\input fig4tex.tex
% 0. Initialization of variables (macros)
\def\Obdist{5000}\def\Valpsi{-68}\def\Valtheta{15} % Setting 3D parameters
% Setting view angles for 'realistic' projection and observation distance
\figset projection(longitude=\Valpsi, latitude=\Valtheta, distance=\Obdist)
% 1. Characteristic points
\def\dist{280} % Edge length
\figpt 1:(0,0) % Defining 1 point
\figpttraC 2:=1/\dist,0,0/ % 3D translations in 'z=0' plane
\figpttraC 3:=1/\dist,\dist,0/
\figpttraC 4:=1/0,\dist,0/
\figvectC 10(0,0,\dist)\figptstra 5=1,2,3,4/1,10/ % 3D vertical translations
\figptbary21:[1,2,6,5;1,1,1,1] % Barycenters of faces
% 2. Creation of the graphical file
\psset (width=2)\psline[1,2,6,5,1] % Drawing the edges of the cube
\psset (width=.4)\psline[3,7,8]
\psset (dash=4)\psline[3,4,8]
\psset (width=1)\psline[1,4]
\psset (dash=1)\psline[2,3]\psline[5,8]\psline[6,7]
\psset (dash=3)
% Drawing dashed circles on faces
\psset (width=1.2)\pscirc21,1,2(50)
\psset (width=0.8)\pscirc22,2,3(60) % with different width
\psset (width=1.2)\pscirc23,5,6(60)
\psset (width=0.4)\pscirc24,3,4(50)
\psset (width=0.6)\pscirc25,4,1(60)
\psset (width=0.8)\pscirc26,1,2(60)
% 3. Writing text on the figure
\figvisu{\figBoxA}{}{% An empty caption for the figure
\figsetmark{$\figBullet$}\figsetptname{{\bf#1}} % Boldface numbers for vertices
\figwritesw 1:(\dist)\figwritese 2:(\dist)
\figwritee 3:(\dist)\figwritenw 4:(5pt)
\figwritenw 5:(\dist)\figwritese 6:(\dist)
\figwritene 7:(\dist)\figwritenw 8:(\dist)
% Comments for edges at middle point using "\boxit" macro, undefined here
% bold face for 'foreground' edges,
\figptbary 0:[2,6;1,1]\figwritew 0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 1}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[7,6;1,1]\figwritese0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 2}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[5,6;1,1]\figwritesw0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 3}(1pt)
% slanted for 'background' edges.
\figptbary 0:[4,8;1,1]\figwritee 0:\boxit{2pt}{\sl Ar\^ete 4}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[4,1;1,1]\figwritenw0:\boxit{2pt}{Ar\^ete 5}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[4,3;1,1]\figwritesw0:\boxit{2pt}{Ar\^ete 6}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[1,5;1,1]\figwritew 0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 7}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[3,2;1,1]\figwritese0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 8}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[8,7;1,1]\figwritene0:\boxit{2pt}{\sl Ar\^ete 9}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[3,7;1,1]\figwritee 0:\boxit{2pt}{Ar\^ete 10}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[8,5;1,1]\figwritenw0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 11}(1pt)
\figptbary 0:[1,2;1,1]\figwritesw0:\boxit{2pt}{\bf Ar\^ete 12}(1pt)
% Comments for faces at barycenter of each face
% boldface for 'foreground' faces 1,2,3
\figwritec[21]{\bf Face 1}\figwritec[22]{\bf Face 2}
\figwritec[23]{\bf Face 3}\figwritec[24]{Face 4}
\figwritec[25]{Face 5}\figwritec[26]{Face 6}