Procrustes Geometry and Optimal Coupling of Gaussian Processes
Yoav Zemel
Covariance operators are fundamental in functional data analysis,
providing the canonical means to analyse functional variation via
the celebrated Karhunen–Loève expansion. These operators may
themselves be subject to variation, for instance in contexts where
multiple functional populations are to be compared. Statistical
techniques to analyse such variation are intimately linked with the
choice of metric on covariance operators, and the intrinsic
infinite-dimensionality of these operators. We describe the
manifold-like geometry of the space of trace-class
infinite-dimensional covariance operators and associated key
statistical properties, under the recently proposed
infinite-dimensional version of the Procrustes metric
(Pigoli et al, 2014, Biometrika). We identify this space with that
of centred Gaussian processes equipped with the Wasserstein metric
of optimal transportation. The identification allows us to provide a
detailed description of those aspects of this manifold-like geometry
that are important in terms of statistical inference; to establish
key properties of the Fréchet mean of a random sample of
covariances; and to define generative models that are canonical for
such metrics and link with the problem of registration of warped
functional data.