Darwin: Mac OS X

As mentioned on the main page of Muesli, it is highly recommended to use
a recent version of the BLAS/LAPACK libraries. Find here
BLAS-3.6.0 and
LAPACK-3.6.0 binary archived libraries, compiled with GNU gfortran
5.1 under MacOS X Yosemite (Darwin 10.10), with the debugging symbols (no optimization).
- Be aware that the provided files are only a subset of the whole LAPACK
routines, restricted to those required by the Muesli library (however
Blas/Lapack is not too difficult to compile and install yourself !).
- You can put these two archived librairies into /usr/local/lib
(recommended path), and rename them (or do a symbolic link) to
respectively libblas.a and liblapack.a (so that they can be found
easily by the '-llapack -lblas' flags).
You can also install BLAS/LAPACK (actually, the packages named 'openblas' and
'lapack') from Homebrew; it is very
efficient and easy.
Find below the binaries:
Muesli-2.15.5, compiled with optimization with GNU GCC-8.2
under MacOS X Mojave (Darwin 10.14)
Muesli-2.15.2, compiled with optimization with GNU GCC-8.2
under MacOS X Mojave (Darwin 10.14)
Muesli-2.11.0, compiled with optimization with GNU GCC-5.1
under MacOS X Yosemite (Darwin 10.10)
The current version of Muesli is known to be able to be compiled by
yourself on many versions of Darwin (at least from Yosemite 10.10 to
Mojave 10.14).
See also the Muesli Installation Guide for other specific things.
Come back to the MUESLI home page.