(Correction and comments)
The PDE problem under consideration is the linear advection equation with velocity $a=1$: $$ \begin{aligned} \partial_t u+ a\partial_x u = 0,\\ u(0,x) = u_0(x). \end{aligned} $$
The discretization parameters are denoted $\Delta t>0$ and $\Delta x>0$. The Courant number $\mu := a\Delta t/\Delta x$ is a constant parameter to choose conveniently. The discrete initial data is $U^0_j=u_0(j\Delta x)$ for $j\in\mathbb{Z}$, and $U_j^n$ will be an approximation of $u(n\Delta t,j\Delta x)$. Several finite difference one-step schemes are successively considered (but some of them are never stable !) \begin{align} \tag{L1} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{\Delta x}\Bigl[U_j^n-U_{j-1}^n\Bigr]\\[0.5em] \tag{L2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[3U_j^n-4U_{j-1}^n+U_{j-2}^n\Bigr]\\[0.5em] \tag{BW2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[3U_j^n-4U_{j-1}^n+U_{j-2}^n\Bigr]+\dfrac{a^2\Delta t^2}{2\Delta x^2}\Bigl[U_j^n-2U_{j-1}^n+U_{j-2}^n\Bigr]\\ \ \notag\\[0.5em] \tag{C2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[U_{j+1}^n-U_{j-1}^n\Bigr] = U_j^n - a\Delta t\, (\mathrm{D}_0U^n)_j\\[0.5em] \tag{LW2} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2\Delta x}\Bigl[U_{j+1}^n-U_{j-1}^n\Bigr] + \dfrac{a^2\Delta t^2}{2\Delta x^2}\Bigl[U_{j+1}^n-2U_{j}^n+U_{j-1}^n\Bigr]\\[0.5em] \ \notag\\[0.5em] \tag{C2-RK3} U_j^{n+1} &= U_j^n - a\Delta t\, \mathrm{D}_0(U^n)_j + \dfrac{1}{2} (a\Delta t\, \mathrm{D}_0)^2(U^n)_j - \dfrac{1}{6} (a\Delta t\, \mathrm{D}_0)^3(U^n)_j\\[0.5em] \tag{C2-CN2} U_j^{n+1} &+ \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2}\, \mathrm{D}_0(U^{n+1})_j = U_j^n - \dfrac{a\Delta t}{2}\, \mathrm{D}_0(U^n)_j \end{align}
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
Determine on the paper the corresponding symbol functions $g(\xi \Delta x)$ in terms of the CFL parameter $\mu$.
For example the symbol of (L1) is
$$g(\theta)=1-\mu(1-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}),\quad \theta\in[-\pi,\pi].$$
We obtain:
(L2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(3-4\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}+\mathsf{e}^{-2\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (BW2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(3-4\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}+\mathsf{e}^{-2\mathsf{i}\theta}) + \dfrac{\mu^2}{2}(1-2\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}+\mathsf{e}^{-2\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (C2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (LW2): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}) + \dfrac{\mu^2}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-2+\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})$$ (C2-RK3): $$g(\theta) = 1 - \dfrac{\mu}{2}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta}) + \dfrac{\mu^2}{8}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})^2 - \dfrac{\mu^3}{48}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})^3$$ (C2-CN2): $$g(\theta) = \dfrac{1 - \dfrac{\mu}{4}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})}{1 + \dfrac{\mu}{4}(\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}-\mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i}\theta})}$$
Draw on the same figure, the complex curves $\theta\mapsto g(\theta)$ with the choice $\mu=0.95$. Also plot the unit circle $\theta\mapsto\mathsf{e}^{\mathsf{i}\theta}$ on the same figure.
theta = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,500)
c = np.exp(1j*theta) # for the unit circle and the parameterization of exponentials in formulas
mu = 0.95
gL1 = 1 - mu*(1-c**(-1))
plt.plot(np.real(c),np.imag(c), linestyle=('dashed'), linewidth=1, color="black")
for g in [gL1]:
plt.legend(["Unit circle","L1"])
theta = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,500)
c = np.exp(1j*theta) # for the unit circle and the parameterization of exponentials in formulas
mu = 0.95
gL1 = 1 - mu*(1-c**(-1))
gL2 = 1 - mu/2*(3 - 4*c**(-1) + c**(-2))
gBW2 = 1 - mu/2*(3 - 4*c**(-1) + c**(-2)) \
+ mu**2/2*(1 - 2*c**(-1) + c**(-2))
gC2 = 1 - mu/2*(c - c**(-1))
gLW2 = 1 - mu/2*(c - c**(-1)) \
+ mu**2/2*(c - 2 + c**(-1))
gC2RK3 = 1 - mu/2*(c-c**(-1)) \
+ 1/2*(- mu/2*(c - c**(-1)))**2 \
+ 1/6*(- mu/2*(c - c**(-1)))**3
gC2CN2 = (1 - mu/4*(c - c**(-1))) / (1 + mu/4*(c - c**(-1)))
plt.plot(np.real(c),np.imag(c), linestyle=('dashed'), linewidth=1, color="black")
for g in [gL1,gL2,gBW2,gC2,gLW2,gC2RK3,gC2CN2]:
plt.legend(["Unit circle","L1","L2","BW2","C2","LW2","C2RK3","C2CN2"])
Using the above representation, check numerically the following CFL uniform stability conditions $\mathsf{Stab}=\{\mu\in\mathbb{R} \text{ s.t.} \|g\|_\infty\leq 1\}$ (no mathematical proof is required here).
The PDE problem $\partial_t u + a \partial_x u =0$ is set over the periodic space domain $\mathbb{T}$ (that is the torus $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ identified to the interval $[0,1]$ with the appropriate boundary conditions).
At the discrete level, the space points $x_j = j\Delta x$ are considered only for indices $0\leq j\leq J-1$. The integer $J$ is the "main" parameter and $\Delta x$ is deduced from the scaling relation $J\Delta x = 1$ ; the (independant) space points are then $x_j\in[0,1[$ for indices $0\leq j\leq J-1$.
The numerical boundary conditions are obtained by the periodicity property $U_{j+J}^n = U_j^n$ for any required integer $j$.
The numerical solution is computed up to the time $T>0$.
In the first tests, we consider the following initial data and parameters \begin{equation*} u_0(x) = \sin(2\omega \pi x),\qquad \omega = 4,\quad J=100,\quad T=2,\quad \mu=0.95. \end{equation*}
The following algorithm may help for your code:
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
# Initial data
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical parameters
J = 100
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)
## Iterate in time
while t<T:
dt = min([dt,T-t])
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U,[U[0]]))
U = V[1:-1] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(V[2:]-V[:-2]) # example for the scheme C2
t = t + dt
plt.legend(["scheme C2, J ="+str(J),"exact solution"])
plt.title('at time T='+str(T))
Some comments on the
- the first line corresponds to a slight adaptation of
for the lastest iteration in order to exactly reach the final time $T$, this is important in particular for the convergence analysis- the second line is a simple way to take into account the periodic boundary condition by the ghost cell method, ghost periodic values are added to the vector
- the third line is the vectorial update of the vector with appropriate shifts in the invisible index $j$.
- Only the second and third lines depend on the selected scheme and could be encapsulated in a specific function.
Adapt the previous code and try it for (at least one of) the schemes (L1), (LW2), (BW2).
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
# Initial data
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical parameters
J = 100
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)
## Iterate in time
while t<T:
dt = min([dt,T-t])
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U,[U[0]]))
U = V[1:-1] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(V[2:]-V[:-2]) # example for the scheme C2
t = t + dt
plt.legend(["scheme C2, J ="+str(J),"exact solution"])
plt.title('at time T='+str(T))
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
# Initial data
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical parameters
J = 100
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)
## Iterate in time
while t<T:
dt = min([dt,T-t])
V = np.concatenate(([U[-2],U[-1]],U)) # Two ghost cells on the left and no ghost cell on the right
U = V[2:] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(3*V[2:]-4*V[1:-1]+V[0:-2]) + a**2*dt**2/(2*dx**2)*(V[2:]-2*V[1:-1]+V[0:-2])
t = t + dt
plt.legend(["scheme BW2, J ="+str(J),"exact solution"])
plt.title('at time T='+str(T))
For a fixed value of $J$ but choosing now several high values of the physical frequency parameter $\omega$ in the initial data, what happens ? (increase $J$ and try again).
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
List_Omega = [1,5,10,15]
for omega in List_Omega:
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical data
J = 400
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)
## Iterate in time
while t<T:
dt = min([dt,T-t])
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U))
U = V[1:] - a*dt/dx*(V[1:]-V[:-1])
t = t+dt
plt.plot(x,U,label = "omega="+str(omega))
for omega in List_Omega:
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical data
J = 1600
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)
## Iterate in time
while t<T:
dt = min([dt,T-t])
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U))
U = V[1:] - a*dt/dx*(V[1:]-V[:-1])
t = t+dt
plt.plot(x,U,label = "omega="+str(omega))
for omega in List_Omega:
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical data
J = 1600
mu = 0.95
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
plt.plot(x,u0(x),label = "omega="+str(omega))
plt.title("exact solution")
Observations :
- for a given grid, the high frequencies are more attenuated than the low frequencies
- increasing the number of points reduces that dissipation phenomenon
The following box code proposes in a structured way the many above schemes considered through a generical structure functions. The name of a scheme name_iteration
is given as a parameter in the main function SCHEME
# Algorithme generique
def SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu):
# Discretization parameters
dx = 1/J
dt = mu*dx/a
# Space grid
x = np.linspace(0, 1, J+1)
x = x[0:-1] # removes the very last point for periodicity
## Initialize
t = 0
U = u0(x)
## Iterate in time
while t<T:
dt = min([dt,T-t])
U = name_iteration(U,a,dt,dx)
t = t+dt
def L1(U,a,dt,dx):
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U)) # boundary condition
U = V[1:] - a*dt/dx*(V[1:]-V[:-1]) # iteration formula
def L2(U,a,dt,dx):
V = np.concatenate(([U[-2],U[-1]],U))
U = V[2:] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(3*V[2:]-4*V[1:-1]+V[0:-2])
def BW2(U,a,dt,dx):
V = np.concatenate(([U[-2],U[-1]],U))
U = V[2:] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(3*V[2:]-4*V[1:-1]+V[0:-2]) + a**2*dt**2/(2*dx**2)*(V[2:]-2*V[1:-1]+V[0:-2])
def C2(U,a,dt,dx):
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U,[U[0]]))
U = V[1:-1] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(V[2:]-V[:-2])
def LW2(U,a,dt,dx):
V = np.concatenate(([U[-1]],U,[U[0]]))
U = V[1:-1] - a*dt/(2*dx)*(V[2:]-V[:-2]) + a**2*dt**2/(2*dx**2)*(V[2:]-2*V[1:-1]+V[0:-2])
def C2RK3(U,a,dt,dx):
# a simple iterative way to compute the powers of an operator :
V = np.concatenate(([U[-3],U[-2],U[-1]],U,[U[0],U[1],U[2]]))
D0V_0 = V
D0V_1 = a*dt/(2*dx)*(D0V_0[2:]-D0V_0[:-2])
D0V_2 = a*dt/(2*dx)*(D0V_1[2:]-D0V_1[:-2])
D0V_3 = a*dt/(2*dx)*(D0V_2[2:]-D0V_2[:-2])
U = V[3:-3] - D0V_1[2:-2] + 1/2*D0V_2[1:-1] - 1/6*D0V_3 # Runge-Kutta 3 method
def C2CN2(U,a,dt,dx):
# The implicit Crank-Nicolson solver requires some linear algebra
# The following code can be seriously improved by using sparse (or "homemade"-) methods to solve the tridiagonal system rather than the generical np.linalg.solve method
J = np.size(U)
MatrixExp = np.eye(J) - a*dt/(4*dx)*(np.diag(np.ones(J-1),1) - np.diag(np.ones(J-1),-1) - np.diag([1],J-1) + np.diag([1],1-J))
MatrixImp = np.eye(J) + a*dt/(4*dx)*(np.diag(np.ones(J-1),1) - np.diag(np.ones(J-1),-1) - np.diag([1],J-1) + np.diag([1],1-J))
U = np.linalg.solve(MatrixImp,MatrixExp@U)
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical data
J = 100
mu = 0.95
for name_iteration in [L2,C2]: # unstable schemes (separately to change the color)
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
for name_iteration in [L1,BW2,LW2,C2RK3,C2CN2]: # stable schemes
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
plt.title("Many schemes for the same problem")
Considering one of the previous schemes, increase the value of $J$ and observe graphically the convergence by comparing the curves $u(T,x_j)$ and the last time-iteration $U_j^n$.
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical data
for J in [100,200,400,800]:
mu = 0.95
for name_iteration in [L1]:
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
plt.legend(["(L1) for J="+str(ST) for ST in [100,200,400,800]])
plt.title("Several grids for the L1 scheme")
# Physical data
a = 1
T = 2
omega = 4
u0 = lambda x: np.sin(2*omega*np.pi*x)
# Numerical data
for J in [100,200,400,800]:
mu = 0.95
for name_iteration in [C2RK3]:
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
plt.legend(["(C2RK3) for J="+str(ST) for ST in [100,200,400,800]])
plt.title("Several grids for the C2RK3 scheme")
Choose a smooth data $u_0\in\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{T})$ and for several value of $J$, compute the $\ell^2$-error at the same final time $t=T$, meaning with the final iteration index $N$ (if needed choose a short final time $T=0.2$ so that your code runs faster).
Illustrate the convergence of (L1) at order $\beta=1$ and of (BW2) at order $\beta=2$ in the following sense:
\|U^N_j - u(T,x_j)\| \leq C(T,u_0) \Delta x^{\beta}.
Hint: compute and then draw $\ln(\|U^N_j - u(T,x_j)\|)$ with respect to $\ln(\Delta x)$.
What is the effective order of convergence of the any other schemes ?
a = 1
T = 0.2
mu = 0.95
u0 = lambda x: np.exp(-50*(x-0.5)**2)
exact = lambda t,x : u0( (x-a*t) % (1-0) ) # periodized exact solution
ListeJ = np.array([int(np.floor(1.3**k)) for k in range(12,25)])
ErrorJ = np.zeros([ListeJ.shape[0],1])
Name = ["L1","BW2","LW2","C2RK3","C2CN2"]
plt.title("Convergence analysis")
kname = 0
for name_iteration in [L1,BW2,LW2,C2RK3,C2CN2]:
for k,J in enumerate(ListeJ):
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
ErrorJ[k] = np.sqrt(x[1]-x[0])*np.linalg.norm(U-exact(T,x),2)
samp = -2 # index of first point for the linear regression (to compute the slope at the finer grids)
order2 = np.polyfit(-np.log(ListeJ[samp:]), np.log(ErrorJ[samp:]), 1)
kname += 1
plt.legend(["L1","BW2","LW2","C2RK3","C2CN2","slope order 1","slope order 2","slope order 3"])
Order L1 1.073968519096024 Order BW2 2.056544640617637 Order LW2 2.0854865483376157 Order C2RK3 1.9993941131239223 Order C2CN2 1.9963381183908047
Some comments
- We observe the convergence curves, representing the log of the $\ell^2$-error in terms of the log of the number of points $J$ in the grid.
- Reference straight lines with respective slope 1, 2 and 3 are also represented.On the other side, the slopes are computed numerically by using the last 2 points for each convergence curve (and a linear regression procedure).
- The scheme L1 is order 1 ;
The schemes BW2, LW2, C2RK3 and C2CN2 are order 2.- Here the ratio $\Delta t/\Delta x$ is kept constant so that the expected order $\Delta t^3$ in time expected for C2RK3 is not observed (actually the space error $\Delta x^2$ is dominant in front of the time error $\Delta x^3$).
We introduce the following new scheme that consists in a convex combination of two second order schemes to produce a higher order scheme (with Courant number $\mu\in[0,2]$): \begin{equation} \tag{O3} U_j^{n+1} = \dfrac{2-\mu}{3}\text{(LW2)} + \dfrac{1+\mu}{3}\text{(BW2)}. \end{equation} Observe that it is convergent at order $\beta=3$.
def O3(U,a,dt,dx):
U = (2 - a*dt/dx)/3*LW2(U,a,dt,dx) + (1 + a*dt/dx)/3*BW2(U,a,dt,dx)
a = 1
T = 0.2
mu = 0.95
u0 = lambda x: np.exp(-50*(x-0.5)**2)
exact = lambda t,x : u0( (x-a*t) % (1-0) ) # periodized exact solution
ListeJ = np.array([int(np.floor(1.3**k)) for k in range(12,25)])
ErrorJ = np.zeros([ListeJ.shape[0],1])
Name = ["O3"]
plt.title("Convergence analysis")
kname = 0
for name_iteration in [O3]:
for k,J in enumerate(ListeJ):
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
ErrorJ[k] = np.sqrt(x[1]-x[0])*np.linalg.norm(U-exact(T,x),2)
samp = -2 # index of first point for the linear regression (to compute the slope at the finer grids)
order2 = np.polyfit(-np.log(ListeJ[samp:]), np.log(ErrorJ[samp:]), 1)
kname += 1
plt.legend(["O3","slope order 1","slope order 2","slope order 3"])
Order O3 3.072127535673051
To reveal the behavior at high discrete frequencies, we consider the discrete Dirac initial data
U_j^0 =
1,& j=0,\\
0,& j=1,\dots,J-1.
Any more general initial data can be interpreted as a superposition of translated versions of the above initial data, and by linearity, the corresponding time-evolved solution the same superposition of the corresponding discrete solutions.
The numerical solution is computed at the final time $T=0.25$ (try first once the scheme (L1) with the parameter $\mu=1$: the discrete solution is then the exact one !).
We compute the numerical solution for the schemes (L1), (BW2), (LW2), (CRK3) and (O3).
We compare them graphically successively for $\mu=0.95$ and then again with $\mu=0.10$. Still at the final time $T=0.25$ and with $J=400$ points.
u0 = lambda x: [1-np.sign(y-0.0001)*np.sign(y+0.0001) for y in x]
J = 400
T = 0.25
mu = 0.95
plt.plot([T % 1, T % 1],[0,1],'k',linewidth=4)
for name_iteration in [L1,BW2,LW2,C2RK3,C2CN2,O3]:
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
plt.title('transport of a Dirac like data – mu='+str(mu))
mu = 0.10
plt.plot([T % 1, T % 1],[0,1],'k',linewidth=4)
for name_iteration in [L1,BW2,LW2,C2RK3,C2CN2,O3]:
[x,U] = SCHEME(name_iteration,a,T,u0,J,mu)
plt.title('transport of a Dirac like data – mu='+str(mu))
- The discrete Dirac is advected in space but its shape is strongly modified (in the amplitude, oscillations, size and position of the support)
- This profile depends on the scheme (and also of $\mu$)
- The scheme C2CN2 has the most oscillating and extended-in-space pattern
- The schemes L1 and O3 have a quite simple pattern, similar or close to a gaussian shaped function
We introduce the real-valued function $\rho$ (positive) and $\alpha$ such that the symbol is $g(\xi\Delta x) = \rho(\xi\Delta x)\, \mathsf{exp}(-\mathsf{i}\xi\Delta t\,\alpha(\xi\Delta x)).$ The quantity $\alpha(\theta)$ is called the phase velocity for waves of frequency $\theta$. We observe that if $\rho(\xi\Delta x)=1$ then $g(\xi\Delta x)^n = \mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i} \xi n\Delta t\, \alpha(\xi\Delta x)}$. Assuming that the exact velocity $a$ is well approximated by $\alpha(\xi\Delta x)$ this last quantity is $\simeq \mathsf{e}^{-\mathsf{i} \xi t_n a}$.
Draw numerically on the same picture the dissipation factor $\rho(\theta)$ as a function of $\theta\in[-\pi,\pi]$ and on a second picture the dispersion factor $\alpha(\theta)$ for the two parameters $\mu=0.95$ and $\mu=0.10$.
Interpret the above results from the observed properties.
theta = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,500)
c = np.exp(1j*theta)
mu = 0.95
gL1 = 1 - mu*(1-c**(-1))
gL2 = 1 - mu/2*(3 - 4*c**(-1) + c**(-2))
gBW2 = 1 - mu/2*(3 - 4*c**(-1) + c**(-2)) \
+ mu**2/2*(1 - 2*c**(-1) + c**(-2))
gC2 = 1 - mu/2*(c - c**(-1))
gLW2 = 1 - mu/2*(c - c**(-1)) \
+ mu**2/2*(c - 2 + c**(-1))
gC2RK3 = 1 - mu/2*(c-c**(-1)) \
+ 1/2*(- mu/2*(c - c**(-1)))**2 \
+ 1/6*(- mu/2*(c - c**(-1)))**3
gC2CN2 = (1 - mu/4*(c - c**(-1))) / (1 + mu/4*(c - c**(-1)))
g03 = (2 - mu)/3*gLW2 + (1 + mu)/3*gBW2
for g in [gL1,gBW2,gLW2,gC2RK3,g03,gC2CN2]:
plt.ylim((0.9, 1.05))
plt.title("Amplification/Dissipation factor - mu="+str(mu))
for g in [gL1,gBW2,gLW2,gC2RK3,g03,gC2CN2]:
plt.ylim((0.8, 1.1))
plt.title("Phase velocity/Dispersion factor - mu="+str(mu))
mu = 0.10
gL1 = 1 - mu*(1-c**(-1))
gL2 = 1 - mu/2*(3 - 4*c**(-1) + c**(-2))
gBW2 = 1 - mu/2*(3 - 4*c**(-1) + c**(-2)) \
+ mu**2/2*(1 - 2*c**(-1) + c**(-2))
gC2 = 1 - mu/2*(c - c**(-1))
gLW2 = 1 - mu/2*(c - c**(-1)) \
+ mu**2/2*(c - 2 + c**(-1))
gC2RK3 = 1 - mu/2*(c-c**(-1)) \
+ 1/2*(- mu/2*(c - c**(-1)))**2 \
+ 1/6*(- mu/2*(c - c**(-1)))**3
gC2CN2 = (1 - mu/4*(c - c**(-1))) / (1 + mu/4*(c - c**(-1)))
g03 = (2 - mu)/3*gLW2 + (1 + mu)/3*gBW2
for g in [gL1,gBW2,gLW2,gC2RK3,g03,gC2CN2]:
plt.ylim((0.9, 1.05))
plt.title("Amplification/Dissipation factor - mu="+str(mu))
for g in [gL1,gBW2,gLW2,gC2RK3,g03,gC2CN2]:
plt.ylim((0.8, 1.1))
plt.title("Phase velocity/Dispersion factor - mu="+str(mu))
Several observations :
As a kind of "conclusion": reduce the dissipation makes the scheme more accurate in some sense but also activates the effect of dispersion : phase shifts in the solution create unphysical oscillations in the discrete solution.