CEA.
Title: Coupling of a microlocal discretization method and a fast multipole method for the solution of integral equations induced by Maxwell's equations.
June 1999: DEA on Applied Mathematics (mention Bien) - University Bordeaux I (France, 33)
Training period (Feb-July 1999 -- CEA/CESTA): Study of a fast multipole method for the solution of an integral equation induced by the tridimensional exterior Laplace's problem.
June 1998: Maîtrise on Applied Mathematics (mention Très Bien, Major) - University of Pau (France, 64)
June 1997: Licence on Mathematics (mention Très Bien, Major) - University of Pau
June 1996: DEUG MMPI (mention Très Bien, Major) - University of Pau
June 1994: Baccalauréat C - Highschool Jacques Monod of Lescar (France, 64)
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Mathematics Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of EDP --
Integral Equations -- Iterative Methods -- Finite-Element Methods
Microlocal Discretization -- Fast Multipole Methods
Physics Acoustic, Electromagnetism: Direct and Inverse Problem of Scattering Computing Operating systems: MAC-OS X, LINUX, UNIX, MS-DOS, WINDOWS
Programming: C++, C, Fortran 90, Fortran 77, Pascal, Totalview
Bibliothèques: Mélina, Mélina++
Meshing: Ideas, Femlab, Gmsh
Visualization: XMGR, Tecplot, AVS, MEdit, Gnuplot
Others: Scilab, Matlab, Maple, TeX, LaTeX, Fig4TeX, PowerPoint, Word, Excel
Languages French, English, Spanish ---> Top of the page
Sports Mountain biking, Hiking, Karate, Horseback riding Others Scale models, Photography