Modeling the effects of high-dimensional covariates on 3D kinematics
Julia Wrobel (joint work with Jeff Goldsmith)
We assess methods for modeling 3D kinematics of objects, with the
goal of relating trajectories to potentially high-dimensional
covariates. Our work is motivated by novel data from an experiment
exploring the relationship between neural firing rates and hand
trajectories of mice performing a reaching task while under
neurological assessment. We present results from functional linear
concurrent, function-on-function regression models, and a Kalman
filter. The functional models allow for different time-lag
relationships between hand position and neural activity, and the
Kalman filter is a flexible Bayesian probabilistic framework
treating hand position and velocity as a Markov process influenced
by perturbations in neural activity. The input variables are firing
rates of 25 neurons measured concurrent with the hand reaching
activity. This sparse and complex input requires careful attention
to signal extraction; we employ dimension reduction and variable
selection techniques to optimize understanding of the relationship
between hand position and neural activity.
Key Words: trivariate functional data, functional regression, Kalman