library(FactoMineR) library(glmnet) url="" url = "~/Dropbox/ENSEIGNEMENT/RADO/Biscuits.csv" biscuits=read.csv(url,sep=";") # Extraction de la colonne fat fat=biscuits[,1] # Extraction des variables explicatives X=biscuits[,-1] # Trace d'un spectre plot(as.numeric(X[2,]),typ="l") title("Un exemple de spectre") # TIn the following plot, color is varying according to the fat percent fatn=fat/max(fat) colors= rainbow(length(fat)*2)[rev(1:length(fat))] i.col = rank(fat) plot(as.numeric(X[1,]),col=colors[i.col[1]],typ="l",ylab = "Absorbances") for (i in 2:length(fat)){ lines(as.numeric(X[i,]),col=colors[i.col[i]],typ="l",ylab = "Absorbances") } title("Spectres NIR") #============================================================================= train_test_split <- function (X,y,test_size=.25,random_state=NULL){ # Extraction of a train and a test datasets. # # Inputs : X, y : data # test_size : a fraction (<1) of the total set or a number of samples (integer) ; default 0.25 # random_state : if equal to an interger, it fixes the random seed ; defaut NULL # Outputs : X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test # n = nrow(X) if (test_size>1){test_size=test_size/n} if (!is.null(random_state)){set.seed(random_state)} itest=sample(1:n,round(n*test_size)) itrain=setdiff(1:n,itest) Xtrain=X[itrain,] Xtest=X[itest,] ytrain=y[itrain] ytest=y[itest] return(list(X_train=Xtrain,X_test=Xtest,y_train=ytrain,y_test=ytest)) } #============================================================================= # Find the waves length with highest correlation with fat percent ============= p = dim(X)[2] rho = NULL for (j in 1:p){ rho[j] = cor(X[,j],fat) } rho_28 = sort(rho)[p-28] keep = which(rho>=rho_28) # Overfitting ================================================================= # sampling for train, test sets samples = train_test_split(X[,keep],fat,test_size=4,random_state=1) X_train=samples$X_train X_test=samples$X_test y_train=samples$y_train y_test=samples$y_test # Fit a linear model ========================================================== # Fit Ridge and Lasso regression ============================================== alpha_values = c(1e-6,1e-5,1e-4,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1,1,5) # valeurs lambda