Full Professor, Institut de Recherche Mathématiques de Rennes UMR CNRS 6625, University of Rennes; ODYSSEY Team INRIA; Centre Henri Lebesgue France.

Member of the board of directors of the University of Rennes

Member of the of the board of directors of the SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles) and local correspondent in Rennes

Research area : Mathematical fluid dynamic, Partial differential equations, functional analysis.

address : IRMAR , (Institut de Recherche Mathématiques de Rennes), UMR CNRS 6625, Université de Rennes, Campus Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France

Tel : 00 (33) 2 23 23 58 64
Tel Secretary : 00 (33) 2 23 23 60 07

E-mail: Roger.Lewandowski at

Curriculum Vitae (including the complete list of publications and PhD students)

Four last years publications
Current Ph D Students .

The book
Analyse mathématique et océanographie
is now avaible on HAL , in its original form, as published in 1997.

Four last years publications

  1. Analyse pour la modélisation, Collection "Mathématiques pour le Master/SMAI", Dunod, Paris, Book on Dunod , 2025

  2. Singular boundary condition for a degenerated turbulent toy model, (with C. Amrouche, L. Berselli, F. Legeais and G. Leloup), Received for publication in Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Paper on HAL, 2024

  3. TKE model involving the distance to the wall. Part 1: the relaxed case, (with C. Amrouche and G. Leloup), Paper on HAL, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Volume 26, article number 58, 2024

  4. A Nonlinear Elliptic Equation with a Degenerate Diffusion and a Source Term in L1, (with G. Leloup), Applied Maths Letters, Vol 153, 2024, 109077, Paper on AML, Paper on HAL, 2024

  5. Surface boundary layers through a scalar equation with an eddy viscosity vanishing at the ground, (with Luigi C. Berselli and F. Legeais), ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 58, No 2, 2024, 489-513, Paper on M2AN, Paper on HAL, 2024

  6. On the existence of weak solutions for a family of unsteady rotational Smagorinsky models, (with Luigi C. Berselli, Alex Kaltenbach, Michael Ruzicka) Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Vol 8, nb 1, pp. 83-102, 2023 Paper on Arxiv

  7. Continuous boundary condition at the interface for two coupled fluids, (with F. Legeais), Applied Maths Letters, 135, Paper No. 108393, 2023, Paper on HAL

  8. Testing a one-closure equation turbulence model in neutral boundary layers, (with Pranav Chandramouli, Etienne Mémin, Benoît Pinier) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 376, 113662, 2021 Paper on HAL

  9. Rotational forms of Large Eddy Simulation turbulence models: modeling and mathematical theory (with L. Berselli, and D.-D. Nguyen) Chinese Annals of Maths, serie B, 42(1), 1-24, 2021, Paper on HAL

  10. Modeling Error of the $\alpha$-Models of Turbulence in Two dimensions in the Periodic Case (with L. Berselli, A. Dunca and D.-D. Nguyen) on line in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 26, no. 9, 4613-4643, 2021 Paper on DCDS-B

  11. On a one dimensional turbulent boundary layer model, Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. Vol 5, no. 5, 1115-1129, 2020, Paper on arxiv

  12. Turbulent flows as generalized Kelvin-Voigt materials: modeling and analysis, (with C. Amrouche, L. Berselli and D.-D. Nguyen) Journal of Nonlinear Analysis TMA, Vol 196, 111790, 2020, Paper on arxiv

  13. Long-Time Reynolds Averaging of Reduced Order Models for Fluid Flows: Preliminary Result, (with L. Berselli, T. Iliescu, B. Koc) Mathematics in Engineering, Vol 2, No 1, 1-25, 2020, Paper on Math. Ing.

  14. On the Reynolds time-averaged equations and the long-time behavior of Leray-Hopf weak solutions, with applications to ensemble averages, (with L. Berselli) Nonlinearity, Vol 32, No 11, 4579-4608, 2019, Paper on Non

  15. Stochastic flow approach to model the mean velocity profile of wall-bounded flows, (with Benoît Pinier, Etienne Mémin, Sylvain Laizet) Physical Review E, 99 , 063101, 2019, Paper on Phys. Rev.

  16. Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space with an eddy viscosity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 478, No 2, 698-742, 2019, Paper on JMAA

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Current Ph D Students

  1. Guillaume Leloup, Subject of the Thesis: Numerical methods for the coupling of two turbulent fluids
    Beginning of the thesis : October 2022.

  2. François Legeais ,
    Email : Francois.Legeais at
    Subject of the Thesis: Turbulent ocean-atmosphere mixing layer
    Beginning of the thesis : October 2021. defended July, 2th 2024

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Slides of current presentations

  1. Coupling of two incompressible fluids with a fixed interface, Sevilla (Spain) 13th December 2022, Slides of the talk

  2. Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with friction laws at the boundary of the domain and coupling of two fluids, Jaca (Spain) 8th September 2022, Slides of the talk