Meeting GeoMeca
October 29th and 30th, 2018
Department of Mathematics
Université de Rennes 1
The meeting will cover broad area of interactions between geometry and mechanics at an accessible level, including:
Constitutive equations & Invariants
Integrability, Poisson Geometry & Mechanics
Geometric form of Mechanics
Geometric integrators
There is no conference fees but a limited number of participants.
Inscription can be made filling this email :
send email
Confirmed Speakers
Nicolas Auffray
, Université Paris-Est Marne-La Vallée
Joël Bensoam
Rodrigue Desmorat
, ENS Paris-Saclay
Erwan Faou
Aziz Hamdouni
, Université de La Rochelle
Boris Kolev
, ENS Paris-Saclay
Jean Lerbet
, Université Paris Saclay
Reynald Lercier, DGA & IRMAR
Lalaorina Rakotomanana-Ravelonarivo
, Université de la Réunion
Vladimir Salnikov
, Université de La Rochelle
Cette journée est soutenue par l'Action Incitative "Défis Scientifiques 2018" de l'Université de Rennes 1.