Academic qualifications

- « Habilitation » in Archaeology-Archaeosciences, Rennes 1 University, France (2003).

            Thesis: “Contribution to Iron Age study in Western France”.

- Ph.D. Archaeology-Archaeometry, Rennes 1 University, France, 1987

            Thesis: “Late Iron Age ceramics in Armorica”

- M. History, Rennes 2 University

            Thesis: « Late Iron Age ceramics in Brittany: comparative studies of some sites from Finistère”.


Present position

Senior Research Scientist, Archaeology (DR2 CNRS, 32nd section).

Head of « Coastal archaeology Research Group of the team »

(15 permanent staff scientists, 2 post-doc and 6 PhD


UMR 6566 « CReAAH »

Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire

(CNRS, Rennes 1, Rennes 2 & Nantes Universities, Ministère de la Culture & INRAP)

Université de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, bât. 24-25

35042 Rennes cedex, France

Ph. 33 2 23 23 59 38, Fac-simile 33 2 23 23 69 34

e mail :

web site :

President  of the AMARAI association

Professional competence

- Protohistoric archaeology, Iron Age art and art crafts, ceramics, stone, salt industry

- Iron Age peopling and Eurasian territories (Southern Urals-Western Siberia)

- Coastal and Islands archaeology (in Western France)


   Professional experience

- Direction and scientific responsibilities of twenty excavation and surveys programs (in Western France and Siberia)

- Responsibility and Co-direction of 6 international research programs (Europe and Russia)


  Present research activities

- Direction of the pluri-annual research program (2007-2009) on the Iron Age Settlement of Port-Blanc, Hoedic Island (Morbihan, Brittany)


   Various responsabilities :

- Directrice adjointe de l’UMR 6566 (2004-2007)

- Co-responsable de l’équipe « Axes thématiques …. » de l’UMR 6566 CReAAH (2008-2011)

- Responsable de publication « Bulletin de l’A.M.A.R.A.I. (Association Manche Atlantique de recherche archéologique dans les Îles )», 1 vol. annuel de 100 p.


Selection of 5 recent and relevant publications

from a full list of 140 publications (35 books and chapters, 43 papers in peer reviews or congresses, and 62 papers in other reviews) and 48 reports.

Daire M.Y., Langouët M.Y., 2010 - Les anciens pièges à poissons des côtes de Bretagne, un patrimoine au rythme des marées. Co-édition CeRAA-AMARAI, Les Dossiers du Centre Régional d’Archéologie d’Alet, n°AG, 165 p.


Daire M.Y., Dupont C., Baudry A., Billard C., Large J.M., Lespez L.,  Normand E., Scarre C. (dir.), 2013. Ancient maritime communities and the relationship between people and environment along the European Atlantic coasts/ Anciens peuplements littoraux et relations home/milieu sur les côtes de l’Europe atlantique. Proceedings of the HOMER 2011 Conference,Actes du colloque HOMER 2011, Vannes, 28 septembre-1er octobre 2011. British Archaeological Reports, International Series, BAR S2570, 672 p.


DAIRE M.Y., HAMON G. (dir.), 2013 - L’Île aux Moutons (Fouesnant, Finistère), Un établissement gaulois dans son contexte atlantique. Etude pluridisciplinaire. Les Dossiers du Ce.R.A.A., supplément n°AJ, 234 p.


Daire M.Y., López-Romero E., Proust J.N., Regnauld H., Pian S., Shi B., 2012 - Coastal changes and cultural heritage: Towards an assessment of vulnerability through the Western France experience. Journal of Island and Coastal archaeology, 7, p. 168-182.


López-Romero E., Daire M.Y., 2013 - The ICARE project: an insight into the formation and consolidation of archaeology in western France (ca. 1850-1990). Bulletin of the History of Archaeology23(1):3, 1-11. DOI: