MUESLI library
What is MUESLI?
MUESLI is a free numerical and graphical library, written mainly
in Fortran 95 and developped by Édouard Canot.
For a first introduction, see the
User Guide.
The available release is numbered 2.21.5 and dated 2024-04-15.
- for Linux systems, contrary to the past, only two Fortran 95
compilers are supported:
- GNU gfortran, version ≥ 4.9 (version numbers up to 12 are ok)
- INTEL ifort, version ≥ 13 (version numbers 11 and 12 may work, but
are no longer supported)
Please use the whole
unix sources archive, or use binary versions: see the
packages for Ubuntu
those for Fedora
- for a Windows system, MUESLI is intended to be used under
MinGW-w64; refer to this
Windows page
providing binary files
for MinGW (32- or 64-bit).
- MUESLI can be also used on Mac OS X. Recent versions of Mac OS X
should be ok. Refer to this Darwin page
for further information.
MUESLI needs also a C and a C++ compiler. GCC and INTEL actually constitute
compiler suites, which provide their own C and C++ compilers.
must be available on the target machine. The following versions (older ones may
or may not work) are recommended: 3.6.1 (Jun 18, 2016), 3.7.1 (Jun 25, 2017),
3.8.0 (Nov 12, 2017), 3.9.1 (Apr 1, 2021), 3.10.1 (Apr 12, 2022), 3.11.0
(Nov 11, 2022) or 3.12.0 (Nov 24, 2023).
They can be get here.
The numerical part (FML) contains more or less 400 user-available routines and
around 2800 unitary tests. As far as we know, this whole numerical library
doesn't contain any memory leak (or very few — thanks to valgrind).
MUESLI is not a thread safe library.
The Third-party subprograms or libraries
PDF document contains an exhaustive list of other software (partially) included in the MUESLI
library. Please feel free to contact me in case of erroneous information.
The Installation Guide and the
Reference Manual can also be downloaded.
Recent news:
- 2024-04-15: Release of the 2.21.5 version. msTriContourF
accepts now disjoint zones in the used triangular mesh.
- 2024-03-25: Release of the 2.21.4 version. NaN values are
now supported in msTriContourF and msTriFill, they are
equivalent to lack of data.
- 2024-01-12: Release of the 2.21.1 version. GCC 4.9 is now the
minimum version to build Muesli. Fixes few important bugs in both
FML and FGL. NaN values are now supported in
msTriContour, they are equivalent to lack of data. New behavior
of mfCount, which behaves now like the Fortran intrinsic
function 'count'. Sparse boolean mfArrays are now implemented.
For GNU_GCC, all private components of some Muesli derived types are
now really hidden, via an internal modification of the precompiled
module files 'fml.mod' and 'fgl.mod'.
- 2023-11-20: Release of the 2.20.5 version: fix of an important bug
which prevents to draw data using automatic axis.
- 2023-11-05: Release of the 2.20.4 version, which fixes a number of
bugs, more or less important.
- 2023-03-23: Release of the 2.20.3 version. Redesign of the X11
graphic engine, and many improvements of the graphic routines. Many
bugs fixed. Quadratic Bézier segments can now be drawn by
msPlotQuadrBezier. API modified for some FGL routines.
Many improvements in routines dedicated to the build of triangle mesh
connectivity. EPS and PDF drivers improved (generated
files are more compact). New routines for filled contours
(mf/msContourF and mf/msTriContourF)
- older news can be found here.
For any question, please contact the author:
Come back to the author web page.
Last page modification: 2024-07-11