Seminars of previous years
21-22 Feb. 2012 : Seminar - meeting ANR MicroWave (Nancy)
08 Nov. 2010 : Seminar "Modélisation et Calcul Scientifique" of the LMJL (Nantes)
15 June 2010 : Seminar PDEs and applications of IECN (Nancy)
08-09 Dec. 2009 : Seminar - meeting ANR MicroWave (Nancy).
07 Dec. 2009 : Seminar INRIA-team DeFI (Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau)
22 May 2009 : Seminar University of Reading (Reading - UK)
24 March 2009 : Seminar MIP - IMT (Toulouse)
06 Jan. 2009 : Seminar of LMAC - UTC (Compiègne)
08 Sept. 2008: Seminar - meeting ANR INGEMOL (IPSO - MICMAC)
15 Feb. 2008: Seminar of LAMSIN - LAMSIN - ENIT (Tunis - Tunisia)
22 Jan. 2008: Seminar IPSO - DIONYSOS
22 Feb. 2007: Seminar "Numerical Methods" - Mathematical department AGM (University of Cergy-Pontoise - France)
20 April 2006: Seminar "Mathématiques Appliquées" of the mathematical department of the University Blaise Pascal of Clermont-Ferrand (France)
30 March 2006: Seminar "Mathématiques Appliquées" of the mathematical department of the University of Nantes (France)
23 Feb. 2006: Seminar "Analyse des EDP" - LMA (University of Pau - France)
28 June 2005: Seminar Applied Mathematics (Math. Dept. of the University of Delaware - USA)
31 August 2004: Seminar at the MPI-MIS (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences - Leipzig - Germany)
24 August 2004: Seminar at the University of Göttingen (Göttingen - Germany)
10 August 2004: Seminar at the WIAS (Weierstrass Institut for Applied Analysis and Stochastics - Berlin - Germany)
30 June 2004: Seminar "Calcul Scientifique" (CERMICS - France)
01 June 2004: Seminar at CESTA (CEA-CESTA - France)
06 Nov. 2003: Seminar "Analyse Numérique" (IRMAR (University Rennes 1) - France)
08 April 2003: Applied Math. Seminar (Math. Dept. of the University of Delaware - USA)
02 April 2003: Seminar of Mathematics (ENS-Cachan, Ker-Lann - France)
25 Feb. 2003: Seminar Numerical Analysis. (UMD - University of Maryland - USA)
25 Nov. 2002: Seminar Applied Math. (UMBC - University of Baltimore - USA)
23 Sept. 2002: PhD-Students' seminar - LMA (University of Pau - France)
27 June 2002: Seminar "FMM" Electromagnetism CTT (CNES-Toulouse - France)
15 April 2002: Seminar "Analyse appliquée" LAMFA (University of Picardie - France)
22 Jan. 2002: PhD-Students' seminar - MIP (Toulouse-3 University - France)