
Visit of Central Chile on the occasion of the Conference WONAPDE, January 2004

University of Concepción
Its Campanile is the symbol of the town
Its park is open to anybody. It is one of the nicest places in the town.
Garden party
Before conference dinner of WONAPDE 2004

In San Pedro, on the left bank of the Biobio river.
The Costa del Carbón
The coast, south of Concepción

The beach sand is dark (black when wet) and full of mica powder.
The places represented are in Lota, south and north of Lota.
Lota was a coal mining city for one and a half century. Its mining activities were stopped in 1998.
Dichato and the Parque de Lota
Dichato is a nice beach 50km north of Concepciòn, in a calm bay.
The Lota park was built by one of the ancient owners of the mine, and his wife.
Both are buried there (last picture of this series).
Chillán and Termas
Chillán is renown for its indian market.
The Termas de Chillán are named after their hot sulfur water springs.
Santiago de Chile
The capital of Chile, 5 millions inhabitants.
Pictures of the town center

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