

f90cache - a Fortran 90 compiler cache


0.99c - May 2019


f90cache [OPTION]

f90cache <compiler> [COMPILER OPTIONS]



f90cache is a compiler cache. It speeds up re-compilation of Fortran code by caching previous compiled objects, precompiled (sub)modules and detecting when the same compile is being done again. This version works with the following Linux Fortran compilers:

According to its name, this tool is of course compatible with all features of the Fortran 90 Standard. Moreover, it supports the Fortran 2008 submodule facility (introduced from version 6 of GNU Fortran, and from version 16 of INTEL Fortran).


Here is a summary of the options to f90cache.

-s                      show statistics summary
-z                      zero statistics
-c                      run a cache cleanup
-C                      clear the cache completely
-F <maxfiles>           set maximum files in cache
-M <maxsize>            set maximum size of cache (use G, M or K)
-h                      this help page
-V                      print version number


These options only apply when you invoke f90cache as "f90cache". When invoked as a compiler none of these options apply. In that case your normal compiler options apply and you should refer to your compilers documentation.

Print a options summary page

Print the current statistics summary for the cache. The statistics are stored spread across the subdirectories of the cache. Using "f90cache -s" adds up the statistics across all subdirectories and prints the totals.

Zero the cache statistics.

Print the f90cache version number

Clean the cache and re-calculate the cache file count and size totals. Normally the -c option should not be necessary as f90cache keeps the cache below the specified limits at runtime and keeps statistics up to date on each compile. This option is mostly useful if you manually modify the cache contents or believe that the cache size statistics may be inaccurate.

Clear the entire cache, removing all cached files.

-F maxfiles
This sets the maximum number of files allowed in the cache. The value is stored inside the cache directory and applies to all future compiles. Due to the way the value is stored the actual value used is always rounded down to the nearest multiple of 16.

-M maxsize
This sets the maximum cache size. You can specify a value in gigabytes, megabytes or kilobytes by appending a G, M or K to the value. The default is gigabytes. The actual value stored is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 16 kilobytes.


There are two ways to use f90cache. You can either prefix your compile commands with "f90cache" or you can create a symbolic link between f90cache and the names of your compilers. The first method is most convenient if you just want to try out f90cache or wish to use it for some specific projects. The second method is most useful for when you wish to use f90cache for all your compiles.

To install for usage by the first method just copy f90cache to somewhere in your path.

To install for the second method do something like this:

  cp f90cache /usr/local/bin/
  ln -s /usr/local/bin/f90cache /usr/local/bin/gfortran

This will work as long as /usr/local/bin comes before the path to gfortran. After installing you may wish to run "which gfortran" to make sure that the correct link is being used.

Note! Do not use a hard link, use a symbolic link.


When run as a compiler front end "f90cache" usually just takes the same command line options as the compiler you are using. The exceptions to this rule are: (i) the option '--f90cache-skip'; that option can be used to tell f90cache that the next option is definitely not an input filename, and should be passed along to the compiler as-is. (ii) the option '--f90cache-depmod'; that option takes one argument which must be a precompiled Fortran (sub)module file which will be considered as a dependence for the current source file.

Concerning the exception (i), the reason why this can be important is that f90cache does need to parse the command line and determine what is an input filename and what is a compiler option, as it needs the input filename to determine the name of the resulting object file (among other things). The heuristic f90cache uses in this parsing is that any string on the command line that exists as a file is treated as an input file name (usually a Fortran file). By using '--f90cache-skip' you can force an option to not be treated as an input file name and instead be passed along to the compiler as a command line option.


f90cache uses a number of environment variables to control operations. In most cases you won't need any of these as the defaults will be fine.

the F90CACHE_DIR environment variable specifies where f90cache will keep its cached compiler output. The default is "$HOME/.f90cache".

the F90CACHE_TEMPDIR environment variable specifies where f90cache will put temporary files. The default is the same as F90CACHE_DIR. Note that the F90CACHE_TEMPDIR path must be on the same filesystem as the F90CACHE_DIR path, so that renames of files between the two directories can work.

If you set the F90CACHE_LOGFILE environment variable then f90cache will write some log information on cache hits and misses in that file. This is useful for tracking down problems.

You can optionally set F90CACHE_PATH to a colon separated path where f90cache will look for the real compilers. If you don't do this then f90cache will look for the first executable matching the compiler name in the normal PATH that isn't a symbolic link to f90cache itself.

You can optionally set F90CACHE_FC to force the name of the compiler to use. If you don't do this then f90cache works it out from the command line.

This option adds a prefix to the command line that f90cache runs when invoking the compiler. Also see the section below on using f90cache with distcc.

If you set the environment variable F90CACHE_DISABLE then f90cache will just call the real compiler, bypassing the cache completely.

the F90CACHE_READONLY environment variable tells f90cache to attempt to use existing cached object files, but not to try to add anything new to the cache. If you are using this because your F90CACHE_DIR is read-only, then you may find that you also need to set F90CACHE_TEMPDIR as otherwise f90cache will fail to create the temporary files.

If you set the environment variable F90CACHE_FPP2 then f90cache will not use the optimisation of avoiding the 2nd call to the pre-processor by compiling the pre-processed output that was used for finding the hash in the case of a cache miss. This is primarily a debugging option, although it is possible that some unusual compilers will have problems with the intermediate filename extensions used in this optimisation, in which case this option could allow f90cache to be used.

If you set the environment variable F90CACHE_NOSTATS then f90cache will not update the statistics files on each compile.

The environment variable F90CACHE_NLEVELS allows you to choose the number of levels of hash in the cache directory. The default is 2. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 8.

If you set the environment variable F90CACHE_HARDLINK then f90cache will attempt to use hard links from the cache directory when creating the compiler output rather than using a file copy. Using hard links is faster, but can confuse programs like 'make' that rely on modification times.

This forces f90cache to not use any cached results, even if it finds them. New results are still cached, but existing cache entries are ignored.

This sets the umask for f90cache and all child processes (such as the compiler). This is mostly useful when you wish to share your cache with other users. Note that this also affects the file permissions set on the object files created from your compilations.

This tells f90cache to hash the current working directory when calculating the hash that is used to distinguish two compiles. This prevents a problem with the storage of the current working directory in the debug info of a object file, which can lead f90cache to give a cached object file that has the working directory in the debug info set incorrectly. This option is off by default as the incorrect setting of this debug info rarely causes problems. If you strike problems with gdb not using the correct directory then enable this option.


By default f90cache has a one gigabyte limit on the cache size and no maximum number of files. You can set a different limit using the "f90cache -M" and "f90cache -F" options, which set the size and number of files limits.

When these limits are reached f90cache will reduce the cache to 20% below the numbers you specified in order to avoid doing the cache clean operation too often.


The basic idea is to detect when you are compiling exactly the same code a 2nd time and use the previously compiled output. You detect that it is the same code by forming a hash of:

These are hashed using md4 (a strong hash) and a cache file is formed based on that hash result. When the same compilation is done a second time f90cache is able to supply the correct compiler output (including all warnings etc) from the cache.

Three kind of information are kept inside the cache:

f90cache has been carefully written to always produce exactly the same compiler output that you would get without the cache. If you ever discover a case where f90cache changes the output of your compiler then please let me know.


A group of developers can increase the cache hit rate by sharing a cache directory. The hard links however cause unwanted side effects, as all links to a cached file share the file's modification timestamp. This results in false dependencies to be triggered by timestamp-based build systems whenever another user links to an existing file. Typically, users will see that their libraries and binaries are relinked without reason. To share a cache without side effects, the following conditions need to be met:


f90cache comes from ccache written by Andrew Tridgell. See the man page of ccache for more information.



f90cache has been adapted from ccache by Édouard Canot Édouard Canot web page

If you wish to report a problem or make a suggestion then please email Edouard.Canot@univ-rennes1.fr

May 2019