
Name : Loray
First names : Frank, Olivier
Date and place of birth :
december the 26th of 1965 at Harfleur (France).
Nationality : French.
Family : Maried, 4 children.
Professionnal address :
University of Rennes 1,
Campus de Beaulieu,
35042 Rennes Cedex (France)
E-mail :
Doctoral grant
at the University of Rennes 1 from 1991
until 1994.
Permanent research position at C.N.R.S. from october the 1st of 1994 :
at Lille until september of 2002,
in mathematical institute AGAT, UMR 8524 of CNRS ;
at Rennes from October of 2002,
in mathematical institute IRMAR, UMR 6625 of CNRS.
Invited at the Mathematical institute C.R.M. of Barcelona
from January to June of 2002.
Doctoral Thesis :
"Holomorphic foliations with solvable holonomy" (in French)
Advisor : D. Cerveau . Defended on January the 28th of 1994
at the University of Rennes 1,
Main examinators : J.-F. Mattéi and R. Moussu.
Other examinators : F. Cano, G. Pourcin and J.-C. Tougeron.
Habilitation (french's PHD) :
"On the transversal structure of a 1st order ODE
in the complex domain" (in French)
Defended on November the 2nd of 2000 at the University of Lille 1.
Main examinators : É. Ghys, J.-P. Ramis and A. Verjovsky.
Other examinators : S. Ivachkovitch, R. Moussu, M. Nicolau, P. Sad and
N. Sibony.
 Research responsabilities
Co-advisor with Marcel Nicolau
of the doctoral thesis of David Marin
"Problems of moduli for a class of holomorphic foliations" (in Spanish)
defended on march the 30th of 2001
at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Advisor of the thesis of Loic Jean-Dit-Teyssier
"Homological equation and analytic classification of germs
of holomorphic vector fields of saddle-node type" (in French)
defended on september the 29th of 2003 at the University of Rennes 1.
Organisator of weekly seminars at Lille
from september of 1997 to june of 2001.
Co-organisator of the workshop "Holomorphic dynamics and singularities"
(with Alberto Verjovsky) at Lille in may of 1996.
Organisator of the workshop "Patchwork school on
singularities of differential equations"
at Lille in March of 1999.
Webmaster of IRMAR (2002-2005).
Heading of Analytic Geometry Research group of Rennes (IRMAR) since september
Responsible of IRMAR Library since september
Local responsible for ANR Symplexe
since november 2006.
Reviewer for Math. Reviews from 2000 to 2004.
Referee for several journals.
and participation at conferences
September 1991 :
school "Web Geometry" at Montpellier.
July 1992 :
conference "Bifurcations and periodic orbits of vector fields"
at the University of Montréal, Canada.
Spring of 1993 :
school "Galois differential Theory"
at Toulouse.
Spring of 1993 :
conference in the honnour of Bernard Malgrange at Institut Fourier,
June 1993 :
conference "Real and complex dynamical systems"
at Hillerød, Denmark.
Spring of 1994 :
talks at Angers, Dijon et Paris VI universities.
Spring of 1994 :
conference in the honnour of Jean Cerf at Orsay.
Spring of 1994 :
conference "Galois differential Theory" at Lille.
October 1994 :
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
December 1994 :
Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.
May 1995 :
conference "Holomorphic dynamical systems" at Rennes.
June 1995 :
conference "Stokes phenomena and Hilbert's 16th problem" at Groningen,
July 1995 :
conference "Complex geometry and dynamical systems"
in the honnour of Adrien Douady at Orsay.
September 1995 :
conference "Differential equations and singularities"
at Medina del Campo, Spain.
November 1995 :
school "Triangulations, arithmetic curves and field theory"
at Besancon.
Spring of 1996 :
semester "Topology in small dimensions" at I.H.P., Paris.
Spring 1996 :
University of Dijon.
April 1996 :
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
May 1996 :
workshop "Foliations on complex surfaces"
organised by E. Ghys and J.-F. Mattei at the CIRM, Marseille.
Autumn 1996 :
University of Toulouse III.
January 1997 :
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
June 1997 :
"International Conference on Dynamical Systems"
at Cuernavaca, Mexico.
June 1997 :
CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico.
September 1997 :
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
September 1997 :
Valladolid University, Spain.
December 1997 :
lectures on "transversal structure of a singularity of holomorphic foliation" at
Tordesillas, Spain.
Spring 1998 :
University of Strasbourg.
June 1998 :
school "Local differentiable dynamics" at Hasselt, Belgium.
June 1998 :
conference "Local Differentiable Dynamics"
at Hasselt, Belgique.
September 1998 :
conference "Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems",
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
October 1998 :
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
December 1998 :
University of Valenciennes.
December 1998 :
University of Warsaw, Poland.
January 1999 :
University of Rennes.
March 1999 :
school "Algebraic, analytic and geometrical aspects of differential equations" at Strasbourg.
October 1999 :
semester "Complex geometry"
at CRM, Barcelona, Spain.
November 1999 :
University of La Rochelle.
December 1999 :
University of Paris VI.
May 2000 :
University of Dijon.
June 2000 :
Orsay University (Harmonic Analysis group).
July 2000 :
workshop "Topological dynamics and hyperbolic geometry" at Vannes.
February 2001 :
conference "Differential equations in the complex domain"
in the memory of Raymond Gerard at Strasbourg.
March 2001 :
thesis of David Marin at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
May 2001 :
conference "Singularities of differential equations and foliations"
in the honnour of Robert Moussu at Lisbon, Portugal.
May 2001 :
conference "Differential equations and Stokes
phenomenon" in the honnour of Marius van der Put at Groningen,
June 2001 :
workshop "Dynamical systems in several complex variables" organised by
M. Brunella and N. Sibony at the CIRM,
July 2001 :
thesis of Xavier Ribon at the Valladolid University, Spain.
July 2001 :
"International meeting AMS-SMF" at Lyon.
October 2001 :
lectures on "the Galois groupoid of a foliation
following B. Malgrange" at Groningen, Netherlands.
November 2001 :
lectures on "the transversal structure of a codimension 1 holomorphic foliation"
at Firenze, Italy.
November 2001 :
Modena, Ital.
January-June 2002 :
temporary position et C.R.M., Autonomous University of Barcelona,
February 2002 :
lectures on "construction of chaotic foliations
on CP(n)" at CRM, Barcelona, Spain.
March 2002 :
Toulouse University.
January 2003 :
conference "Complex geometry and dynamical systems"
in the honnour of Alberto Verjovsky at Cuernavaca,
February 2003 :
Strasbourg University.
March 2003 :
Orsay University (Topology and Dynamic group).
April-June 2003 :
CRM, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
August 2003 :
"Complex analytic methods in dynamical systems"
in the honnour of Cesar Camacho at Rio de Janeiro,
September 2003 :
"Complex analysis..."
in the honnour of Jean-Pierre Ramis at Toulouse.
October 2003 :
Dijon University.
January 2004 :
"Topological and geometrical methods of complex differential equations"
at RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.
February 2004 :
lectures on "construction of chaotic foliations on CP(n)" during the trimester
"Complex Analysis and Applications" at IHP, Paris.
June 2004 :
conference "Asymptotic theories and Painleve equations" at Angers.
June 2004 :
lectures on "Formal and analytic normal forms for planar vector fields"
in the conference
"Bifurcations, Limit Cycles and Analytic Foliations"
in the honnour of Robert Roussarie au CIRM, Marseille.
June 2004 :
"Thom and singularity theory"
at Nantes.
June 2004 :
workshop "Non linear differential Galois Theory"
at CRM , Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
July 2004 :
Franco-Canadian meeting at Toulouse.
September 2004 :
workshop ACI "Systèmes dynamiques polynomiaux",
introductary lectures on Painlevé VI equation.
October 2004 :
University of Groningen, Nederlands.
November 2004 :
University of Bordeaux.
November 2004 :
Colloque in memory of Andrei Bolibruk, Strasbourg.
December 2004 :
ENS, Lyon.
January 2005 :
University of Toulouse.
January 2005 :
French-Russian International Conference, Moscow.
February 2005 :
University of Lille (two talks).
February 2005 :
University of Manchester, UK.
May 2005 :
University of Lyon I.
June 2005 :
Thomasz Miernowski thesis at ENS Lyon.
January 2006 :
University of Strasbourg.
March 2006 :
University of Angers.
April 2006 :
ENS Ulm, Paris.
May 2006 :
French-Japanese congress at Kyoto.
June 2006 :
University of Lille.
June 2006 :
Complex Dynamics and Geometry, CIRM.
September 2006 :
Conference in honnour of José Manuel Aroca à Tordesillas (satellite conference of Madrid ICM).
January 2007 :
Local Holomorphic Dynamics, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
February 2007 :
Lectures on transversely projective foliations at Niamey, Niger.
March 2007 :
Cornell University.
April 2007 :
Conference in honnour of Marius van der Put, Groningen, Nederlands.
June 2007 :
Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Lille.