Extension of ALE methodology to unstructured conical meshes


We propose a bi-dimensional finite volume extension of a continuous ALE method on unstructured cells whose edges are parameterized by rational quadratic Bezier curves. For each edge, the control point possess a weight that permits to represent any conic (see for example [LIGACH]) and thanks to [WAGUSEDE,WAGU], we are able to compute the exact area of our cells. We then give an extension of scheme for remapping step based on volume fluxing [MARSHA] and self-intersection flux [ALE2DHAL]. For the rezoning phase, we propose a three step process based on moving nodes, followed by control point and weight re-adjustment. Finally, for the hydrodynamic step, we present the GLACE scheme [GLACE] extension (at first-order) on conic cell using the same formalism. We only propose some preliminary first-order simulations for each steps: Remap, Pure Lagrangian and finally ALE (rezoning and remapping).

CEMRACS'10 research achievements: numerical modeling of fusion