Downloading Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry by Saugata Basu, Richard Pollack, Marie-Françoise Roy

Publisher, Springer-Verlag, Second edition 2008

version bpr-ed2-posted3 from 27/06/2016


SARAG (Some Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry)

by Fabrizio Caruso, written in Maxima

version from 27/06/2016

For downloading the .pdf file of the book click here

Fpr downloading SARAG click here to get the compressed library

The SARAG .pdf manual is here

Please report on typos to

sbasu [at]

and to

marie-francoise.roy [at]

Former versions bpr-ed2-posted1 from 31/07/2009 and bpr-ed2-posted2 from 3/08/2011 remain available.

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"It is agreed that the authors may make the book available on line 18 months after the date of the publication. Springer will be cited (and thanked) as the copyright holder. The authors are entitled to revise and improve the text by 1) correcting typos reported by readers, 2) clarifying points that readers reports as puzzling and confusing, or 3) improving the book in any way that the authors find suitable."