MUESLI library

What is MUESLI?

MUESLI is a free numerical and graphical library, written mainly in Fortran 95 and developped by Édouard Canot.

For a first introduction, see the User Guide.

The available release is numbered 2.21.5 and dated 2024-04-15.
MUESLI needs also a C and a C++ compiler. GCC and INTEL actually constitute compiler suites, which provide their own C and C++ compilers.

BLAS / LAPACK must be available on the target machine. The following versions (older ones may or may not work) are recommended: 3.6.1 (Jun 18, 2016), 3.7.1 (Jun 25, 2017), 3.8.0 (Nov 12, 2017), 3.9.1 (Apr 1, 2021), 3.10.1 (Apr 12, 2022), 3.11.0 (Nov 11, 2022) or 3.12.0 (Nov 24, 2023).
They can be get here.

The numerical part (FML) contains more or less 400 user-available routines and around 2800 unitary tests. As far as we know, this whole numerical library doesn't contain any memory leak (or very few — thanks to valgrind).

MUESLI is not a thread safe library.


The Third-party subprograms or libraries PDF document contains an exhaustive list of other software (partially) included in the MUESLI library. Please feel free to contact me in case of erroneous information.


The Installation Guide and the Reference Manual can also be downloaded.

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Last page modification: 2024-07-11