Publications de Goulwen FICHOU

Goulwen Fichou, Johannes Huisman: A geometric description of the neutral component of the Jacobian of a real plane curve having many pseudo-lines, Math. Nachr. 254-255 (2003) 126-131

Abstract: A pseudo-line of a real plane curve is a real branch that is not homologically trivial in the real projective plane. A real plane curve of degree d is said to have many pseudo-lines if it has exactly d-2 pseudo-lines and if its genus is equal to d-2. We present a planar description of the neutral component of the set of real points of the Jacobian of such a curve. When the curve is defined over Q, it gives rise to a planar description of a subgroup of finite index of the Mordell-Weil group of the curve.

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Dernière modification: le 2 juin 2003