
The number of output files produced by the program depends on the action requested in the data file. Two files are always created : Additionnal files are created if the computation of the singular functions is requested (optional action 2) :

In the following, we describe the content of these files.

Main output file

Every data read in the data file is checked and reported here, along with its meaning. If an error is encountered during this stage, the execution stops. Three main classes of error can be found :
  1. Error during the read instruction. For example, a real data is given while an integer is expected.
  2. Error due to an invalid data. For example, a value is out of the prescribed bounds.
  3. Error due to a logical conflict between the current data and a previous one.
These kinds of error may be intermingled. When an error of the first kind is detected, a message is printed to the standard output, pointing out the data file record reached when the error has been found. For the other kinds of error, a message explaining the problem is written into this file and also to the standard output.

Once every data has been taken into account, the computation begins. The roots of the symbol associated to the system of equations and the vectors of the solution basis are printed whenever the set of elasticity coefficients changes. Every parameter governing the computation is printed before the singularities exponents. In the automatic computation mode, the rectangular domain used to search for the exponents is printed, and then the exponents found (a rough approximation followed by the accurate estimation finally kept). Some more information messages may be printed, mainly concerning the multiplicity and the precision.

If a problem occurs during computation time, a warning or error message is written into this file and also to the standard output. Such a message begins with ***, followed by the name of the subroutine where the problem is detected, and then an explanatory message. Here are the most common situations leading to a message to be printed:

Exponents file

This file contains the singularities exponents computed.
The first record consists in the value of the separation threshold between real and complex exponents. This is to ensure that the graphical postprocessor uses the same value as the program.
Then, for each value of the parameter governing the computation, the exponents are given according to the following scheme :
Value of the parameter
Number N of exponents for this value
Exponent number 1 (real part, imaginary part, multiplicity)
Exponent number 2 (real part, imaginary part, multiplicity)
Exponent number N (real part, imaginary part, multiplicity)

Singular functions file

This file contains the values of the angular singular functions associated to one exponent or several. Some additional informations are also given in order to make the graphical postprocessing easier. The structure of the file is organized according to the following scheme :
0 (in radians)    number K of subdomains
1 (in radians)    number n1 of abscissa evaluated in the subdomain 1
K (in radians)    number nK of abscissa evaluated in the subdomain K
Re ()     Im ()
M          dimension d of the space
SepT      Param
Name of the data file (without extension)
n1 values of the function f(1) for subdomain 1
nK values of the function f(1) for subdomain K
n1 values of the function f(M) for subdomain 1
nK values of the function f(M) for subdomain K
where M is the number of singular functions f(i), i = 1, . . . M associated to ,
SepT is the separation threshold between real and complex exponents,
Param is the value of the parameter governing the computation.

For the subdomain number i, the ni values of the function are given in ni records (or lines) of the form :

    Re ( f1() )   Im ( f1() )   . . .   Re ( fd() )   Im ( fd() )

where fj is the jth component of the function, j = 1, . . . d.

This whole block of values is repeated for each exponent found. As this may lead to a great amount of information, this output is cleary intended for a small number of exponents.

Matlab script file

This file is a so called M-file, that is to say it contains a Matlab script, to be run under the Matlab environment by simply entering the filename. For each exponent computed, it produces a graph of the angular singular function(s) by calling a set of other M-files.

Stress functions file

This file contains the values of the angular stress functions associated to one exponent or several. The structure of the file is exactly the same as the one of the singular function file where the functions f(i) stand for the angular stress functions.
