Finite difference schemes

(Correction and comments)

The PDE problem under consideration is the linear advection equation with velocity $a=1$: $$ \begin{aligned} \partial_t u+ a\partial_x u = 0,\\ u(0,x) = u_0(x). \end{aligned} $$

The discretization parameters are denoted $\Delta t>0$ and $\Delta x>0$. The Courant number $\mu := a\Delta t/\Delta x$ is a constant parameter to choose conveniently. The discrete initial data is $U^0_j=u_0(j\Delta x)$ for $j\in\mathbb{Z}$, and $U_j^n$ will be an approximation of $u(n\Delta t,j\Delta x)$. Several finite difference one-step schemes are successively considered (but some of them are never stable !) \begin{align} \tag{L1} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{\Delta x}\Bigl[U_j^n-U_{j-1}^n\Bigr]\\[0.5em] \tag{L2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[3U_j^n-4U_{j-1}^n+U_{j-2}^n\Bigr]\\[0.5em] \tag{BW2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[3U_j^n-4U_{j-1}^n+U_{j-2}^n\Bigr]+\dfrac{a^2\Delta t^2}{2\Delta x^2}\Bigl[U_j^n-2U_{j-1}^n+U_{j-2}^n\Bigr]\\ \ \notag\\[0.5em] \tag{C2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[U_{j+1}^n-U_{j-1}^n\Bigr] = U_j^n - a\Delta t\, (\mathrm{D}_0U^n)_j\\[0.5em] \tag{LW2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[U_{j+1}^n-U_{j-1}^n\Bigr] + \dfrac{a^2\Delta t^2}{2\Delta x^2}\Bigl[U_{j+1}^n-2U_{j}^n+U_{j-1}^n\Bigr]\\[0.5em] \ \notag\\[0.5em] \tag{C2-RK3} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - a\Delta t\, \mathrm{D}_0(U^n)_j + \dfrac{1}{2} (a\Delta t\, \mathrm{D}_0)^2(U^n)_j - \dfrac{1}{6} (a\Delta t\, \mathrm{D}_0)^3(U^n)_j\\[0.5em] \tag{C2-CN2} U_j^{n+1} &+ \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2}\, \mathrm{D}_0(U^{n+1})_j = U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2}\, \mathrm{D}_0(U^n)_j \end{align}

1. Symbolic stability study

i. Symbol computations

Determine on the paper the corresponding symbol functions $g(\xi \Delta x)$ in terms of the CFL parameter $\mu$.
For example the symbol of (L1) is $$g(\theta)=1-\mu(1-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}),\quad \theta\in[-\pi,\pi].$$

We obtain:

(L2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(3-4\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}+\mathsf{e}^{-2\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (BW2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(3-4\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}+\mathsf{e}^{-2\mathsf{i}\theta}) + \dfrac{\mu^2}{2}(1-2\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}+\mathsf{e}^{-2\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (C2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (LW2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}) + \dfrac{\mu^2}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-2+\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (C2-RK3): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}) + \dfrac{\mu^2}{8}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})^2 - \dfrac{\mu^3}{48}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})^3$$ (C2-CN2): $$g(\theta) = \dfrac{1 - \dfrac{\mu}{4}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})}{1 + \dfrac{\mu}{4}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})}$$

ii. Representation of the symbol

Draw on the same figure, the complex curves $\theta\mapsto g(\theta)$ with the choice $\mu=0.95$. Also plot the unit circle $\theta\mapsto\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}$ on the same figure.

iii. Stability domains

Using the above representation, check numerically the following CFL uniform stability conditions $\mathsf{Stab}=\{\mu\in\mathbb{R} \text{ s.t.} \|g\|_\infty\leq 1\}$ (no mathematical proof is required here).

2. Numerical simulations

The PDE problem $\partial_t u + a \partial_x u =0$ is set over the periodic space domain $\mathbb{T}$ (that is the torus $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ identified to the interval $[0,1]$ with the appropriate boundary conditions).
At the discrete level, the space points $x_j = j\Delta x$ are considered only for indices $0\leq j\leq J-1$. The integer $J$ is the "main" parameter and $\Delta x$ is deduced from the scaling relation $J\Delta x = 1$ ; the (independant) space points are then $x_j\in[0,1[$ for indices $0\leq j\leq J-1$.
The numerical boundary conditions are obtained by the periodicity property $U_{j+J}^n = U_j^n$ for any required integer $j$.
The numerical solution is computed up to the time $T>0$.

In the first tests, we consider the following initial data and parameters \begin{equation*} u_0(x) = \sin(2\omega \pi x),\qquad \omega = 4,\quad J=100,\quad T=2,\quad \mu=0.95. \end{equation*}

The following algorithm may help for your code:

# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
# Initial data
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical parameters
J = 100
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity

## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)

## Iterate in time
while t<T:
    dt = min([dt,T-t])
    V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U,[U[0]]))
    U = V[1:-1] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(V[2:]-V[:-2]) # example for the scheme C2
    t = t + dt

plt.legend(["scheme C2, J ="+str(J),"exact solution"])
plt.title('at time T='+str(T))

Some comments on the while loop

  • the first line corresponds to a slight adaptation of dt for the lastest iteration in order to exactly reach the final time $T$, this is important in particular for the convergence analysis
  • the second line is a simple way to take into account the periodic boundary condition by the ghost cell method, ghost periodic values are added to the vector U
  • the third line is the vectorial update of the vector with appropriate shifts in the invisible index $j$.
  • Only the second and third lines depend on the selected scheme and could be encapsulated in a specific function.

i. First schemes

Adapt the previous code and try it for (at least one of) the schemes (L1), (LW2), (BW2).

ii. High frequency behavior

For a fixed value of $J$ but choosing now several high values of the physical frequency parameter $\omega$ in the initial data, what happens ? (increase $J$ and try again).

Observations :

  • for a given grid, the high frequencies are more attenuated than the low frequencies
  • increasing the number of points reduces that dissipation phenomenon

3. Convergence experiments

The following box code proposes in a structured way the many above schemes considered through a generical structure functions. The name of a scheme name_iteration is given as a parameter in the main function SCHEME.

i. Convergence

Considering one of the previous schemes, increase the value of $J$ and observe graphically the convergence by comparing the curves $u(T,x_j)$ and the last time-iteration $U_j^n$.

ii. Convergence order

Choose a smooth data $u_0\in\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{T})$ and for several value of $J$, compute the $\ell^2$-error at the same final time $t=T$, meaning with the final iteration index $N$ (if needed choose a short final time $T=0.2$ so that your code runs faster).
Illustrate the convergence of (L1) at order $\beta=1$ and of (BW2) at order $\beta=2$ in the following sense: $$ \|U^N_j - u(T,x_j)\| \leq C(T,u_0) \Delta x^{\beta}. $$ Hint: compute and then draw $\ln(\|U^N_j - u(T,x_j)\|)$ with respect to $\ln(\Delta x)$.

What is the effective order of convergence of the any other schemes ?

Some comments

  • We observe the convergence curves, representing the log of the $\ell^2$-error in terms of the log of the number of points $J$ in the grid.
  • Reference straight lines with respective slope 1, 2 and 3 are also represented.On the other side, the slopes are computed numerically by using the last 2 points for each convergence curve (and a linear regression procedure).
  • The scheme L1 is order 1 ;
    The schemes BW2, LW2, C2RK3 and C2CN2 are order 2.
  • Here the ratio $\Delta t/\Delta x$ is kept constant so that the expected order $\Delta t^3$ in time expected for C2RK3 is not observed (actually the space error $\Delta x^2$ is dominant in front of the time error $\Delta x^3$).

ii. The (O3) scheme is third order

We introduce the following new scheme that consists in a convex combination of two second order schemes to produce a higher order scheme (with Courant number $\mu\in[0,2]$): \begin{equation} \tag{O3} U_j^{n+1} = \dfrac{2-\mu}{3}\text{(LW2)} + \dfrac{1+\mu}{3}\text{(BW2)}. \end{equation} Observe that it is convergent at order $\beta=3$.

4. Dissipation and dispersion effects

To reveal the behavior at high discrete frequencies, we consider the discrete Dirac initial data $$ U_j^0 = \begin{cases} 1,& j=0,\\ 0,& j=1,\dots,J-1. \end{cases} $$ Any more general initial data can be interpreted as a superposition of translated versions of the above initial data, and by linearity, the corresponding time-evolved solution the same superposition of the corresponding discrete solutions.
The numerical solution is computed at the final time $T=0.25$ (try first once the scheme (L1) with the parameter $\mu=1$: the discrete solution is then the exact one !).

We compute the numerical solution for the schemes (L1), (BW2), (LW2), (CRK3) and (O3).

We compare them graphically successively for $\mu=0.95$ and then again with $\mu=0.10$. Still at the final time $T=0.25$ and with $J=400$ points.


  • The discrete Dirac is advected in space but its shape is strongly modified (in the amplitude, oscillations, size and position of the support)
  • This profile depends on the scheme (and also of $\mu$)
  • The scheme C2CN2 has the most oscillating and extended-in-space pattern
  • The schemes L1 and O3 have a quite simple pattern, similar or close to a gaussian shaped function

Back to symbolic analysis

We introduce the real-valued function $\rho$ (positive) and $\alpha$ such that the symbol is $g(\xi\Delta x) = \rho(\xi\Delta x)\, \mathsf{exp}(-\mathsf{i}\xi\Delta t\,\alpha(\xi\Delta x)).$ The quantity $\alpha(\theta)$ is called the phase velocity for waves of frequency $\theta$. We observe that if $\rho(\xi\Delta x)=1$ then $g(\xi\Delta x)^n = \mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i} \xi n\Delta t\, \alpha(\xi\Delta x)}$. Assuming that the exact velocity $a$ is well approximated by $\alpha(\xi\Delta x)$ this last quantity is $\simeq \mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i} \xi t_n a}$.

Draw numerically on the same picture the dissipation factor $\rho(\theta)$ as a function of $\theta\in[-\pi,\pi]$ and on a second picture the dispersion factor $\alpha(\theta)$ for the two parameters $\mu=0.95$ and $\mu=0.10$.

Interpret the above results from the observed properties.

Several observations :

  1. Dissipation factor
    • Some schemes have a dissipation factor everywhere equal to one (C2CN2) or close to one (C2RK3 for small $\mu$)
    • The dissipation factor is closer to one for low frequencies if the scheme has a high order
    • Depending on $\mu$ BW2 and LW2 behaves quite differently in the dissipation factor for large frequencies : on the previous Dirac test, the high frequency oscillations for BW2 have large amplitude for large $\mu$, the high frequency oscillations for LW2 have large amplitudes for small $\mu$
  2. Dispersion factor
    • Some schemes overestimate the velocity for nonzero frequencies, other underestimate it.
    • For small $\mu$, only the BW2 scheme overestimate it : on the previous Dirac test, the position of oscillations for BW2 is on the right side of the exact required position
    • For large $\mu$, the schemes C2RK3 and O3 have a very underestimated phase velocity : on the Dirac test, these schemes exhibits a very extended oscillating pattern
    • For small $\mu$, the same occurs but for C2CN2 and LW2.
    • For small $\mu$, other scheme have a very high underestimation of the phase velocity (L1,O3 for example) but at the same time, the dissipation of the corresponding frequencies is also quite high so that the oscillation travels fast but with a close to zero amplitude.

As a kind of "conclusion": reduce the dissipation makes the scheme more accurate in some sense but also activates the effect of dispersion : phase shifts in the solution create unphysical oscillations in the discrete solution.