ZOHOUR library

What is Zohour?

Zohour is a free Node-Based Adaptive 2D mesh algorithm, written in Fortran 2003 and developped since March 2014 by Édouard Canot. The current version is numbered 0.9.1 and dated 2019-03-30.

See "Recent news" at the bottom of this page...

Only nodes are added or removed, from an initial regular, set of squared cells. Moreover, the cells of the mesh correspond to the Voronoi tessellation; however there exist only 10 different cell shapes. The advantage of such a mesh is that, for a transient problem, almost nodes remain fixed and therefore very few interpolation is needed.

The adaptive algorithm is optimized, especially the computation of the hessian scalar invariant.

Excellent results are obtained when applying the meshing algorithm to a strong singular laplacian problem (see the resulting mesh below):

Another application shown below concerns the heat transfer with phase change, across a 2D domain. The mesh has to be refined near the moving phase change line, represented by the 100 °C isocontour line:

Please note that the Fortran compiler used to build Zohour must support unlimited polymorphism (Fortran 2003 feature):


A short documentation about the main characteristics of Zohour: Zohour_inside.pdf (in french).
A User Guide of the library: Zohour_user_guide.pdf (in english, work in progress...)


Linux 64-bit binary files (compiled with GNU Fortran 8.0) can be found here.
You need both the archive library and the precompiled module file (the name of the module is 'zohour_2d').

Note that you need the same compiler to use the precompiled binary module.

About the name:

Read this Document (in french).

Recent news:

For any question, please contact the author:

Come back to the author web page.
Last page modification: 2019-06-16