
Practical informations


-- Advances in Functional Data Analysis : Cluster, location and shape --

24-26 oct, 2018, Rennes, Brittany, France

The workshop will be held in Université de Rennes 2. 
(download the map here)

You can visit

Please contact us for further information  (pepsfda2018@gmail.com).

Getting to Rennes

By plane

Rennes has its own small airport. Rennes airport operates flights to over 70 destinations but mostly with domestic flights (some low cost to/from the UK and Ireland).
From Rennes airport, you can reach the city centre:
- by bus: number 57, bus stop "Republique" (terminus, in the city center), 1.50€. There is a bus every 20 minutes from 5.30 to 0.11 (timetable).
- by taxi: the airport is about 10/15 minutes from the conference site and the city centre, 15€ before 19:00; 25€ after 19:00.

By train

It is also possible to take a flight with final destination Paris airport and take a train (TGV) from Paris to Rennes.
From Charles de Gaulle Airport rail station to Rennes, there are between 4 and 6 trains a day (direct, 3h to reach Rennes).
From Montparnasse railway station (Paris) to Rennes, a train every 30 minutes (direct, 2h05 to reach Rennes).
Book a train ticket

Getting to Université de Rennes 2, Villejean

From the railway station

  1. Take the subway (only one line, one every 3 minutes) direction J.F. Kennedy. Get off at stop "Villejean" (duration: 7 min). Then the conference site is about 5 minutes by foot.

From the city center (Republique station)

You have 2 options:

  1. Take the subway (only one line, one every 3 minutes) direction J.F. Kennedy. Get off at stop "Villejean" (duration: 5 min). Then the conference site is about 5 minutes by foot, (1km).
  2. Take the bus. You have the choice between 2 buses:
    - take the bus number C4 (one every 10 minutes, duration: 10 min), direction Beauregard. Get off at stop "Berger". Then the conference site is about 1 minute by foot.

Download a map of the centre of Rennes
Download the map of the campus

You can use the same ticket for the bus and the subway. One ticket (1.50 €) = 1 hour!
You can buy your tickets in the subway stations.