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Theoretical Chemistry Group

Rémi Marchal
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  1. Course

  2. Formation

  1. Course

  2. Réseau Francais de Chimie Théorique

    January 2019

    Introduction to Unix language and Supercomputers (Master2 and Phds)

    • Give basic knowledge on the Unix language and some basic commands
    • Give an overview on supercomputers
    Content of the course can be found here
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    Réseau Francais de Chimie Théorique

    January 2019

    Introduction to programmation using the Python language (Master2 and Phds)

    • Give some first hints on python script coding
    • Introduce the notion of algorithm
    Content of the course can be found here
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    Réseau Francais de Chimie Théorique

    January 2019

    Practicals in Python programming (Master2 and Phds)

    • Give some first hints on python script coding
    • Write first scripts
    Content of the course can be found here french/english
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    Ecole National Supérieur de Chimie de Rennes

    October-December 2018

    Programmation project using the Swift language (I2)

    • Helping students in code development
    • Introduce OpenGL
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    Réseau Francais de Chimie Théorique

    January 2018

    Introduction to Unix language and Supercomputers (Master2 and Phds)

    • Give basic knowledge on the Unix language and some basic commands
    • Give an overview on supercomputers
    Content of the course can be found here
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    Réseau Francais de Chimie Théorique

    February 2018

    Introduction to programmation using the Python language (Master2 and Phds)

    • Give some first hints on python script coding
    • Introduce the notion of algorithm
    Content of the course can be found here
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    Ecole National Supérieur de Chimie de Rennes

    Spring 2014-2018

    Programmation project using the Python language (CPI2)

    • Helping students in code development
    • Introduce many Python libraries
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    Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour


    • Practicals on Absorption and Diffusion Molecular Spectroscopy (L3)
    • Practicals on Chemical analysis (Master1)
    • Course and Particals on Excel (L1)
    • Tutorials on Thermodynamics (L2)
    • Tutorials on Scientific bibliographic tools (M1)
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    Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour


    • Tutorials on theoretical chemistry (L1 and L2)
    • Practicals on Chemical analysis (Master1)
    • Particals on Thermodynamics (L2)
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  3. Formation

  4. ISCR Theoretical Chemistry group

    Every year since 2013

    Introduction to Unix language and our Group computational facilities (new studients in the group)

    • Give basic knowledge on the Unix language and some basic commands
    • Give an overview our computational facilities
    • Introduce scheculer commands, dat transfer, ...
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    ISCR Theoretical Chemistry group

    Every year since 2018

    Introduction to Python

    • Give basic knowledge on Python
    • Practical sessions
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