Sean McNamara - Publications by Year
- D. Imbert, S.McNamara, ``Fictitious domain method for acoustic waves
through a granular suspension of movable rigid spheres,''
J Comp Phys 280 676-691 (2015)
- A. Le Bouil, A. Amon, S. McNamara, J. Crassous, ``Emergence of
cooperativity in plasticity of soft glassy materials,''
Phys Rev Lett 112 246001 (2014)
- F. Alonso-Marroquin, S. McNamara, ``Generalized formulation of the interaction
between two soft spheres,'' Eur Phys J Special Topics 223 2227 (2014)
- D. Imbert, S. McNamara,
``Fictitious domain method to model a movable rigid body in a sound wave,''
Journal of Numerical Mathematics 20 267-286 (2013)
- S. McNamara, ``Stress partition analysis of granular materials,''
Granular Matter 15 251-262 (2013)
- S. McNamara, ``The onset of inelastic collapse in a one-dimensional granular gas'' Granular Matter 14 121 (2012)
- P. Richard, S. McNamara, and M. Tankeo, ``Relevance of numerical simulations to booming sand,'' Phys Rev E 85 010301 (2012).
- P. Welker and S. McNamara, ``Precursors of failure and weakening
in a biaxial test,'' Granular Matter 13 93-105 (2011).
- S. McNamara, P. Richard, S. Kiesgen de Richter, G. Le Caer, and R. Delannay,
``Measurement of Granular Entropy,'' Phys Rev E 80 031301 (2009).
- P. Welker and S. McNamara,
``What triggers failure in frictional granular assemblies,''
Phys Rev E 79 061305 (2009).
- S. McNamara, R. García-Rojo, and H.J. Herrmann,
``Microscopic origin of granular ratcheting,''
Phys Rev E 77 031304 (2008).
- M. Strauss, S. McNamara, H.J. Herrmann,
``Plug Conveying in a Horizontal Tube''
Granular Matter 9 35 (2007).
- S. McNamara and H.J. Herrmann, ``Quasi-rigidity:
some uniqueness issues,'' Phys Rev E 74 061303 (2006).
- S. McNamara, R. García-Rojo, and H.J. Herrmann,
``Indeterminacy and the onset of motion in a simple granular packing,''
Phys Rev E 72 021304 (2005).
- M. Strauss, S. McNamara, H.J. Herrmann, G. Niederreiter,
and K. Sommer, ``Plug Conveying in a Vertical Tube''
Powder Technology 162 16 (2005).
- S. McNamara and E. Falcon,
``Simulations of vibrated granular medium with impact-velocity-dependent
restitution coefficient,'' Phys. Rev. E 71 031302 (2005).
- M. Wackenhut and S. McNamara,
``Shearing behavior of polydisperse media,''
Eur. J. Phys. E 17 237 (2005).
- S. McNamara, R. García-Rojo, and H.J. Herrmann,
``The stress-strain curve of cyclic loading: microscopic, analytical
results'' Powders & Grains 2005 (Balkema: Rotterdam) 295 (2005).
- S. McNamara and H.J. Herrmann, ``Measurement of Indeterminacy
in Packings of Perfectly Rigid Disks'' Phys Rev E 70
061303 (2004).
- G. Tardos, S. McNamara, and I. Talu, ``Slow and intermediate
flow of a frictional bulk powder in the Couette geometry''
Powder Technology 131 23 (2003).
- M. Mareschal and S. McNamara, ``Lyapunov hydrodynamics in the
dilute limit'' Physica D 187 311 (2004).
- S. McNamara and E. Falcon,
``Vibrated Granular Media as experimentally realizable Granular Gases'',
in Granular Gas Dynamics, T. Pöschel and N. Brilliantov,
eds. Springer (2003).
- E. Flekkøy, S. McNamara, K.J. Måløy and Damien Gendron,
``Structure formation and instability in a tube of sand,''
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 134302 (2001).
- S. McNamara and M. Mareschal, ``On the origin of the hydrodynamic
Lyapunov modes'' Physical Rev E 64 051103 (2001).
- S. McNamara and M. Mareschal, ``The Lyapunov Specturm of
granular gases'' Phys Rev E 63 061306 (2001).
- S. Aumaître, S. Fauve, S. McNamara and P. Poggi, ``Power injected
in dissipative systems and the fluctuation
theorem,'' European Phys. J. B 19 449 (2001).
- S. McNamara, J. Koplik, and J. Banavar, ``Simulations of Surfact-Enhanced
Spreading,'' in International Conference on Computational
Science 2001, V.N. Alexandrov, J.J. Dongarra, C.J.K. Tan, editors,
- S. McNamara, E. Flekkøy, and K.J. Måløy
``Grains and gas flow:
Molecular dynamics with hydrodynamic interactions,'' Phys. Rev. E
61 4054 (2000).
- S. McNamara and S. Luding, ``A simple method to mix granular
materials,'' in IUTAM Symposium Segregation in Granular Flows,
edited by A.D. Rosato and D.L. Blackmore (2000).
- S. McNamara and S. Luding, ``Energy flows in vibrated granular
media,'' Physical Review E 58 813 (1998).
- S. Luding, M. Huthmann, S. McNamara and A. Zippelius, ``Homogeneous
cooling of rough dissipative particles: Theory and simulations,''
Physical Review E 58, 3416 (1998).
- S. McNamara and S. Luding, ``Energy nonequipartition in
systems of inelastic, rough spheres,'' Physical Review E 58
2247 (1998).
- S. Luding and S. McNamara, ``How to handle inelastic collapse of a
dissipative hard-sphere gas with the TC model,'' Granular Matter
1, 111 (1998).
- S. McNamara and J.L. Barrat, ``Energy flux into a fluidized
granular medium at a vibrating wall,'' Physical Review E 55
7767 (1997).
- S. McNamara and W.R. Young, ``On the dynamics of a freely cooling
two dimensional granular medium,'' Physical Review E 53
5089 (1995).
- S. McNamara, ``A periodic orbit expansion of the Lorenz system,''
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Technical Report WHOI-94-12 (1993).
- S. McNamara and W.R. Young, ``Inelastic collapse in two
dimensions,'' Physical Review E 50, R28 (1994).
- S. McNamara, ``Hydrodynamic Modes of a uniform granular medium,''
Physics of Fluids A 5, 3056 (1993).
- S. McNamara and W.R. Young, ``Kinetics of a one-dimensional
granular medium in the quasielastic limit,'' Physics of Fluids A
5 34 (1993).
- S. McNamara and W.R. Young, ``Inelastic collapse and clumping
in a one dimensional granular medium,'' Physics of Fluids A
4, 496 (1992).
- D.J. Stevenson and S. McNamara,
``Background heat flow on hotspot planets: Io and Venus,''
Geophysical Research Letters 15 1455 (1988).
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