BayesFMM: Functional Regression Models for Complex Biomedical
Imaging Data
Jeffrey S. Morris (joint work with Hongxiao Zhu, Veera
Baladandayuthapani, Hojin Yang, Michelle Miranda, Philip Rausch,
Emma Zohner)
As new technologies taking automated measurements and producing
complex, high-dimensional functional data are increasingly
prominent, methods for functional data analysis, and in particular
functional regression, are growing in importance. I will
overview BayesFMM, a framework developed from a series of Bayesian
methods to regress functional responses on predictors. This
approach utilizes basis representations to capture structure within
the functional objects, and can also capture inter-functional
correlation between objects induced by the experimental design from
spatial, temporal, or hierarchical sampling of functional
units. This approach is designed primarily for complex, high
dimensional functional data, with local features and potentially
non-Euclidean domains, with various examples highlighted including
mass spectrometry, copy number genomic data, event-related
potentials, functional MRI, corticol surface thickness, sonic signal
data, MRI measurements on the scleral surface of the eye, and
distributional data. Several advanced modeling approaches will
be featured, including semiparametric modeling of continuous
predictors, spatial functional models to model spatial
inter-functional correlation, and quantile functional regression
models that treat distributional data as functions.