Ecological flexibility in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)

We investigated the effects of various human pressures on the ecology of Barbary macaques living in three different forests in Algeria and Morocco. We showed a great flexibility of the diets. Monkeys in forests heavily grazed by domestic livestocks compensated for a lack of herbaceous foods by eating subterranean foods (roots, mushrooms...) preferentially to tree and shrub products. The foods they consumed take longer to harvest and process than the seeds or leaves consumed by Barbary macaques in less heavily grazed forest habitats. In the forest where pastoralism was the highest monkeys spent more time foraging and moving, which induced higher energy costs than in a suitable habitat.



Ecole Nationale Forestière d'Ingénieurs de Salé (ENFI), Prof. M. Qarro: Accords de coopération ENFI/Univ. Rennes 1

Cellule de création du parc National d'Ifrane:Zouhair AMHAOUCH, Issam BOUZIANE, Bouchra EL ASRI, Nadia EL RHOUAT ,Lahcen OUKANNOU

Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et à la lutte Contre la Désertification 

Contrat Service Provincial des Eaux et Forêts (Maroc)/Université de Rennes 1